Point, Click & Wow!: The Techniques And Habits Of Successful Presenters, Third Edition完美点击:如何通过完美的产品演示成功营销(附光盘),第3版 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Point, Click & Wow!: The Techniques And Habits Of Successful Presenters, Third Edition完美点击:如何通过完美的产品演示成功营销(附光盘),第3版电子书下载地址
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In Point, Click & Wow! you will find the insider knowledge of public speaking that we all need but were never taught. When Point, Click & Wow! was first published more than ten years ago, it quickly became the go-to resource for creating laptop presentati*** that have the "Wow" factor!
Completely reworked and updated, this new third edition puts the focus on you, the presenter, who must create a winning presentation every time. Claudyne Wilder's groundbreaking book offers myriad new features and updated slide designs as well as illustrative stories and advice from executives.
A brilliant laptop presentation is more than just dazzling slides. If you want your laptop computer presentati*** to have the Wow factor, simply follow the suggesti*** and use the ideas outlined in the thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Point, Click, and Wow! This hands-on guide shows you how to create memorable presentati*** that will get your message across with style. Unlike others books on the topic, this practical guide teaches you how to really sell your knowledge, product, or service in a customer-focused, one-to-one marketing manner. Authors Claudyne Wilder and Jennifer Rotondo offer the guidance you need to look, act, and sound like a pro. Throughout the book the authors explain how to create persuasive visuals, use technology effectively, and sell your idea or product to an audience. This revised edition also includes a CD-ROM that will give you the tools you need to customize your slides.
"Using electronic equipment for presentati*** poses a new set of challenges for both the novice and ve***n presenter. Point, Click and Wow! provides some great tips to overcome these challenges and offers ideas on how to get the audience engaged and really in***cting with you, the presenter." --Dave Poulin, national sales manager, Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.
"Anyone who wants to deliver more effective, imaginative presentati*** will find a wealth of practical tips here, and those who actually use them are bound to meet with more real-world success." --Tad Sim***, editor-in-chief, Presentati***
"Claudyne has done it again. In Point, Click, and Wow! Second Edition, she shows that presentati*** slides don't connect to an audience-people do. Through countless examples and tips, presenters will learn how to be the message of their talk. The results will speak for themselves-a thrilled audience, a confident, energized presenter, and a presentation success." --Howard Ris, president, Union of Concerned Scientists
"Fabulous! Enormously useful ideas, terrific illustrati***, and the most comprehensive handbook on effective presentati*** I have seen. I can't wait to get this book into the hands of my students." --Alan Gaynor, professor, human resource education, Boston University --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Claudyne Wilder is an acclaimed speaker, coach, published author and co-creator of the CD Presentati*** in a Hurry. She trains executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals?in the world's leading companies on how to coherently and passionately present their messages and share their stories. She brings a unique and invigorating perspective to he***ork from her years of studying the Argentine Tango.
Contents of the CD-ROM
Chapter ONE: Focus on Your Key Messages
Focus on Your Key Messages
Fill Out the Presentation Overview
Choose or Create a Format
Create an Executive Summary
Write the Opening and Closing
Identify and Plot Stories to Tell
Plan Your Notes
Decide on Your Handouts
Chapter TWO: Connect to Your Audience
Connect to Your Audience
Seven Ways to Connect to Your Audience
Connecting Based on Specific Presentati***
Connect Checklist
Chapter THREE: Use Specific PowerPoint Features
How PowerPoint Can Help You
PowerPoint Features That Will Save Time and Make Your Slides Look More Professional
Engage Your Audience Using Certain PowerPoint Features
Chapter FOUR: Design Professional Slide Looks
Create Specific Content Slides
Create Professionally Designed "Empty" Content Slides
Using PowerPoint Checklist
Chapter FIVE: Increase Your Credibility with Effective Slides
Choose How Many Slides Are Necessary
Limit the Text to What Is Essential
Follow the Criteria for Effective Slides
Chapter SIX: Prepare for Technology Success
Prepare Days Ahead
Recheck Just Before Your Talk
Keep Track of Your Laptop and Its Contents
Present Internationally with Ease
Learn from Other People's Stories
The Future of Technology
Chapter SEVEN: Rehearse Like It's the Real Thing
Talk Through Your Slides Out Loud as You Create Them
Do a Real Rehearsal
Present with Confidence
Do a Mini-Rehearsal Just Before Your Talk
Be Yourself While Engaging the Audience
Chapter EIGHT: Dem***trate Executive Presence
Choose Your Presence Behaviors
Plan What to Say about the Data
Use Entertainment and Drama--When Appropriate
Do Make a Recommendation
Be Optimistic
***ider Your Best Path to Persuasion
Advice from Executives
Executive Presence Behaviors Critique
To Your Future
About the Author
How to Use the CD-ROM
Pfeiffer Publicati*** Guide
Presenting with Confidence In Point, Click & Wow! you will find the insider knowledge of public speaking that we all need but were never taught. When Point, Click & Wow! was first published more than ten years ago, it quickly became the go-to resource for creating laptop presentati*** that have the "Wow!" factor. Completely reworked and updated, this new third edition puts the focus on you, the presenter, who must create a winning presentation every time. Claudyne Wilder's groundbreaking book offers myriad new features and updated slide designs as well as illustrative stories and advice from executives. Point, Click & Wow! is useful for everyone from the occasional presenter to the seasoned sales representative. Covering the entire process from concept to finished presentation, this comprehensive resource includes new chapters to help you · Dem***trate executive presence · Use tips, tricks and techniques to create presentati*** in a hurry · Design presentati*** with powerful openings, closings, and executive summaries This is the book for creating persuasive presentati*** and proposals that will sell a product or idea with pizzazz. Praise for Point, Click & Wow! "Claudyne's book is a must-read for anyone who wants to convince and inspire an audience. Her approach translates the seemingly overwhelming presentation process into a clear recipe for success. I have a copy in my bookshelf and so should you."
—Shari E. Redstone, President, National Amu***ts; Vice-chairwoman, CBS Corporation and Viacom; and Chairwoman, Midway Games "A worldclass presentation resource, rich with essential tools and techniques to capture, motivate and dazzle your audience. Read this book!"
—Steve Siebold, CSP, author, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class
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