Multimedia content and the semantic Web多媒体内容与语义网络-方法、标准与工具 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Multimedia content and the semantic Web多媒体内容与语义网络-方法、标准与工具精美图片
》Multimedia content and the semantic Web多媒体内容与语义网络-方法、标准与工具电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Multimedia content and the semantic Web多媒体内容与语义网络-方法、标准与工具书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780470857533
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-07
  • 页数:414
  • 价格:1034.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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The emerging idea of the semantic web is based on the maximum automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle processes: knowledge representation,acquisition,adaptation,reasoning,sharing and use。Text-based based browsers involve a costly information-retrieval process: de*i*** are inherently subjective and usage is often confined to the specific application domain fo***hich the de*i*** were created。Automatic extracted audiovisual features are,in general,more objective,domain-independent and can be native to the audiovisual content。This book seeks to draw together in one concise volume the findings of leading researchers from around the globe。The focus,in particular,is on the MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards that seek to c***olidate and render effective the infrastructure for the delivery and management of multimedia content。Provides thorough coverage of all relevant topics,including structure identification in audiovisual documents,object-based video indexing,multimedia indexing and retrieval using natural language,speech and image processing methods Contains detailed advice on ontology representation and querying for realizing semantics-driven applicati*** Includes cutting-edge information on multimedia content de*ion in MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 Illustrates all theory with real-world case studies gleaned from state-of-the-art worldwide research。The contributors are pioneers in the fields of multimedia ***ysis and knowledge technologies This unified,comprehensive up-to-date resource will appeal to integrators,systems suppliers,managers and c***ultants in the area of knowledge management and information retrieval; particularly those concerned with the automation of the semantic web。The detailed,theory-based practical advice is also essential reading for postgraduates and researchers in these fields。


List of Contributors

Foreword-Rudi Studer

Foreword-A.Murat Tekalp


Part One:Knowledge and Multimedia

 1 Multimedia Content Description in MPEG-7 and MPEG.21

  Fernando Pereira alldRik Van de Walie

  1.1 Mulfimedia Content Description

  1.2 MPEG-7:Multimedia Content Description Interface

  1.3 MPEG-2 l:Multimedia Framework

  1.4 Final Remarks



 2 Ontology Representation and Querying for Realizing

  Semantics-Driven Applicati***

  Boris Motik,Alexander Maedche and Raphael Volz

  2.1 IntrOductiOn

  2.2 Requirements

  2.3 Ontology Representation

  2.4 Ontology Querying

  2.5 Implementation

  2.6 Related Work

  2.7 Conclusion


 3 Adding Multimedia to the Semantic Web:Building and Applying an

  MPEG-7 Ontology


  3.1 Introduction

  3.2 Building an MPEG-7 Ontology

  3.3 Inferring Semantic Descripti*** of Multimedia Content

  3.4 Semantic Querying and Presentation

  3.5 Conclusi***


Appendix A

Appendix B MPEG-7 Description of a Fuel Cell

Appendix C 0ME Description of Fuel Cell Image

Appendix D FUSION Description of a Fuel Cell Image

Appendix E XML Schema for FUSl0N

 4 A Fuzzy Knowledge-Based System for Multimedia Applicati***

Vassilis Tzouvaras,Gi***os S~mou and Stefanos Kollias

  4.1 Introduction

  4.2 Knowledge Base Formalization

  4.3 Fuzzy Propositional Rules Inference Engine

  4.4 Dem***tration

  4.5 ConcJusion and Future W10rk


Part TwO:Multimedia Content Analysis

 5 Structure Identification in an Audiovisual Document


  5.1 Introduction

  5.2 S*** Segmentation

  5.3 Evaluation of S***-Segmentation Algorithms

  5.4 Formal Description of the Video Editing WOrk

  5.5 Macrosegmentation

  5.6 Conclusion

  5.7 AcknOwledgement


 6 object-Based Video Indexing

  Jenny Benois-Pineau

  6.1 IntrOductiOn

  6.2 MPEG-7 as a Normalized Framework for Object-Based Indexing of Video Content

  6.3 Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of Video for Object Extraction

  *** Rough Indexing Paradigm for Object-Based Indexing of Compassed Content


7 Automatic extraction and ***ysis of visual objects information

8 Mining the semantics of visual concepts and context

9 Machine learning in multimedia

Pt. 3 Multimedia content management systems and the semantic Web

10 Semantic Web applicati***

11 Multimedia indexing and retrieval using natural language, speech and image processing methods

12 Knowledge-based multimedia content indexing and retrieval

13 Multimedia content indexing and retrieval using an object ontology

14 Context-Based Video Retrieval for Life-Log Applicati***












The emerging idea of the semantic web is based on the maximum automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle processes: knowledge representation, acquisition, adaptation, reasoning, sharing and use.

Text-based based browsers involve a costly information-retrieval process: descripti*** are inherently subjective and usage is often confined to the specific application domain fo***hich the descripti*** were created. Automatic extracted audiovisual features are, in general, more objective, domain-independent and can be native to the audiovisual content.

This book seeks to draw together in one concise volume the findings of leading researchers from around the globe. The focus, in particular, is on the MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards that seek to c***olidate and render effective the infrastructure for the delivery and management of multimedia content. 

Provides thorough coverage of all relevant topics, including structure identification in audiovisual documents, object-based video indexing, multimedia indexing and retrieval using natural language, speech and image processing methods

Contains detailed advice on ontology representation and querying for realizing semantics-driven applicati***

Includes cutting-edge information on multimedia content description in MPEG-7 and MPEG-21

Illustrates all theory with real-world case studies gleaned from state-of-the-art worldwide research. The contributors are pioneers in the fields of multimedia ***ysis and knowledge technologies

This unified, comprehensive up-to-date resource will appeal to integrators, systems suppliers, managers and c***ultants in the area of knowledge management and information retrieval; particularly those concerned with the automation of the semantic web. The detailed, theory-based practical advice is also essential reading for postgraduates and researchers in these fields.


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