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Advanced Selling For Dummies® is a terrific resource that can energize your business performance and boost your bottom line. An excellent guide for both seasoned salespeople who want to take their productivity to the next level and small- and large-business entrepreneurs who are missing the advanced selling strategies that they really need to generate business and revenue.
This book is packed with practical advice on how to boost sales, productivity and profits through the full-court-press approach to marketing and sales. Unlike other books that claim to reveal the "secret" to selling, Advanced Selling For Dummies is based on the premise that no single secret exists. You need a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, a creative mind, and the "sticktoitism" to survive and thrive in today's competitive marketplace.
In the book, Ralph R. Roberts and a select group of the top sales people and trainers across the country give readers the necessary tools to become top-producers. Stressing the importance of focusing on your innate skill sets and creating a distinctive brand for yourself, Advanced Selling For Dummies teaches the tricks and habits that can benefit you both in your professional and personal life--things like:
· Believing in and motivating yourself
· Planning the work and then working the plan
· Techniques for honing your sales skills
· Hour of Power-100 phone calls, one hour a day
· Personal branding through shameless self-promotion
· Credibility building through websites, blogging, and social media
· Personal partnering for inspiration and accountability
· Tapping the un-served and under-served multicultural marketplace
· Embracing change and taking risks
· Implementing the latest productivity-boosting technologies
· Hiring an assistant so you can pursue your passi***
· Tapping the power of R-Commerce (Relati***hip-Commerce
Roberts also tackles the process of running a sales operation, which requires deft maneuvering. Here, you'll learn to create solid partnerships with like-minded, talented people; set the right goals and reward yourself properly when you reach them; embrace change in your industry (and the world at large) to grow your business; create your own USP, a kind of personal resume and mission statement; "seed" your business cards; take a weekly "Hour of Power" to keep in touch with your contacts; and use the latest technology such as the Internet and blogs to grow sales.
Part I:Mastering the Sales Success Mindset
Chapter 1: Boosting Sales with Advanced Selling
Chapter 2: Visualizing Yourself as a Power Seller
Chapter 3: Charting Your Roadmap to Sales Success
Chapter 4: Making Selling Your Hobby and Your Habit
Chapter 5: Setting the Stage for an Unlimited Upside
Part II: Pumping Up Your Sales Muscle
Chapter 6: Getting in Step with Your Customer
Chapter 7: Teaming Up for Success with Personal Partnering
Chapter 8: Embracing Change as a Growth Strategy
Chapter 9: Branding Yourself through Shameless Self-Promotion
Chapter 10: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Taking Risks
Part III: Equipping Yourself with Advanced Selling Tools and Resources
Chapter 11: Investing and Re-Investing in Your Success
Chapter 12: Putting the Latest Technologies to Work for You
Chapter 13: Picking the Right People to Fill the Gaps
Part IV: Prospecting for Sales Opportunities
Chapter 14: Harnessing People Powe***ith R-Commerce
Chapter 15: Prospecting for Untapped and Under-Tapped Markets
Chapter 16: Tapping the Power of the Multimedia Marketplace
Chapter 17: Exploring Opportunities in the Virtual World: Social Media
Part V: Teaming Up with Your Customers and Competitors
Chapter 18: Focusing on Your Client’s Success
Chapter 19: Selling to Multicultural Customers
Chapter 20: Playing Nice with the Competition
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Chapter 21: Ten Power-Selling Tactics and Techniques
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Break Your Sales Slump or Avoid It Entirely
Ralph R. Roberts’ sales success is legendary. He has been profiled by the Associated Press, CNN, and Time magazine, and was once dubbed by Time magazine “the best selling Realtor® in America.” In addition to being one of the most successful salespe
Advanced Selling For Dummies® is a terrific resource that can energize your business performance and boost your bottom line. An excellent guide for both seasoned salespeople who want to take their productivity to the next level and small- and large-business entrepreneurs who are missing the advanced selling strategies that they really need to generate business and revenue. This book is packed with practical advice on how to boost sales, productivity and profits through the full-court-press approach to marketing and sales. Unlike other books that claim to reveal the "secret" to selling, Advanced Selling For Dummies is based on the premise that no single secret exists. You need a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, a creative mind, and the "sticktoitism" to survive and thrive in today's competitive marketplace. In the book, Ralph R. Roberts and a select group of the top sales people and trainers across the country give readers the necessary tools to become top-producers. Stressing the importance of focusing on your innate skill sets and creating a distinctive brand for yourself, Advanced Selling For Dummies teaches the tricks and habits that can benefit you both in your professional and personal life--things like: Believing in and motivating yourself Planning the work and then working the plan Techniques for honing your sales skills Hour of Power-100 phone calls, one hour a day Personal branding through shameless self-promotion Credibility building through websites, blogging, and social media Personal partnering for inspiration and accountability Tapping the un-served and under-served multicultural marketplace Embracing change and taking risks Implementing the latest productivity-boosting technologies Hiring an assistant so you can pursue your passi*** Tapping the power of R-Commerce (Relati***hip-Commerce Roberts also tackles the process of running a sales operation, which requires deft maneuvering. Here, you'll learn to create solid partnerships with like-minded, talented people; set the right goals and reward yourself properly when you reach them; embrace change in your industry (and the world at large) to grow your business; create your own USP, a kind of personal resume and mission statement; "seed" your business cards; take a weekly "Hour of Power" to keep in touch with your contacts; and use the latest technology such as the Internet and blogs to grow sales.
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