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There is perhaps no bigger or more important issue in America at present than youth violence. Jonesboro; Paducah; Pearl, Mississippi; Stamps, Arkansas; Conyers, Ge***ia; and, of course, Littleton, Colorado. We know them all too well, and for all the wrong reas***: kids, some as young as eleven years old, taking up arms and, with deadly, frightening accuracy, murdering anyone in their paths. What is going on? According to the authors of Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill, there is blame to be laid right at the feet of the makers of violent video games (called "murder trainers" by one expert), the TV networks, and the Hollywood movie studios--the people resp***ible for the fact that children witness li***lly thousands of violent images a day.
Authors Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano offer incontrovertible evidence, much of it based on recent major scientific studies and empirical research, that movies, TV, and video games are not just conditioning children to be violent--and unaware of the c***equences of that violence--but are teaching the very mechanics of killing. Their book is a much-needed call to action for every parent, teacher, and citizen to help our children and stop the wave of killing and violence gripping America's youth. And, most important, it is a blueprint for us all on how that can be achieved.
In Paducah, Kentucky, Michael Carneal, a fourteen-year-old boy who stole a gun from a neighbor's house, brought it to school and fired eight s***s at a student prayer group as they were breaking up. Prior to this event, he had never s*** a real gun before. Of the eight s***s he fired, he had eight hits on eight different kids. Five were head s***s, the other three upper torso. The result was three dead, one paralyzed for life. The FBI says that the average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific act?
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is the author of On Killing: The
Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and in Society. As a
West Point
psychology professor and professor of military science, Grossman
trains medical and health professionals on how to deal with and
prevent killing. He was the lead trainer for mental health
professionals in the aftermath of the Jonesboro shootings, and has
been a lead witness in several murder cases, including that of
Timothy McVeigh and Michael Carneal.
Gloria DeGaetano is a nationally recognized educator in the field
of media violence, and the author of the critically acclaimed
Screen Smarts: A Family Guide to Media Li***cy.
In a full-page ad in the June 13, 1999, Sunday New York Times,
the National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention said
this: "It should not have taken the Littleton tragedy to focus the
nation's attention and energies on preventing violence. . . . It
should have been enough that children and ***s in our society are
victims of violence every day. . . . What is it about violence that
we refuse to understand?" Indeed, what does it take to get us as a
nation to see that there is a problem? Unfortunately, the
increasing number of Littleton-like horror shows is what it takes.
Does this make sense? And the problem with our reaction to the
Littleton massacre is that we isolate the event; we separate out
the acti*** of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris from all the violence
that is out there, and we in turn lose sight of what the National
Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention refers to as our
"culture of violence."
Let's face it, we live in a violent world. We can see it in many
***ects of our surroundings, and if we miss it we have a chance to
see it played out again and again in the media. There have been
countless books and studies on violence in our society and on how
to prevent it and what it all means; there will, no doubt, be
countless more. But this book is about how that violence, as it is
dramatized on-screen in all its various forms, affects our children
and conditi*** them to be more violent than they would naturally
become without being exposed to it. Many have reduced this issue to
a chicken-and-egg question: does violence on-screen make people
violent, or is that violence merely mirroring what is actually
taking place every day on our streets and around the world? We
think the former, and we have the evidence to prove it. The point
is that kids are not naturally violent; they are not born that way,
despite what we may think. There are many factors in what makes
anyone violent, but the overwhelming proof says that the
entertainment industry, through violent programming and video
games, is complicit in conditioning our youth to mirror the
violence they see on-screen. Much like soldiers, children can and
do become learned in this behavior, not by drill sergeants and
trained military professionals, but by what they see around them.
It seems logical to most of us but is still ***ly contested by
certain interest groups, and especially in the many levels of the
entertainment industry.
But before we present the facts on the negative effects of screen
violence on children--how and why it is *** them violent--we
need to first look at the overall trends of violence at home and
abroad--our culture of violence. Essentially, around the world
there has been an explosion of violent crime. Experts may disagree
on what the statistics mean--many even suggest that all is getting
better, not worse--but, in spite of vastly more effective
lifesaving technology and techniques, as well as more sophisticated
ways of battling crime, the rate at which citizens of the world are
attempting to kill one another has increased at alarming rates over
the years. According to InterPol, between 1977 and 1993 the per
capita "serious assault" rate increased: nearly fivefold in Norway
and Greece; approximately fourfold in Australia and New Zealand; it
tripled in Sweden; and approximately doubled in Belgium, Denmark,
England-Wales, France, Hungary, Netherlands, and Scotland. In
Ca***, per capita assaults increased almost fivefold between 1964
and 1993. And in Japan, in 1997, the juvenile violent crime rate
increased 30 percent.
First and foremost, we must cut through the statistics, which are
often easy to misread, and *** just how violent we are and
what kind of world our impressionable children are growing up in.
Any discussion of the effects that screen violence has on our
children must be seen through the lens of our society at large.
Also, in order to tackle the seemingly insurmountable problem of
violence in ou***orld, we must first see what's actually going on.
If we can't be convinced that the rate of violence is increasing,
we are not, obviously, going to make a priority of tackling the
issue. No problem means no need for a solution.
According to FBI reports, crime is down 7 percent. We are
experiencing a slight downturn in murders and aggravated assaults,
bringing us back to the crime rates of about 1990. But that is far
from the full story. To gain a useful perspective on violent
crime--among both youths and ***s--the view must cover a long
enough time period to clearly identify a trend. Up or down
variati*** over a year or two are meaningless.
There is perhaps no bigger or more important issue in America
at present than youth violence. Jonesboro; Paducah; Pearl,
Mississippi; Stamps, Arkansas; Conyers, Ge***ia; and, of course,
Littleton, Colorado. We know them all too well, and for all the
wrong reas***: kids, some as young as eleven years old, taking up
arms and, with deadly, frightening accuracy, murdering anyone in
their paths. What is going on? According to the authors of Stop
Teaching Our Kids to Kill, there is blame to be laid right at the
feet of the makers of violent video games (called "murder trainers"
by one expert), the TV networks, and the Hollywood movie
studios--the people resp***ible for the fact that children witness
li***lly thousands of violent images a day.
Authors Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano offer
incontrovertible evidence, much of it based on recent major
scientific studies and empirical research, that movies, TV, and
video games are not just conditioning children to be violent--and
unaware of the c***equences of that violence--but are teaching the
very mechanics of killing. Their book is a much-needed call to
action for every parent, teacher, and citizen to help our children
and stop the wave of killing and violence gripping America's youth.
And, most important, it is a blueprint for us all on how that can
be achieved.
In Paducah, Kentucky, Michael Carneal, a fourteen-year-old boy
who stole a gun from a neighbor's house, brought it to school and
fired eight s***s at a student prayer group as they were breaking
up. Prior to this event, he had never s*** a real gun before. Of
the eight s***s he fired, he had eight hits on eight different
kids. Five were head s***s, the other three upper torso. The result
was three dead, one paralyzed for life. The FBI says that the
average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the
average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with
less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing
ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific
The goal of this book is to make people aware of what the
prolific use of violence in television, movies, and video games is
doing to our children. Teaching Our Kids to Kill calls to the table
the makers of this violence to address the myriad scientific
research on the subject--research that couldn't make it clearer how
solid and deadly the link is between this kind of graphic imagery
and the escalating incidences of youth violence--and understand and
change what they are doing and the dangerous effects their products
are having on our children.
Using this book, parents, educators, social service workers,
youth advocates, and anyone interested in the welfare of our
children will have a solid foundation for effective action. We give
you the facts--what's behind the statistics, how to interpret the
copious, empirical research that exists on the subject, and the
many ways to make a difference in your own home, at school, in your
community, in the courts, and in the large***orld--so that we all
can work together to help end this problem and create a safer
environment in which to live. If by doing this we can prevent
future Paducahs, Jonesboros, and Littlet***, it will be well worth
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Gloria DeGaetano --
There is perhaps no bigger or more important issue in America at present than youth violence. Jonesboro; Paducah; Pearl, Mississippi; Stamps, Arkansas; Conyers, Ge***ia; and, of course, Littleton, Colorado. We know them all too well, and for all the wrong reas***: kids, some as young as eleven years old, taking up arms and, with deadly, frightening accuracy, murdering anyone in their paths. What is going on? According to the authors of Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill, there is blame to be laid right at the feet of the makers of violent video games (called "murder trainers" by one expert), the TV networks, and the Hollywood movie studios--the people resp***ible for the fact that children witness li***lly thousands of violent images a day.
Authors Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano offer incontrovertible evidence, much of it based on recent major scientific studies and empirical research, that movies, TV, and video games are not just conditioning children to be violent--and unaware of the c***equences of that violence--but are teaching the very mechanics of killing. Their book is a much-needed call to action for every parent, teacher, and citizen to help our children and stop the wave of killing and violence gripping America's youth. And, most important, it is a blueprint for us all on how that can be achieved.
In Paducah, Kentucky, Michael Carneal, a fourteen-year-old boy who stole a gun from a neighbor's house, brought it to school and fired eight s***s at a student prayer group as they were breaking up. Prior to this event, he had never s*** a real gun before. Of the eight s***s he fired, he had eight hits on eight different kids. Five were head s***s, the other three upper torso. The result was three dead, one paralyzed for life. The FBI says that the average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific act?
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