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In 1994, Dr. John Gottman and his colleagues at the University
of Washingto— made a startling announcement: Through scientific
observation and mathematical ***ysis, they could predict—with more
than 90 percent accuracy—whether a marriage would succeed or fail.
The only thing they did not yet know was how to turn a failing
marriage into a successful one, so Gottman teamed up with his
clinical psychologist wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, to develop
intervention methods. Now the Gottmans, togethe***ith the Love Lab
research facility, have put these ideas into practice. In Ten
Less*** to Transform Your Marriage, the Gottmans share this vital
information so that couples can develop the skills to turn their
relati***hip problems around and create strong, lasting
What emerged from the Gottmans’ collaboration and decades of
research is a body of advice that’s based on two surprisingly
*** truths: Happily married couples behave like good friends,
and they handle their conflicts in gentle, positive ways. The
authors offer an intimate look at ten couples who have learned to
work through potentially destructive problems—extramarital affairs,
workaholism, parenthood adjustments, serious illnesses, lack of
intimacy—and examine what they’ve done to improve communication and
get their marriages back on track.
Giving an insider’s view of the Love Lab, the Gottmans take the
reader step-by-step through the couples’ conversati***, before and
after they are counseled. The authors also provide an ***ysis of
the couples’ in***cti***, identifying their core problems and
offering suggesti*** for resolving them. By “listening” to the
discussi*** in this way, you will learn to detect the most common
stumbling blocks of a relati***hip and—most important—how to avoid
Hundreds of thousands have seen their relati***hips improve
thanks to the Gottmans’ work. Whether you want to make a strong
relati***hip more fulfilling or rescue one that’s headed for
disaster, Ten Less*** to Transform Your Marriage is essential
From inside the famed Gottman Institute, aka the “Love Lab”: ten
scientifically proven, practical ways to strengthen your
“We don’t feel close anymore.”
“You never talk to me.”
“We only have time for the kids.”
“All you do is work.”
“You don’t care about my dreams.”
Do you recognize yourself, or your spouse, in any of these
statements? If so, Dr. John Gottman and his wife, Dr. Julie
Schwartz Gottman, say you shouldn’t be surprised. In fact, their
decades of scientific research have shown that most couples face
these and other serious problems—but what the Gottmans have proven
is that such difficulties don’t have to lead to a broken
relati***hip, or even divorce.
In Ten Less*** to Transform Your Marriage, the Gottmans provide
vital tools—scientifically based and empirically verified—that you
can use to regain affection and romance lost through years of
ineffective communication. You’ll strengthen your relati***hip and
make it the most fulfilling it can be.
From the Hardcover edition.
In 1994, Dr. John Gottman and his colleagues at the University of Washingto— made a startling announcement: Through scientific observation and mathematical ***ysis, they could predict—with more than 90 percent accuracy—whether a marriage would succeed or fail. The only thing they did not yet know was how to turn a failing marriage into a successful one, so Gottman teamed up with his clinical psychologist wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, to develop intervention methods. Now the Gottmans, togethe***ith the Love Lab research facility, have put these ideas into practice. In Ten Less*** to Transform Your Marriage , the Gottmans share this vital information so that couples can develop the skills to turn their relati***hip problems around and create strong, lasting uni***.
What emerged from the Gottmans’ collaboration and decades of research is a body of advice that’s based on two surprisingly *** truths: Happily married couples behave like good friends, and they handle their conflicts in gentle, positive ways. The authors offer an intimate look at ten couples who have learned to work through potentially destructive problems—extramarital affairs, workaholism, parenthood adjustments, serious illnesses, lack of intimacy—and examine what they’ve done to improve communication and get their marriages back on track.
Giving an insider’s view of the Love Lab, the Gottmans take the reader step-by-step through the couples’ conversati***, before and after they are counseled. The authors also provide an ***ysis of the couples’ in***cti***, identifying their core problems and offering suggesti*** for resolving them. By “listening” to the discussi*** in this way, you will learn to detect the most common stumbling blocks of a relati***hip and—most important—how to avoid them.
Hundreds of thousands have seen their relati***hips improve thanks to the Gottmans’ work. Whether you want to make a strong relati***hip more fulfilling or rescue one that’s headed for disaster, Ten Less*** to Transform Your Marriage is essential reading.
From inside the famed Gottman Institute, aka the “Love Lab”: ten scientifically proven, practical ways to strengthen your marriage
“We don’t feel close anymore.”
“You never talk to me.”
“We only have time for the kids.”
“All you do is work.”
“You don’t care about my dreams.”
Do you recognize yourself, or your spouse, in any of these statements? If so, Dr. John Gottman and his wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, say you shouldn’t be surprised. In fact, their decades of scientific research have shown that most couples face these and other serious problems—but what the Gottmans have proven is that such difficulties don’t have to lead to a broken relati***hip, or even divorce.
In Ten Less*** to Transform Your Marriage , the Gottmans provide vital tools—scientifically based and empirically verified—that you can use to regain affection and romance lost through years of ineffective communication. You’ll strengthen your relati***hip and make it the most fulfilling it can be.
From the Hardcover edition.
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