The Five Most Important Questi*** Self-Assessment Tool: Participant Workbook, Third Edition9780470531211 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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This transformational tool offers leaders a critical
resource for better understanding their ***anizati*** and
themselves, honing their skills to become accomplished long-range
planners and strategic thinkers. By working through the Participant
Workbook, leaders will gain the insight needed to plan for results,
learn from customers and clients, and ascertain how to achieve
extraordinary levels of performance. The Participant
Workbook draws on Peter F. Drucker's The Five Most Important
Questi*** and is grounded in his management philosophies that
address the critical ***ects that make ***anizati*** viable and
valuable entities. When leaders answer these questi*** thoughtfully
and address them with purpose, these questi*** take one down a path
to ***anizational transformation and enlightenment.
By leveraging these essential questi***, the Participant
Workbook challenges leaders to take a close look at the very
heart of their ***anization and what drives it, giving them a means
to assess: how to be and how to develop quality, character,
mind-set, values, and courage. Drucker's The Five Most Important
Questi*** lead to spirited discussi*** and action, inspiring
positive change and renewed focus.
Designed for today's busy professionals, this concise, clear,
and accessible workbook for social sector, nonprofit, and socially
minded business and government leaders can be used as preparation
for a workshop, ***anizational self-assessment, or as a stand-alone
leadership development tool for individuals looking to develop
themselves and their ***anizati***.
Praise for the Participant Workbook Self-Assessment
"Time and again Drucker's The Five Most Important
Questi*** have proven to be the most effective way for
nonprofit ***anizati*** to conduct self-assessment and develop
plans that will help them achieve real and lasting results."
—Cathey Brown, founder and CEO, Rainbow Days, Inc., and
2001 Frances Hesselbein Community Innovation Fellow
"The Five Most Important Questi*** Self-Assessment Tool
is a gift to the social leadership sector from the late management
guru, Peter Drucker, and the Leader to Leader Institute. It makes
incredible sense, it is easy to use, and lays the foundation for
strategic planning."
—Irv Katz, president and CEO, National Human Services
"A must-read for social entrepreneurs who are seeking to
dramatically grow their ***anization's impact without losing sight
of the heart of their mission."
—Iris Y. Chen, president and CEO, "I Have A Dream"
"High-performing ***anizati*** and individuals know that
self-assessment through Drucker's The Five Most Important
Questi*** is the starting point for defining today and ***
—Lee H. Igel, assistant professor, New York University,
and president, Peter F. Drucker Society of New York City
"This nuts-and-bolts guide has become my compass for urging
leaders and managers to ask the right questi***, to look beyon d
what they thought they knew, and to focus on being relevant
tomorrow rather than resting on yesterday's achievements."
—Lieutenant Commander Carla J. Grantham [U.S. Coast Guard,
Retired], Congressional Liaison for Diversity Recruitment and
Talent Management, U.S. Coast Guard
Foreword (Frances Hesselbein).
About Peter F. Drucker.
How to Use This Workbook.
Self-Assessment: The First Action Requirement of
Question 1: What Is Our Mission?
Worksheet 1.1: What Is Our Current Mission?
Worksheet 1.2: Does Our Mission Need to Be Revisited?
Worksheet 1.3: What Are the Emerging Trends That Will Have the
Greatest Impact?
Worksheet 1.4: What Are Our Opportunities?
Question 2: Who Is Our Customer?
Worksheet 2.1: Who Are Our Primary and Supporting
Worksheet 2.2: How Will Our Customers Change?
Worksheet 2.3: Are We Serving the Right Customers?
Question 3: What Does the Customer Value?
Worksheet 3.1: What Do Our Customers Value?
Worksheet 3.2: What Knowledge Do We Need to Gain from Our
Worksheet 3.3: How Will We Gather Information?
Question 4: What Are Our Results?
Worksheet 4.1: How Do We Defi ne Results?
Worksheet 4.2: How Do We Measure Results?
Worksheet 4.3: How Can We Improve Our Performance?
Question 5: What Is Our Plan?
Worksheet 5.1: What Is Our Mission?
Worksheet 5.2: What Are Our Goals?
Worksheet 5.3: What Is Our Plan to Achieve Results for the
Worksheet 5.4: How Will We Communicate Our Mission, Plan, and
Glossary of Terms.
About Frances Hesselbein.
Peter F. Drucker is known as the "father of
modern management," and is a best-selling author of thirty-two
books including the best-seller The Effective Executive. He
is world-renowned thinker on leadership and management and his work
has been featured in every major business periodical. A c***ultant
to senior executives for more than fifty years Drucker passed away
in 2005. Since Drucker's death, interest in him, his concepts and
his books has only grown. His ideas continue to be as relevant
today as they were when he first voiced them.
First established as the Peter F. Drucker Foundation, the
Leader to Leader Institute's mission is to strengthen the
leadership of the social sector. In collaboration with its partners
in the private and public sectors, the Institute furthers its
mission by providing leaders with the essential leadership wisdom
from all sectors and the resources needed to lead for innovation
and to build vibrant ***anizati***.
This transformational tool offers leaders a critical resource for better understanding their ***anizati*** and themselves, honing their skills to become accomplished long-range planners and strategic thinkers. By working through the Participant Workbook, leaders will gain the insight needed to plan for results, learn from customers and clients, and ascertain how to achieve extraordinary levels of performance. The Participant Workbook draws on Peter F. Drucker's The Five Most Important Questi*** and is grounded in his management philosophies that address the critical ***ects that make ***anizati*** viable and valuable entities. When leaders answer these questi*** thoughtfully and address them with purpose, these questi*** take one down a path to ***anizational transformation and enlightenment. By leveraging these essential questi***, the Participant Workbook challenges leaders to take a close look at the very heart of their ***anization and what drives it, giving them a means to assess: how to be and how to develop quality, character, mind-set, values, and courage. Drucker's The Five Most Important Questi*** lead to spirited discussi*** and action, inspiring positive change and renewed focus. Designed for today's busy professionals, this concise, clear, and accessible workbook for social sector, nonprofit, and socially minded business and government leaders can be used as preparation for a workshop, ***anizational self-assessment, or as a stand-alone leadership development tool for individuals looking to develop themselves and their ***anizati***. Praise for the Participant Workbook Self-Assessment Tool "Time and again Drucker's The Five Most Important Questi*** have proven to be the most effective way for nonprofit ***anizati*** to conduct self-assessment and develop plans that will help them achieve real and lasting results."
— Cathey Brown , founder and CEO, Rainbow Days, Inc., and 2001 Frances Hesselbein Community Innovation Fellow " The Five Most Important Questi*** Self-Assessment Tool is a gift to the social leadership sector from the late management guru, Peter Drucker, and the Leader to Leader Institute. It makes incredible sense, it is easy to use, and lays the foundation for strategic planning."
— Irv Katz , president and CEO, National Human Services Assembly "A must-read for social entrepreneurs who are seeking to dramatically grow their ***anization's impact without losing sight of the heart of their mission."
— Iris Y. Chen , president and CEO, "I Have A Dream" Foundation "High-performing ***anizati*** and individuals know that self-assessment through Drucker's The Five Most Important Questi*** is the starting point for defining today and *** tomorrow."
— Lee H. Igel , assistant professor, New York University, and president, Peter F. Drucker Society of New York City "This nuts-and-bolts guide has become my compass for urging leaders and managers to ask the right questi***, to look beyond what they thought they knew, and to focus on being relevant tomorrow rather than resting on yesterday's achievements."
— Lieutenant Commander Carla J. Grantham [U.S. Coast Guard, Retired] , Congressional Liaison for Diversity Recruitment and Talent Management, U.S. Coast Guard
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