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The Rise of the Project Workforce
"Melik brings a difficult subject into focus by adding a detailed and feasible approach to managing complex projects in the digital age. Not only is The Rise of the Project Workforce a strong entry-level primer, but an extremely valuable reference guide for any seasoned project or program manager."
-Jonathan W. Rider, Vice President and CIO, Gilbane Inc.
"Project professionals remain challenged with business soluti*** that force-fit production and manufacturing discipline and tools to meet the needs of knowledge-based information workers. This book provides a comprehensive reference for enterprises that are *** the shift to a service-based and project-based world."
-Ray Wang, Analyst, Forrester Research
"This is a must-read for anyone looking for a framework to manage complex projects where speed, quality, and managing diverse competencies are critical success components of the project."
-Rich LaBarbera, President and CEO, Kin*** Inc. and former president, Niku Corporation
"The strength of The Rise of the Project Workforce is in the breadth of the topics covered-in both the realm of project management as well as human capital management. Lots of books do one well, but Melik manages to successfully educate readers on the importance of balancing and linking both areas."
-John Colbert, CEO, Guidance Software Inc.
"This book is a well-***anized, college-level course for professionals preparing for the changes and challenges of the twenty-first century. It touches on current and future issues associated with risk mitigation and regulatory compliance that affect every company competing in the global marketplace today."
-David Hofferberth, Analyst, SPI Research
Rudolf Melik has been a successful entrepreneur, professional speaker, and autho***ith more than twelve years of field-proven experience in project and workforce management, regulatory compliance, and business process automation. A former software engineer, he cofounded Tenrox in 1995, where he has served as the CEO since the company's inception. He helped build Tenrox into a respected international software company with clients in more than fifty countries. He is also the author of industry white papers and a book on professional services automation. He lives with his wife and two children in La Crescenta, California. He holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from McGill University.
Who Should Read This Book?
Part I Working in a Flat World
Chapter 1 The Rise of the Project Workforce
Chapter 2 Managing the Project/Service Delivery Lifecycle
Chapter 3 Project Governance
Chapter 4 Why Project Managers Need to Know About Sarbanes-Oxley
Chapter 5 Complying with Labor Laws and Accounting Regulati***
Chapter 6 Organization and Work Breakdown Structures
Part II Project Workforce Management
Chapter 7 The Workflow Foundation
Chapter 8 Initiating Projects
Chapter 9 Workforce Planning
Chapter 10 Project Planning
Chapter 11 Enterprise Timesheet Management
Chapter 12 Travel and Entertainment (T&E) and Expense Management
Chapter 13 Budgeting and Cost Accounting
Chapter 14 Billing, Chargeback and Invoicing
Chapter 15 Work In Progress and Forecasting
Chapter 16 Risk, Scope and Issue Tracking
Chapter 17 Purchasing Workflows
Chapter 18 Project Prioritization and Selection
Chapter 19 Reporting and Dashboards
Chapter 20 Implementation
Chapter 21 Integration
Chapter 22 Deployment Roadmap
Chapter 23 Implementation and Operati***
Chapter 24 User Adoption
Chapter 25 On-Demand or On-Premise
Chapter 26 Building the Business Case
Chapter 27 Conclusion
About the Author
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The Rise of the Project Workforce
"Melik brings a difficult subject into focus by adding a detailed and feasible approach to managing complex projects in the digital age. Not only is The Rise of the Project Workforce a strong entry-level primer, but an extremely valuable reference guide for any seasoned project or program manager."
-Jonathan W. Rider, Vice President and CIO, Gilbane Inc.
"Project professionals remain challenged with business soluti*** that force-fit production and manufacturing discipline and tools to meet the needs of knowledge-based information workers. This book provides a comprehensive reference for enterprises that are *** the shift to a service-based and project-based world."
-Ray Wang, Analyst, Forrester Research
"This is a must-read for anyone looking for a framework to manage complex projects where speed, quality, and managing diverse competencies are critical success components of the project."
-Rich LaBarbera, President and CEO, Kin*** Inc. and former president, Niku Corporation
"The strength of The Rise of the Project Workforce is in the breadth of the topics covered-in both the realm of project management as well as human capital management. Lots of books do one well, but Melik manages to successfully educate readers on the importance of balancing and linking both areas."
-John Colbert, CEO, Guidance Software Inc.
"This book is a well-***anized, college-level course for professionals preparing for the changes and challenges of the twenty-first century. It touches on current and future issues associated with risk mitigation and regulatory compliance that affect every company competing in the global marketplace today."
-David Hofferberth, Analyst, SPI Research
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