规范理论和现代粒子物理导论 第1卷 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

规范理论和现代粒子物理导论 第1卷精美图片
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规范理论和现代粒子物理导论 第1卷书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787510005107
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-04
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:68.30
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Notational conventi***

Note added in proof: the discovery of the top quark (?)

Note added in proof: the demise of the SSC

1 Field theory and pre-gauge theory of weak in***cti***

 1.1 A brief introduction to field theory

 1.2 Pre-gange theory of weak in***cti***

 1.3 The spin and isospin structure

 1.4 Tests of the V-A structure and 'lepton universality'

2 The need for a gauge theory

 2.1 The intermediate vector boson

 2.2 Towards a renormalizable theory

 2.3 Gauge symmetry

 2.4 Freedom to choose the gauge

 2.5 Summary

3 Spontaneous symmetry breaking: the Goldstone theorem and the Higgs phenomenon

 3.1 Spontaneously broken symmetries in field theory: Goldstone's theorem

 3.2 The Higgs mechanism

 3.3 Unitarity and renormalizability

 3.4 Suwmmary

4 C***truction of the standard model

 4.1 Model building (towards the standard model)

 4.2 The standard model

 4.3 Discovery of W and Z0

5 Lowest order tests of the *** in the leptonic sector

 5.1 Phenomenology of purely leptonic reacti***

 5.2 A check of the minimal Higgs mechanism

 5.3 Support for the *** from hadronic collider data

 5.4 Concluding remarks

6 The Higgs boson

 6.1 Introductory remarks

 6.2 Higgs decay

 6.3 Higgs production at the Z0 mass

 *** Limits on the Higgs mass

 6.5 Concluding comments

7 The standard model beyond lowest order

 7.1 Radiative correcti***

 7.2 Renormalization and physical parameters

 7.3 The effective fine structure c***tant

 7.4 The muon lifetime revisited

 7.5 Estimates of one loop correcti***

 7.6 Higher order correcti***

 7.7 Practical problems in testing radiative correcti***

 7.8 Strategies to overcome the imprecision in Mw

 7.9 Testing the minimal Higgs mechanism

 7.10 Beyond the standard model

8 e+e- physics and the standard model

 8.1 Electron-positron storage rings

 8.2 The new e+e- colliders: TRISTAN and LEP

 8.3 e+e- physics at energies [[ Mz

 8.4 e+e- and the standard model

 8.5 LEP data near the Z0 peak

 8.6 Determination of the *** parameters of the Z0

 8.7 Neutrino counting

 8.8 Asymmetries and polarization measurements at the Z0 peak

 8.9 Conclusi***

9 Extension to the hadr***; quark-lepton universality

 9.1 Charm, bottom and top

 9.2 Quark mixing

 9.3 Electroweak in***ction of the quarks

 9.4 The GIM mechanism

 9.5 Colour

 9.6 Summary of the quark sector of the standard model

 9.7 Quark masses and the KM matrix

10 Phenomenology of semi-leptonic reacti***

 10.1 Model independent tests

 10.2 Parity violation in electron-nucleus scattering

 10.3 Optical rotation

 10.4 Summary

11 The discovery of the narrow vector resonances

 11.1 Introduction

 11.2 The 'new' particles

 11.3 Some qualitative features of QCD

 11.4 Quark-lepton parallelism

 11.5 Flavour classification of hadr***

 11.6 The J/ψ and the OZI rule

 11.7 Experimental status of the J/ψ spectroscopy

 11.8 Properties of the J/ψ(3097) and ψ'(3685)

 11.9 Baryouic decay of J/ψ

 11.10 The T family and its experimental status

12 Hidden flavour bound states

 12.1 Quarkonium

 12.2 J/ψ decays. Calculation of the widths

 12.3 Determination of as

 12.4 Leptonic widths

 12.5 Exotics: glueballs, hybrids, etc.

 12.6 ψ'→π: a puzzle

 12.7 Conclusi***

13 Open heavy flavours

 13.1 Discovery and basic properties of charm and bottom particles  

 13.2 Charm decay

 13.3 B physics

 13.4 Production of heavy fiavours

 13.5 Heavy fiavours at LEP

 13.6 Final comments

14 The heavy lepton τ

 14.1 Introduction

 14.2 Discovery of the τ lepton

 14.3 Properties of the τ lepton

 14.4 τ decay

 14.5 The τ neutrino

 14.6 Rare τ decays

 14.7 Miscellaneous and conclusi***

15 Towards the parton model deep inelastic scattering

 15.1 Electron-muon scattering

 15.2 Elastic electron-proton scattering

 15.3 Inelastic electron-nucleon scattering

 15.4 Inelastic neutrino-nucleon scattering

 15.5 Deep inelastic scattering and scaling behaviour

 15.6 Polarization effects in deep inelastic scattering

16 The quark-parton model

 16.1 The introduction of part***

 16.2 Antipart***

 16.3 Part*** as quarks

 1*** The detailed quark-parton model

 16.5 Charged lepton induced reacti*** for Q2 of order M2z

 16.6 Behaviour of the quark number densities as x → 0

 16.7 The missing c***tituents--glu***

 16.8 The parton model in polarized deep inelastic scattering

 16.9 Appendix to Chapter 16: The patton model as an impulse approximation

17 Experimental tests of the quark-parton model

 17.1 Deep inelastic scaling functi*** for Q2 [[ M2Z

 17.2 Neutrino cross-secti*** in the quark-parton model for Q2 [[M2Z

 17.3 Cross-secti*** in the quark-parton model for Q2 comparable with M2Z

 17.4 Application of the parton model to related processes

Appendix 1: Elements of field theory

 A1.1 Fields and creation operators

 A1.2 Parity, charge conjugation and G-parity

 A1.3 The S-matrix

Appendix 2: Feynman rules for QED, QCD and the ***

 A2.1 Relation between S-matrix and Feynman amplitude

 A2.2 QCD and QED

 A2.3 The ***

 A2.4 Some examples of Feynman amplitudes

 A2.5 Colour sums

 A2.6 The Gell-Mann SU(3) matrices

 A2.7 The Fierz reshuffle theorem

 A2.8 Dimension of matrix elements

Appendix 3: C***erved vector currents and their charges


Analytic subject index for vols. 1 and 2












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