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Expert Facebook advertising techniques you won't find
anywhere else!
Facebook has exploded to a community of more than half a billion
people around the world, *** it a deliciously fertile playground
for marketers on the cutting edge. Whether you want to leverage
Facebook Ads to generate "Likes," promote events, sell products,
market applicati***, deploy next-gen PR, ,this unique guide is the
ultimate resource on Facebook's wildly successful pay-per-click
advertising platform. Featuring cleve***orkarounds, unprecedented
tricks, and little-known tips for triumphant Facebook advertising,
it’s a must-have on the online marketer’s bookshelf. Facebook
advertising expert Marty Weintraub shares undocumented how-to
advice on everything from targeting methods, advanced advertising
techniques, writing compelling ads, launching a campaign,
monitoring and optimizing campaigns, and t*** more.
Killer Facebook Ads serves up immediately actionable tips &
tactics that span the gambit.
Learn what Facebook ads are good for, how to set goals,
and communicate clear objectives to your boss and stakeholders.
Master highly focused demographic targeting on Facebook's
social graph. Zero in on relevant customers now.
Get extraordinary advice for using each available ad
element—headline, body text, images, logos, etc.—for maximum
How to launch a Facebook advertising campaign and crucial
monitoring and optimizing techniques
Essential metrics and reporting c***iderati***
Captivating case studies drawn from the author's extensive
Facebook advertising experience, highlighting less*** from
challenges and successes
Tasty bonus: a robust targeting appendix jam-packed with
amazing targeting combos
Packed with hands-on tutorials and expert-level techniques
and tactics for executing an effective advertising campaign, this
one-of-a-kind book is sure to help you develop, implement, measure,
and maintain successful Facebook ad campaigns.
Introduction xix
Chapter 1 Marketing and the Facebook Revolution 1
Facebook's Reach 2
Understanding the Social Graph 7
What Marketers Can and Can't Do With Facebook Ads 10
The Ethical Marketer’s Rules of Engagement 14
Chapter 2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 19
Setting Expectati*** 20
Defining KPIs 21
Facebook Ads and Attribution 33
Chapter 3 The Facebook Ad Creation UI 35
Web UI and Power Editor 36
Module 1: Design Your Ad 36
Module 2: Facebook’s Powerful Targeting 37
Module 3: Campaigns, Pricing, and Scheduling 63
Chapter 4 Facebook Ads Production Workflow 65
Power Editor 66
Understanding Account Structure 66
First Step: Wireframe Demographic Research 69
Second Step: Create Your First Ads 69
Structural Best Practices 72
Chapter 5 Guerilla User Targeting Checklist 77
Li***l, Competitive, and Inferred Targeting 78
Occupati*** and Employment 86
Real-Life Groups and Affiliati*** 90
Online, Off Facebook . 99
Product Categories . 102
Classic Mainstream Interests 104
Chapter 6 Mastering Compound Targeting 111
Age, Interest, and Gender Mashups 112
Workplace and Precise Interest Amalgamati*** . 115
Education and Interest Amalgamati*** 119
Sexuality, Relati***hip Status, and Interests . 121
Country + Language + Interest Combinati*** 123
Chapter 7 Creating Killer Facebook Ads 127
The Five Levels of Brand Clarity 128
Headlines 130
Ad Images 140
Putting It All Togethe***ith Body Copy 147
Chapter 8 Deploying Your Facebook Ads Campaign 155
Facebook Ads Finances 156
Landing Page C***iderati*** 163
Final Prelaunch Checklist 172
Chapter 9 Field Guide to Optimization and Reporting 173
Introducing Ads Manager 174
Navigating Facebook Ads Manager 174
Optimization 184
Facebook Reports 194
Wrapping Up and Looking Forward 201
Appendix A Facebook Ads Preflight Pocket Checklist 205
Appendix B The Great Big Search & Social Media Marketing
Twitter Follow List 209
Appendix C Facebook Targeting Segments 219
Fortune 500 Companies 220
Job Titles 222
Weap*** 225
Tech and Gaming 226
Interests Bucket Family Roles 228
Health 229
Outdoor Activities 231
Winter Sports and Activities 234
Sports 236
Green Living 238
Wine 239
Home/Garden 239
Discount 240
Tough Times 240
Music 241
Hobbies 242
Business 242
Chatting/RPG 243
Media with Cult Followings 244
Index 249
Marty Weintraub is CEO of aimClear, an online
marketing agency that has managed Facebook ad campaigns generating
over 10 billion impressi*** internationally for clients including, Siemens, Second Life, Budget Direct, and other
global brands. He's written extensively for Search Engine Watch,
Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, and others. Marty's
aimClear blog ( has been cited as among the
Technorati Top 10 Small Business Blogs, Cision Top 10 Social Media
Blogs, and PRWeb's 25 Essential Public Relati*** Blogs You Should
Be Reading, and it has also been listed in the AdAge
Marty founded and produces the aimClear Full Day Facebook Marketing
Intensive Workshop and also speaks regularly at Search Engine
Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (***X), PubCon, SEMpdx,
International Search Summit, All Facebook Summit, Socialize, OMMA,
Search Insider Summit, and at universities.
'Weintraub hits a home run with this book, and if you advertise
anywhere online, you will definitely benefit from reading it'., 23/11/11.
Expert Facebook advertising techniques you won't find anywhere else! Facebook has exploded to a community of more than half a billion people around the world, *** it a deliciously fertile playground for marketers on the cutting edge. Whether you want to leverage Facebook Ads to generate "Likes," promote events, sell products, market applicati***, deploy next-gen PR, ,this unique guide is the ultimate resource on Facebook's wildly successful pay-per-click advertising platform. Featuring cleve***orkarounds, unprecedented tricks, and little-known tips for triumphant Facebook advertising, it’s a must-have on the online marketer’s bookshelf. Facebook advertising expert Marty Weintraub shares undocumented how-to advice on everything from targeting methods, advanced advertising techniques, writing compelling ads, launching a campaign, monitoring and optimizing campaigns, and t*** more. Killer Facebook Ads serves up immediately actionable tips & tactics that span the gambit. Learn what Facebook ads are good for, how to set goals, and communicate clear objectives to your boss and stakeholders. Master highly focused demographic targeting on Facebook's social graph. Zero in on relevant customers now. Get extraordinary advice for using each available ad element—headline, body text, images, logos, etc.—for maximum effect How to launch a Facebook advertising campaign and crucial monitoring and optimizing techniques Essential metrics and reporting c***iderati*** Captivating case studies drawn from the author's extensive Facebook advertising experience, highlighting less*** from challenges and successes Tasty bonus: a robust targeting appendix jam-packed with amazing targeting combos Packed with hands-on tutorials and expert-level techniques and tactics for executing an effective advertising campaign, this one-of-a-kind book is sure to help you develop, implement, measure, and maintain successful Facebook ad campaigns.
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