The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Publisher Comments:
In these turbulent economic times, everyone is asking the same question: What should I do with my money now?
With their trademark irreverence and plainspokenness, David and Tom Gardner, bestselling authors and cofounders of The Motley Fool, answer this critical question and recommend ten important yet quick steps readers can take to survive economic uncertainty, secure their personal finances, and fortify their portfolios. Along the way, they address such important issues as:
1.Is this the time to *** up stock market bargains?
2.Are any mutual funds sure bets?
3.Is short-term debt dangerous?
4.Bonds, T-bills, CDs, savings accounts — does it make sense to be c***ervative?
5.Why you should believe in America now more than ever.
The Gardners offer a snaps*** view of business and the financial markets at the dawn of the world's new economic reality — all while looking ahead to the future with some timely and timeless guidance for investors.
No matter your age or level of investing experience, The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now is an indispensable survival manual for our unpredictable economic times.
In their trademark amusing style, David and Tom Gardner tackle this critical question and recommend a dozen quick steps readers can take to survive the storm, secure their personal finances, sandbag their portfolios... and make sure they don't get left in the debris when the skies inevitably clear and the economy rebounds. Along the way, they address such important questi*** as:
1.What should you do about debt in the short term?
2.Is this the time to *** up stock market bargains?
3.Does it make sense to be c***ervative?
4.Are any mutual funds sure bets?
5.Why should you believe in America now more than ever? No matte***hat life stage you are in or your level of investing expertise, The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now offers invaluable investment advice.
The national bestselling new Motley Fool reference serves up all the know-how, wit, and comprehensive information needed to survive--and thrive--in periods of financial uncertainty and market turbulence.
Go back in time for a minute, when the Motley Fool's last big investment book was first published in January 1999. The NASDAQ was hovering at around 2300, stocks like Cisco and Microsoft were leading the markets up, and the Motley Fool had four books on Amazon's bestseller lists, including Rule Breakers, Rule Makers, which for that month was listed at No. 3. Since then, the stock market has boomed and crashed, the economy has sunk in and out of recession, and milli*** of investors (including the Fools) have watched their stock portfolios shrink. In What to Do with Your Money Now, the Gardner brothers draw less*** from the mistakes that lead to the bust and offer a plethora of advice aimed at guiding investors in this more sober economic environment. Much of what they recommend echoes the practical advice offered in their earlier books (e.g., create a financial plan, get out of debt), while other prescripti*** offer a truer reflection of the times (e.g., c***ider CDs, invest in high-dividend stocks as well as bond and index funds). While the events of the last few years have humbled the Fools somewhat, they've lost none of their trademark humor, and fans and newcomers alike should find lots to latch onto in this book. --Harry C. Edwards
From Publishers Weekly
The year 2001 was a rough one by many measures. David and Tom Gardner (founders of the financial Web site address the economic difficulties it brought and what to do about them in The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now: Thriving in the New Economic Reality. They explore the factors leading up to the economic crunch, emphasizing learning from mistakes, and give specific pointers fo***hat to do now, covering dealing with debt, *** a will, refinancing and more. Younger readers unsure about how to handle their money in a recession will surely gain from the Gardners' advice.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 214 Width (mm) 140
Publisher Comments:
In these turbulent economic times, everyone is asking the same question: What should I do with my money now?
With their trademark irreverence and plainspokenness, David and Tom Gardner, bestselling authors and cofounders of The Motley Fool, answer this critical question and recommend ten important yet quick steps readers can take to survive economic uncertainty, secure their personal finances, and fortify their portfolios. Along the way, they address such important issues as:
1.Is this the time to *** up stock market bargains?
2.Are any mutual funds sure bets?
3.Is short-term debt dangerous?
4.Bonds, T-bills, CDs, savings accounts — does it make sense to be c***ervative?
5.Why you should believe in America now more than ever.
The Gardners offer a snaps*** view of business and the financial markets at the dawn of the world's new economic reality — all while looking ahead to the future with some timely and timeless guidance for investors.
No matter your age or level of investing experience, The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now is an indispensable survival manual for our unpredictable economic times.
In their trademark amusing style, David and Tom Gardner tackle this critical question and recommend a dozen quick steps readers can take to survive the storm, secure their personal finances, sandbag their portfolios... and make sure they don't get left in the debris when the skies inevitably clear and the economy rebounds. Along the way, they address such important questi*** as:
1.What should you do about debt in the short term?
2.Is this the time to *** up stock market bargains?
3.Does it make sense to be c***ervative?
4.Are any mutual funds sure bets?
5.Why should you believe in America now more than ever? No matte***hat life stage you are in or your level of investing expertise, The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now offers invaluable investment advice.
The national bestselling new Motley Fool reference serves up all the know-how, wit, and comprehensive information needed to survive--and thrive--in periods of financial uncertainty and market turbulence.
Go back in time for a minute, when the Motley Fool's last big investment book was first published in January 1999. The NASDAQ was hovering at around 2300, stocks like Cisco and Microsoft were leading the markets up, and the Motley Fool had four books on Amazon's bestseller lists, including Rule Breakers, Rule Makers, which for that month was listed at No. 3. Since then, the stock market has boomed and crashed, the economy has sunk in and out of recession, and milli*** of investors (including the Fools) have watched their stock portfolios shrink. In What to Do with Your Money Now, the Gardner brothers draw less*** from the mistakes that lead to the bust and offer a plethora of advice aimed at guiding investors in this more sober economic environment. Much of what they recommend echoes the practical advice offered in their earlier books (e.g., create a financial plan, get out of debt), while other prescripti*** offer a truer reflection of the times (e.g., c***ider CDs, invest in high-dividend stocks as well as bond and index funds). While the events of the last few years have humbled the Fools somewhat, they've lost none of their trademark humor, and fans and newcomers alike should find lots to latch onto in this book. --Harry C. Edwards
From Publishers Weekly
The year 2001 was a rough one by many measures. David and Tom Gardner (founders of the financial Web site address the economic difficulties it brought and what to do about them in The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now: Thriving in the New Economic Reality. They explore the factors leading up to the economic crunch, emphasizing learning from mistakes, and give specific pointers fo***hat to do now, covering dealing with debt, *** a will, refinancing and more. Younger readers unsure about how to handle their money in a recession will surely gain from the Gardners' advice.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 214 Width (mm) 140
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