Shaking the Globe: Courageous Decision-Making in a Changing World 以果断的决策在多变的世界中赢得无处不在的商机 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Shaking the Globe: Courageous Decision-Making in a Changing World 以果断的决策在多变的世界中赢得无处不在的商机电子书下载地址
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We live in a highly interdependent world where 95 percent of the world's c***umers live outside the U.S. Two-thirds of the world's purchasing power is also outside the U.S. Shaking the Globe guides everyone on how to absorb the world's diversity and to build upon his or her global citizenship by using the FISO Factor? skills to transform themselves from a conventional leader into a courageous one.The new dynamics of global leadership--developing different competencies, curiosity and caring--must be learned. Shaking the Globe introduces the newly developed FISO Factor? Assessment Tool that can be used to evaluate a leader's ability to both Fit In and Stand Out - the ingredients necessary for leaders to make differences in their lives. Globalization is happening with o***ithout you. To be a leader, you must learn how to take advantage of this opportunity. In this book, you will learn:
How to transcend any existing biases and prepare for the new world in order to keep your business growing;
Strategies to develop transformational global leadership skills in order to establish beachheads for future growth opportunities; and
How to stimulate coordination and cooperation across national borders in order to create a lasting and rewarding relati***hip with people with whom you will be connected.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Foreword by Robert Kraft
Prologue The Globe is Shaking
Why Go Global Now?
The Journey Ahead
Part I Preparing for an Adventure
Chapter 1 Today’s Interconnected Globe
Back to the Future
Bringing Down theWalls
Five Factors That Shake the Multi-Polar World
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 2 Financial Realities
Realities of Supply and Demand
Realities of Increased Volatility and Inflation
New Realities of Financial Reporting
New Realities of the Global Enterprise
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 3 Four Types of Leaders
Courageous Leadership in Action
Courage Quotient
Building Blocks of Courage
Key Points to C***ider
Part II Connecting the World in Six Stops
Chapter 4 Cultural Norms
My Awakening
Opportunity Is Now
New Sources of Opportunity
New Sources of Capital
New Sources of Talent
Guides to the Multi-Polar World
Snaps*** of the Future
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 5 Winning the Battle for Talent
The Global Generation
Connecting and Engaging
Intimate, Yet Isolated
Inspiring a Cause
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 6 Women Working
Untapped Resources
EducatingWomen to Fuel Economic Growth
Choices for Women Around theWorld
Open the Doors to Opportunity
Building Global Capabilities
What Is Measured Happens
Impact of Women Board Members and Executives
Nurturing Future Global Leaders
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 7 Shareholder Interests
What’s the Fuss about Globalization?
Overcoming New Tensi***
Role of State Capitalism
Emerging Market Multinationals Go Global
Institutional Funds
Venturing Ahead
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 8 Entrepreneurs from A to Z
Disaggregation Leads to Innovation
Identifying New Opportunities
Accessing Human Capital
Breeding Entrepreneurs
Bulldozing Barriers
Urgent Need to Act
Key Points to C***ider
Chapter 9 Values and Global Context
Framework for Cultural Values
Societal Values and Employer Brands
Context of Values for Courageous Leadership
Remaining True to Yourself
Key Points to C***ider
Epilogue Continuing Your Journey to New Horiz***
作者简介:Blythe J. McGarvie (Williamsburg, VA) is the founder and president of Leadership for International Finance (LIF) ( Blythe heads a team of experts committed to increasing clients' business performance. LIF provides strategic and financial counsel to help clients achieve near-term and long-term economic objectives and enhance corporate governance. The firm incorporates an integrated, global approach to help companies grow by maximizing the potential of three key resources: money, people and information. Ms. McGarvie serves on the boards of Accenture, Viacom Inc., The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc., Wawa Inc. and The Travelers Companies Inc. Prior to founding her firm, Blythe was executive vice president and chief financial officer of Bic Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers of convenient disposable products. Blythe is also the author of Fit In, Stand Out: Mastering the FISO Factor for Leadership Effectiveness in Business and Life (McGraw-Hill; October 2005).
We live in a highly interdependent world where 95 percent of the world's c***umers live outside the U.S. Two-thirds of the world's purchasing power is also outside the U.S. Shaking the Globe guides everyone on how to absorb the world's diversity and to build upon his or her global citizenship by using the FISO Factor? skills to transform themselves from a conventional leader into a courageous one.The new dynamics of global leadership--developing different competencies, curiosity and caring--must be learned. Shaking the Globe introduces the newly developed FISO Factor? Assessment Tool that can be used to evaluate a leader's ability to both Fit In and Stand Out - the ingredients necessary for leaders to make differences in their lives. Globalization is happening with o***ithout you. To be a leader, you must learn how to take advantage of this opportunity. In this book, you will learn: How to transcend any existing biases and prepare for the new world in order to keep your business growing; Strategies to develop transformational global leadership skills in order to establish beachheads for future growth opportunities; and How to stimulate coordination and cooperation across national borders in order to create a lasting and rewarding relati***hip with people with whom you will be connected.
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