粒子物理学标准模型导论 第2版 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

粒子物理学标准模型导论 第2版精美图片
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粒子物理学标准模型导论 第2版书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787510005541
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-04
  • 页数:272
  • 价格:38.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Preface to the second edition

Preface to the first edition


1 The particle physicist's view of Nature

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The c***truction of the Standard Model

1.3 Lept***

 1.4 Quarks and systems of quarks

 1.5 Spectroscopy of systems of light quarks

 1.6 More quarks

 1.7 Quark colour

 1.8 Electron scattering from nucle***

 1.9 Particle ***s

 1.10 Units

2 Lorentz transformati***

 2.1 Rotati***, boosts and proper Lorentz transformati***

 2.2 Scalars, contravariant and covariant four-vectors

 2.3 Fields

 2.4 The Levi-Civita tensor

 2.5 Time reversal and space inversion

3 The Lagrangian formulation of mechanics

 3.1 Hamilton's principle

 3.2 C***ervation of energy

 3.3 Continuous systems

 3.4 A Lorentz covariant field theory

 3.5 The Klein-Gordon equation

 3.6 The energy-momentum tensor

 3.7 Complex scalar fields

4 Classical electromagnetism

 4.1 Maxwell's equati***

 4.2 A Lagrangian density for electromagnetism

 4.3 Gauge transformati***

 4.4 Soluti*** of Maxwell's equati***

 4.5 Space inversion

 4.6 Charge conjugation

 4.7 Intrinsic angular momentum of the p***on

 4.8 The energy density of the electromagnetic field

 4.9 Massive vector fields

5 The Dirac equation and the Dirac field

 5.1 The Dirac equation

 5.2 Lorentz transformati*** and Lorentz invariance

 5.3 The parity transformation

 5.4 Spinors

 5.5 The matrices

 5.6 Making the Lagrangian density real

6 Free space soluti*** of the Dirac equation

 6.1 A Dirac particle at rest

 6.2 The intrinsic spin of a Dirac particle

 6.3 Plane waves and helicity

 *** Negative energy soluti***

 6.5 The energy and momentum of the Dirac field

 6.6 Dirac and Majorana fields

 6.7 The E ] ] m limit, neutrinos

7 Electrodynamics

 7.1 Probability density and probability current

 7.2 The Dirac equation with an electromagnetic field

 7.3 Gauge transformati*** and symmetry

 7.4 Charge conjugation

 7.5 The electrodynamics of a charged scalar field

 7.6 Particles at low energies and the Dirac magnetic moment

8 Quantising fields: QED

 8.1 Boson and fermion field quantisation

 8.2 Time dependence

 8.3 Perturbation theory

 8.4 Renornmalisation and renormalisable field theories

 8.5 The magnetic moment of the electron

 8.6 Quantisation in the Standard Model

9 The weak in***ction: !ow energy phenomenology

 9.1 Nuclear beta decay

 9.2 Pion decay

 9.3 C***ervation of lepton number

 9.4 Muon decay

 9.5 The in***cti*** of muon neutrinos with electr***

10 Symmetry breaking in model theories

 10.1 Global symmetry breaking and Goldstone bos***

 10.2 Local symmetry breaking and the Higgs boson

11 Massive gauge fields

 11.1 SU(2) symmetry

 11.2 The gauge fields

 11.3 Breaking the SU(2) symmetry

 11.4 Identification of the fields

12 The Weinberg——Salam electroweak theory for lept***

 12.1 Lepton doublets and the Weinberg-Salam theory

 12.2 Lepton coupling to the W

 12.3 Lepton coupling to the Z

 12.4 C***ervation of lepton number and c***ervation of charge

 12.5 CP symmetry

 12.6 Mass terms in : an attempted generalisation

13 Experimental tests of the Weinberg——Salam theory

 13.1 The search for the gauge bos***

 13.2 The W bos***

 13.3 The Z boson

 13.4 The number of lepton families

 13.5 The measurement of partial widths

 13.6 Left-right production cross-section asymmetry and lepton decay symmetry of the Z boson

14 The electromagnetic and weak in***cti*** of quarks

 14.1 C***truction of the Lagrangian density

 14.2 Quark masses and the Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix

 14.3 The parameterisation of the KM matrix

 14.4 CP symmetry and the KM matrix

 14.5 The weak in***ction in the low energy limit

15 The hadronic decays of the Z and W bos***

 15.1 Hadronic decays of the Z

 15.2 Asymmetry in quark production

 15.3 Hadronic decays of the W

16 The theory of strong in***cti***: quantum chromodynamics

 16.1 A local SU(3) gauge theory

 16.2 Colour gauge transformati*** on bary*** and mes***

 16.3 Lattice QCD and asymptotic ***

 1*** The quark-antiquark in***ction at short distances

 16.5 The c***ervation of quarks

 16.6 Isospin symmetry

 16.7 Chiral symmetry

17 Quantum chromodynamics: calculati***

 17.1 Lattice QCD and confinement

 17.2 Lattice QCD and hadr***

 17.3 Perturbative QCD and deep inelastic scattering

 17.4 Perturbative QCD and e+e- collider physics

18 The Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix

 18.1 Leptonic weak decays of hadr***

 18.2 |Vud| and nuclear decay

 18.3 More leptonic decays

 18.4 CP symmetry violation in neutral ***n decays

 18.5 B meson decays and B,B mixing

 18.6 The CPTtheorem














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