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About the Author. Acknowledgments. Introduction.
Chapter One: The Death of Management. Becoming an Executive Sales
Coach. But Ia m Already Coaching ... Making the Shift from Sales
Manager to Executive Sales Coach. The Missing Discipline of Sales
Coaching. Defining the Role of a Sales Coach. A Coach versus a
Mentor. Nine Barriers to Coaching a Sales Team. C***ultant,
Trainer, or Coach? Managers Dona t Have Time to Manage.
Understanding the Commitment to Coach Your Sales Team. Get a Coach
for the Coach. Five Core Characteristics of the Worlda s Greatest
Sales Coaches.
Chapter Two: The Coacha s Mindset: Six Universal Principles of
Masterful Coaching. Managementa s Eternal Conundrum. Hitting Rock
Bottom. You Cana t Coach What You Fear. The Strong, Fearful Leader.
Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 1: Make Fear Your
Ally. Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 2: Be Present.
Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 3: Detach from the
Outcome. Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 4: Become
Process Driven. Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 5: Be
Creative. Universal Principle of Masterful Coaching No. 6: Become
Fully Accountablea for Everything. The Top 19 Excuses Managers Use
to Justify Why Salespeople Fail.
Chapter Three: Six Fatal Coaching Mistakes and How to Avoid Them.
Coach the Relati***hip with Their Story. Fatal Coaching Mistake No.
1: Believing the S.C.A.M.M.a A Managera s Most Elusive Adversary.
Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 2:Wanting More for others than TheyWant
for Themselves. Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 3: Are You Coaching Your
Salespeople or Judging Them? Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 4: Coaching
Isna t about the Coach. Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 5: Share Ideas,
Not Expectati***. Fatal Coaching Mistake No. 6: Mismanaging
Expectati***: Are You Preparing Your Sales Team for Change?
Chapter Four: Tactical Coaching. Who Do You Coach? A.G.R.O.W.T.H.
Success Indicator to Determine Personal Coachability. Dona t Coach
the Squeaker. Coaching the W*** Person. Developing Sales Champi***
from the Inside Out. What Do You Coach? Coach the Gap. Do I Coach
Them or Train Them? What Exactly Can You Coach? The Top 10
Characteristics of Highly Effective Salespeople.
Chapter Five: The Seven Types of Sales Managers. The Seven Ps. The
Problem-Solving Manager. The Question is the Answer.
Solution-Oriented Questi***.
Chapter Six: Ignition On! Now Theya re Inspired. The Pitchfork
Manager. Push versus Pulla A Simple Model of Motivation. Let Your
Salespeople Tell You What Motivates Them. Ask Your Salespeople How
They Want to be Coached. Motivate through Pleasure Rather than
C***equence. Communicate from Abundance Rather than From Scarcity.
Make Acknowledgment Unconditional, Measurable, and Specific. Make
Your People Right, Even When Theya re Not. Create New Opportunities
Rather than Make People Wrong.
Chapter Seven: Assumptive Coaching and Dangerous Listening. The
Pontificating Manager. Eight Barriers That Prevent Masterful
Listening. Listening Through Filtersa A Managera s Lethal Weakness.
Just the Facts, Please. Encourage Silence. Focus More on the
Message Than on the Messenger. Listening to Someone or Listening
for Something. Make People Feel They Are Being Heard. The
Presumptuous Manager. Dona t Believe Everything You Tell Yourself.
Get Out of Your Way and Out of Your Head. Be Curious.
Chapter Eight: Vulnerability-Based Leadership. The Perfect Manager.
Express Your Authenticity: Become Vulnerable. Embrace Your
Humanity. Evidence of an Emerging Culture. Vulnerability and Trust.
The Passive Manager. Embrace Healthy Conflict. Call Them Out Using
the Coaching Edge. Take a Stand for Your Salespeople. Declare What
You Really Want for Your Sales Team. The a a Ia m Sensing Thata a
Statement. The Proactive Manager. ***iew from the Sidelines.
Chapter Nine: Facilitating an Effective Coaching Conversation.
Preparing for the Coaching Session. The Anatomy of a Coaching
Session. The Coaching Prep Form. Strategic Coaching Questi***. The
L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Model. The Management Conversation. The
Coaching Conversation. Going Deepera Breakthrough Coaching. How
Much Coaching is Enough?
Chapter Ten: The Art of Enrollment. Ita s All about Connection.
Making an Impact. Leaving Your Legacy as a Manager. The Art of
Enrollment. Enrollment is a Universal Phenomenon. Creating the
Possibility for Change. The Six Steps of an Enrollment
Conversation. Case Study: Enrolling Someone to Improve their
Quality of Work. Case Study: Enrolling Someone to Become More
Accountable. The Written Word: Crafting a Compelling Message.
Chapter Eleven: The Seduction of Potential. Potential is the Holy
Grail. The Seduction Begins: The Ether of Potential. The Hard Cost
of Complacency. You Cana t Build a Business on Potential. When to
Give up and Let Go. Master the Art of Abandonment. The Top Trigger
Points of Seduction.
Chapter Twelve: Develop an Internal Coaching Program. Identifying a
Turnaround Opportunity. Holding Your People Accountable. Week One:
Introducing the Turnaround Strategya An Enrollment Conversation.
Week Two: A Minor Setback or Imminent Failure. Week Three: On The
Winnera s Path. Week Four: A Successful Turnaround. Designing an
Executive Sales Coaching Program. How to Turn Around or Terminate
an Underperformer in Less than 30 Days. Fire Them and Then Hire
Them. Tips from the Coachesa Playbook. Conclusion. Final Thoughts
on Being an Executive Sales Coach. Appendix. The Playbook of
Questi*** for Sales Coaches. The 80-20 Rule on Coaching Questi***.
Keith Rosen is President of Profit Builders and the author of three other books, including Time Management for Sales Professionals. He has been featured in Fast Company and Inc. magazines as one of the country's most influential executive coaches and is the expert sales advisor and columnist for several magazines. Keith also sits on the advisory board for several technology companies that are leading the Sales 2.0 evolution. For more information, visit to Rosen's newsletter, The Winner's Path at
[The author] has spotted an opening and written one of the best
sales coaching books so far, in what is still a small selection."
Salesforce June 2008
“[The author] has spotted an opening and written one of the best
sales coaching books so far, in what is still a small selection.”
Salesforce June 2008
Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champi*** is the ultimate guide to maximizing team productivity through executive sales coaching. Between professional deadlines and other business resp***ibilities, most sales managers can?t find the time to develop their sales staff. This book shows you how to develop your own executive sales coaching skills so you can boost sales efficiency, train your staff to better performance, and hire and retain top sales talent.
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