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"Marsha Collier knows eBay like no one else. With her tips and insight, anyone can enjoy the ease and convenience of shopping online any time of year."
—Clarissa Parashar, eBay PowerSeller and owner of the eBay store Perpetual Vogue
The kids' concert is tonight, your brother's coming Saturday, and when are you going to shop?
Who has time for fun at the holidays? You will, when you learn these techniques and tactics for successful online shopping from Marsha Collier, the undisputed empress of eBay. Even if your previous forays online have produced only frustration—or if you've never tried at all—this step-by-step guide will make you a pro.
Here's how to shop safely, target your searches, make a list and check it twice, and even handle customer service problems. Discover the best sites to shop for teenagers, your boss, or hard-to-please Aunt Agatha, find out where to purchase perfect last-minute gifts and get them in time, and even pick up post-holiday bargains without ever hitting the mall. Your gift? Time!
Marsha Collier is widely acknowledged as the world's foremost eBay expert. She launched her first eBay business in the site's infancy and put her daughter through college on the profits. Marsha teaches eBay University courses, gives seminars, has appeared on NBC's Today Show and ABC's The View, and is the author or coauthor of more than a dozen books, including eBay For Dummies and Starting an eBay Business For Dummies (Wiley).
Where I’m coming from
Where you’re coming from
Countdown to the holidays
Ic*** used in the book
My top eBay Store picks
August-What’s the Big Deal about Shopping Online?
Why buy online instead of at a “real” brick-and-mortar store?
Just who is doing all this online selling?
What’s so different about eBay?
What other shopping sites are worth looking at?
September-Sign Up for Your First Purchase
How do I join the community?
How do I keep track of everything?
How can I be sure it’s the real deal?
October-Make Your First Purchase
Excuse me, do you know where they keep the ?
How can I find out about the seller?
So let’s get shopping!
Buying your item outright
What happens if I make a mistake?
What happens when I buy o***in an item?
How can I be a better buyer?
November-Getting Ready for Cyber Monday!
Make your list—check it twice
The secret’s in the timing
My favorite auction-winning strategies
Know your item’s value!
Buying and staying safe
Buying stuff from other countries
Early December-Checking Names Off Your List
Measure the pulse of eBay
Over 20,000 Categories?
Finding personalized gifts
Gifts to our closest family
Holiday fun and décor for you!
Late December-Last-Minute Shopping
What’s a good last-minute gift?
How about silly stocking stuffers?
Shopping quickly on eBay Express
After the Holidays-Um,That Jacket I Got Didn’t Fit
Why not re-gift that fruitcake?
Get a Trading Assistant to sell for you
Why not try selling the item yourself?
Filling in the required blanks
January 1st-Time to Find the Bargains!
Shopping America’s virtual mall
Shopping eBay Stores
eBay Live Aucti***
Shopping the outlet stores
Shopping eBay for the Rest of the Year
eBay for back-to-school
Let’s have an eBay wedding!
Even discount vacati***!
No more big-box stores for the outdoors
Home electronics on eBay
Computers and office gear
Home audio, video, and p***o equipment
Disability resources
Get cooking!
For the junior musician
Finding the sparkly stuff
Some of My Favorite eBay Stores
"Marsha Collier knows eBay like no one else. With her tips and insight, anyone can enjoy the ease and convenience of shopping online any time of year." --Clarissa Parashar, eBay PowerSeller and owner of the eBay store Perpetual Vogue The kids' concert is tonight, your brother's coming Saturday, and when are you going to shop? Who has time for fun at the holidays? You will, when you learn these techniques and tactics for successful online shopping from Marsha Collier, the undisputed empress of eBay. Even if your previous forays online have produced only frustration--or if you've never tried at all--this step-by-step guide will make you a pro. Here's how to shop safely, target your searches, make a list and check it twice, and even handle customer service problems. Discover the best sites to shop for teenagers, your boss, or hard-to-please Aunt Agatha, find out where to purchase perfect last-minute gifts and get them in time, and even pick up post-holiday bargains without ever hitting the mall. Your gift? Time
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