眼科学概览Ophthalmology at a Glance by Jane Olver mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

眼科学概览Ophthalmology at a Glance by Jane Olver 精美图片
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眼科学概览Ophthalmology at a Glance by Jane Olver 书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780632064731
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-07
  • 页数:112
  • 价格:155.00
  • 纸张:铜版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:大16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


Ophthalmology at a Glance is a concise textbook written as part of the highly successful at a Glance series. The book follows the classic format of topics laid out in a double page spread, with clear diagrams illustrating the essential information and ***ing the main text. This makes learning and understanding a topic more *** and effective.

Ophthalmology at a Glance is written to provide a straightforward and easy-to-use guide for the Ophthalmology course. The introductory section includes an overview of the subject and it's sub-specialities, an outline of what exact knowledge and skills medical students and junior doctors need to acquire, and covers the social and occupational ***ects of vision. A guide to History and Examination techniques is followed by the key detail on common problems and diseases.

The book is divided into 13 secti*** covering:

Principles of ophthalmology Ophthalmic History and Examination Correction of refractive errors Basic eye examination Acute ophthalmology Gradual loss of vision Paediatric ophthalmology Eyelid, lacrimal and orbit External eye disease Corneal, refractive and cataract surgery Glaucoma Medical retina Neuro-ophthalmology Ophthalmology at a Glance will be extremely useful for medical students and junior doctors as an introduction to this subject area, and an invaluable companion during their attachments. This book is designed to fit into the budget and reading time of busy students, and is ideal as a text that will help them get through their exams successfully. General Practitioners and ophthalmology nurses will also find this text useful to refresh the gaps in their knowledge.

"This is undoubtedly the best I have read and I wish it had been available when I studied ophthalmology. It is clear, concise, and pitched perfectly for medical students." Final year medical student (Royal Free Hospital, London)




Section : Principles of ophthalmology

 1.Introduction: what is ophthalmology?

 2.Medical student aims

 3.Social and occupational ***ects of vision

Section : Ophthalmic history and examination

 4.Taking the history and recording the findings

 5.Visual acuity in ***s

 6.Examination of visual fields

 7.Other visual functi***

Section : Correction of refractive errors

 8.Basic optics and refraction

 9.Glasses, contact lenses and low-vision aids

Section : Basic eye examination

 10.External eye and anterior segment

 11.Posterior segment and retina

 12.Use of eye drops

Section : Acute ophthalmolooy

 13.The red eye

 14.More on the red eye

 15.Ophthalmic trauma principles and management of chemicalinjuries

 16.Specific features of blunt and sharp injuries

 17.Sudden painful loss of vision in a non-inflammed eye

 18.Sudden painless loss of vision

Section : Gradual loss o! vision

 19.Gradual loss of vision

Section : Sub-specialty--Paediatric ophthalmology

 20.Visual acuity in children

 21.Strabismus (squints)


 23.Infants and older children

Section : Sub-specialty--Eyelid, lacrimal and orbit

 24.Common eyelid lumps

 25.Common eyelid malpositi***

 26.Lacrimal (tearing)

 27.Basic orbital assessment

 28.Orbital and thyroid eye disease

Section : Sub-specialty--External eye disease

 29.Common conditi*** affecting the external eye

 30.Common conditi*** affecting the cornea

 31.The***utic contact lenses

 32.Corneal andlaser p***orefractive surgery

Section : Sub-specialty--Corneal, refractive andcataract surgery

 33.Cataract assessment

 34.Cataract surgery

 35.Cataract surgery postoperative care

Section : Sub-specialty-- Glaucoma

 36.Glaucoma--the basics

 37.Detecting glaucoma

 38.Medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma

Section "12: Sub-specialty--Vitreoretinal and medical retina

 39.Retinal detachment

 40.Retinal and choroidal anatomy and imaging

 41.Inherited retinal dystrophies and age-related maculardegeneration

 42.Diabetic retinopathy classification and typical lesi***

 43.Diabetic retinopathy treatment

 44.Retinal vein occlusion

 45.Retinal artery obstruction

 46.HIVinfection andAIDS

Section : Sub-specialty--Neuro-ophthalmology

 47.Pupil ***ities

 48.Optic nerve disease

 49.Cranial nerve,palsies and eye movement disorders

 50.Visual fields defects

Appendix: Red eye












Ophthalmology at a Glance is a concise textbook written as part of the highly successful at a Glance series. The book follows the classic format of topics laid out in a double page spread, with clear diagrams illustrating the essential information and ***ing the main text. This makes learning and understanding a topic more *** and effective. Ophthalmology at a Glance is written to provide a straightforward and easy-to-use guide for the Ophthalmology course. The introduction includes an overview of the subject and it's sub-specialities, an outline of what exact knowledge and skills medical students need, and covers the social and occupational ***ects of vision. History and Examination techniques are followed by the key detail on common problems and diseases. The book is divided into 13 secti*** covering: Principles of ophthalmology Ophthalmic History and Examination Correction of Refractive errors Basic Eye Examination Acute ophthalmology Gradual loss of vision Paediatric ophthalmology Eyelid, lacrimal and orbit External eye disease Corneal, refractive and cataract surgery Glaucoma Vitreo-retinal Neuro-ophthalmology Ophthalmology at a Glance will be extremely useful for medical students as an introduction to this subject area, and an invaluable companion during their attachments. This book is designed to fit into the budget and reading time of busy students, and is ideal as a text that will help them get through their exams successfully. General Practitioners and ophthalmology nurses will also find this text useful to refresh the gaps in their knowledge. "This is undoubtedly the best I have read and I wish it had been available when I studied ophthalmology. It is clear, concise, and pitched perfectly for medical students.”

Final year medical student (Royal Free Hospital, London)


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