UNIX环境高级编程(英文版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

If you are an experienced C programme***ith a working knowledge of UNIX, you cannot afford to be without this up-to -date tutorial on the system call interface and the most important functi*** found in the ANSI C library. Richard Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functi***; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code,a brief example accompanies each description. Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your ***ysis and understanding ofthis code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release the latest release of 4.3BSD, including 386BSD. These real-world implementati*** allow you to more clearly understand the status of the current and future standards,including IEEE POSIX and XPG3.
Chapter 1.Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Logging In
1.3 Files and Directories
1.4 Input and Output
1.5 Programs and Processes
1.6 ANSI C Features
1.7 Error Handling
1.8 User Identification
1.9 Signals
1.10 Unix Time Values
1.11 System Calls and Library Functi***
1.12 Summary
Chapter 2. Unix Standardization and Implementati***
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Unix Standardization
2.3 Unix Implementati***
2.4 Relati***hip of Standards and Implementati***
2.5 Limits
2.6 Feature Test Macros
2.7 Primitive System Data Types
2.8 Conflicts Between Standards
2.9 Summary
Chapter 3. FiIe I/O
3.1 Introduction
3.2 File Descriptors
3.3 open Function
3.4 creat Function
3.5 close Function
3.6 lseek Function
3.7 read Function
3.8 write Function
3.9 I/O Efficiency
3.10 File Sharing
3.11 Atomic Operati***
3.12 dup and dup2 Functi***
3.13 fcntl Function
3.14 ioctl Function
3.15 /dev/fd
3.16 Summary
Chapter 4. Files and Directories
4.1 Introduction
4.2 stat, fstat, and lstat Functi***
4.3 File Types
4.4 Set-User-ID and Set-Group-lD
4.5 File Access Permissi***
4.6 Ownership of New Files and Directories
4.7 access Function
4.8 umask Function
4.9 chmod and fchmod Functi***
4.10 Sticky Bit 88
4.11 chown, fchown, and lchown Functi***
4.12 File Size
4.13 File Truncation
4.14 Fijesystems
4.15 link, unlink, remove, and rename Functi***
4.16 Symbolic Links
4.17 symlink and readlink Functi***
4.18 File Times
4.19 utime Function
4.20 mkdir and rmdir Functi***
4.21 Reading Directories
4.22 chdir, fchdir, and getcwd Functi***
4.23 Special Device Files
4.24 sync and fsync Functi***
4.25 Summary of File Access Permission Bits
4.26 Summary
Chapter 5. Standard I/O Library
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Streams and FILE Objects
5.3 Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error
5.4 Buffering
5.5 Opening a Stream
5.6 Reading and Writing a Stream
5.7 Line-at-a-Time I/O
5.8 Standard I/O Efficiency
5.9 Binary I/O
5.10 Posltioning a Stream
5.11 Formatted I/O
5.12 Implementation Details
5.13 Temporary Files
5.14 Alternatives to Standard I/O
5.15 Summary
Chapter 6. System Data Files and Information
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Password File
6.3 Shadow Passwords
*** Group File
6.5 Supplementary Group IDs
6.6 Other Data Files
6.7 Login Accounting
6.8 System Identification
6.9 Time and Date Routines
6.10 Summary
Chapter 7. The Environment of a Unix Process
7.1 Introduction
7.2 main Function
7.3 Process Termination
7.4 Command-Line Arguments
7.5 Environment List
7.6 Memory Layout of a C Program
7.7 Shared Libraries
7.8 Memory Allocation
7.9 Environment Variables
7.10 set jmp and ionqjmp Functi***
7.11 qetrlimit and setrlimit Functi***
7.12 Summary
Chapter 8. Process Control
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Process Identifiers
8.3 fork Function
8.4 vfork Function
8.5 exit Functi***
8.6 wait and waitpid Functi***
8.7 wait3 and wait4 Functi***
8.8 Race Conditi***
8.9 exec Functi***
8.10 Changing User IDs and Group IDs
8.11 Interpreter Files
8.12 system Function
8.13 Process Accounting
8.14 User Identification
8.15 Process Times
8.16 Summary
Chapter 9. Process Relati***hips
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Terminal Logins
9.3 Network Logins
9.4 Process Groups
9.5 Sessi***
9.6 Controlling Terminal
9.7 tcgetpqrp and tcsetpgrp Functi***
9.8 Job Control
9.9 Shell Execution of Programs
9.10 Orphaned Process Groups
9.11 4.3+BSD Implementation
9.12 Summary
Chapter 10. Signals
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Signal Concepts
10.3 signal Function
10.4 Unreliable Signals
10.5 Interrupted System Calls
10.6 Reentrant Functi***
10.7 SIGCLD Semantics
10.8 Reliable Signal Terminology and Semantics
10.9 kill and ra1se Functi***
10.10 alarm and pause Functi***
10.11 Signal Sets
10.12 siqprocmask Function
10.13 siqpending Function
10.14 sigaction Function
10.15 sigsetjmp and siglongjmp Functi***
10.16 siqsuspend Function
10.17 abort Function
10.18 system Function
10.19 sleep Function
10.20 Job-Control Signals
10.21 Addltional Features
10.22 Summary
Chapter 11. Terminal I/O
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Overview
11.3 Special Input Characters
11.4 Getting and Setting Terminal Attributes
11.5 Terminal Option Flags
11.6 stty Command
11.7 Baud Rate Functi***
11.8 Line Control Functi***
11.9 Terminal Identification
11.10 Canonical Mode
11.11 Noncanonical Mode
11.12 Terminal Window Size
11.13 termcap, terminfo. and curses
11.14 Summary
Chapter 12. Advanced I/O
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Nonblocking I/O
12.3 Record Locking
12.4 Streams
12 5 I/O Multiplexing
12.6 Asynchronous I/O
12.7 readv and writev Functi***
12.8 readn and writen Functi***
12.9 Memory Mapped I/O
12.10 Summary
Chapter 13. Daemon Processes
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Daemon Characteristics
13.3 Coding Rules
13.4 Error Loggjng
13.5 Client-Server Model
13.6 Summary
Chapter 14. Interprocess Communication
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Pipes
14.3 popen and pciose Functi***
14.4 Coprocesses
14.5 FIFOs
14.6 System V IPC
14.7 Message Queues
14.8 Semaphores
14.9 Shared Memory
14.10 Client-Server Properties
14.11 Summary
Chapter 15. Advanced Interprocess Communication
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Stream Pipes
15.3 Passing File Descriptors
15.4 An Open Server, Version 1
15.5 Client--Server Connection Functi***
15.6 An Open Server, Version 2
15.7 Summary
Chapter 16. A Database Library
16.1 Introduction
16.2 History
16.3 The Library
1*** Implementation Overview
16.5 Centralized or Decentralized?
16.6 Concurrency
16.7 Source Code
16.8 Performance
16.9 Summary
Chapter 17. Communicating with a PostScript Printer
17.1 Introduction
17.2 PostScript Communication Dynamics
17.3 Printer Spooling
17.4 Source Code
17.5 Summary
Chapter 18. A Modem Dialer
18.1 Introduction
18.2 History
18.3 Program Design
18.4 Data Files
18.5 Server Design
18.6 Server Source Code
18.7 Client Design
18.8 Client Source Code
18.9 Summary
Chapter 19. Pseudo Terminals
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Overview
19.3 Opening Pseudo-Terminal Devices
19.4 pty_fork Function
19.5 pty Program
19.6 Using the pty Program
19.7 Advanced Features
19.8 Summary
Appendix A. Function Prototypes
Appendix B. Miscellaneous Source Code
B.1 Our Header File
B.2 Standard Error Routines
Appendix C. Soluti*** to Selected Exercises
Parent and the child share a file table entry for every open descriptor.
不同处理器架构支持不同的字节序,小端(little-endian)freebsd linux on intel pentium,大端(big-endian)mac os on power pc solaris on sun sparc,有些处理器可以配置大端和小端,更加混乱。
***P/IP 采用大端字节序。对于***P/IP,地址是使用网络字节序来表示,所以应用程序有时候需要在处理器的字节序和网络字节序之间转换。
uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostint32);
uint16_t ht***(uint16_t hostint16);
uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netint32);
uint16_t ntohsl(uint16_t netint16);
h 代表host
n 代表network
l 代表 long
s 代表 short
If you are an experienced C programme***ith a working knowledge of UNIX, you cannot afford to be without this up-to -date tutorial on the system call interface and the most important functi*** found in the ANSI C library. Richard Stevens describes more than 200 system calls and functi***; since he believes the best way to learn code is to read code,a brief example accompanies each description. Building upon information presented in the first 15 chapters, the author offers chapter-long examples teaching you how to create a database library, a PostScript printer driver, a modem dialer, and a program that runs other programs under a pseudo terminal. To make your ***ysis and understanding ofthis code even easier, and to allow you to modify it, all of the code in the book is available via UUNET. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is applicable to all major UNIX releases, especially System V Release the latest release of 4.3BSD, including 386BSD. These real-world implementati*** allow you to more clearly understand the status of the current and future standards,including IEEE POSIX and XPG3.
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