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Preface to the US*** Alumni's Series
The History and Current Status of Vision Research at US***
Section Ⅰ Visual Neurosciences
Pre-cortical Processing
Chapter 1 Rapid BDNF-induced Retrograde Synaptic Modification in A Developing Retinotectal System
Chapter 2 Ectopic Expression of A Microbial-Type Rhodopsin Restores Visual Resp***es in Mice with P***oreceptor Degeneration
Chapter 3 Organized Arrangement of Orientation-Sensitive Relay Cells in the Cat's Dorsal La***l Geniculate Nucleus
Chapter 4 The Nucleus Isthmi and Dual Modulation of the Receptive Field of Tectal Neur*** in Non-mammals
Chapter 5 Direct Visualization of the Dendritic and Receptive Fields of Directionally Selective Retinal Ganglion Cells
Chapter 6 Functional Alignment of Feedback Effects from Visual Cortex to Thalamus
Chapter 7 Perceptual Learning and Top Down Influences in Primary Visual Cortex
Chapter 8 A Processing Stream in Mammalian Visual Cortex Neur*** for Non-Fourier Resp***es
Chapter 9 GABA and Its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent ***eys
Chapter 10 Pattern and Component Motion Selectivity in Cortical Area PMLS of The Cat
Chapter 11 Feature-based Attention Modulates Orientation-selective Resp***es in Human Visual Cortex
Chapter 12 Filling-in of Visual Phantoms in The Human Brain
Chapter 13 Categorization Training Results in Shape- and Category- Selective Human Neural Plasticity
Chapter 14 Reversible Blockade of Experience-dependent Plasticity by Calcineurin in Mouse Visual Cortex
Chapter 15 The Coordinated Mapping of Visual Space and Resp***e Features in Visual Cortex The Ocular-motor System
Chapter 16 Characteristics of Near Resp***e Cells Projecting to the Oculomotor Nucleus
Chapter 17 Premotor Commands Encode Monocular Eye MovementsChapter 18 Reliability of Oculomotor Command Signals Carried by Individual Neur***
Section Ⅱ Visual Perception & Cognition
Chapter 19 Orientation-selective Adaptation and Tilt After-effect From Invisible Patterns
Chapter 20 Perceiving Distance Accurately by A Directional Process of Integrating Ground Information
Chapter 21 Topological Structure in Visual Perception
Chapter 22 The Mechanism of Isoluminant Chromatic Motion Perception
Chapter 23 Primal Sketch: Integrating Structure and Texture
Chapter 24 Parallel and Competitive Processes in Hierarchical Analysis: Perceptual Grouping and Encoding of Closure
Chapter 25 Visual Working Memory in Decision Making by Honey Bees
Preface to the US*** Alumni's Serier>The History and Current Status of Vision Research at US***
Section Ⅰ Visual Neurosciencer> Pre-cortical Processing
Chapter 1 Rapid BDNF-induced Retrograde Synaptic Modification in A Developing Retinotectal System
Chapter 2 Ectopic Expression of A Microbial-Type Rhodopsin Restores Visual Resp***es in Mice with P***oreceptor Degeneration
Chapter 3 Organized Arrangement of Orientation-Sensitive Relay Cells in the Cat's Dorsal La***l Geniculate Nucleur> Chapter 4 The Nucleus Isthmi and Dual Modulation of the Receptive Field of Tectal Neur*** in Non-mammalr> Chapter 5 Direct Visualization of the Dendritic and Receptive Fields of Directionally Selective Retinal Ganglion Cellr> Chapter 6 Functional Alignment of Feedback Effects from Visual Cortex to Thalamur> Chapter 7 Perceptual Learning and Top Down Influences in Primary Visual Cortex
Chapter 8 A Processing Stream in Mammalian Visual Cortex Neur*** for Non-Fourier Resp***er> Chapter 9 GABA and Its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent ***eyr> Chapter 10 Pattern and Component Motion Selectivity in Cortical Area PMLS of The Cat
Chapter 11 Feature-based Attention Modulates Orientation-selective Resp***es in Human Visual Cortex
Chapter 12 Filling-in of Visual Phantoms in The Human Brain
Chapter 13 Categorization Training Results in Shape- and Category- Selective Human Neural Plasticity
Chapter 14 Reverle Blockade of Experience-dependent Plasticity by Calcineurin in Mouse Visual Cortex
Chapter 15 The Coordinated Mapping of Visual Space and Resp***e Features in Visual Cortex The Ocular-motor System
Chapter 16 Characteristics of Near Resp***e Cells Projecting to the Oculomotor Nucleur> Chapter 17 Premotor Commands Encode Monocular Eye MovementsChapter 18 Reliability of Oculomotor Command Signals Carried by Individual Neuronr>Section Ⅱ Visual Perception & Cognition
Chapter 19 Orientation-selective Adaptation and Tilt After-effect From Invile Patternr> Chapter Perceiving Distance Accurately by A Directional Process of Integrating Ground Information
Chapter 21 Topological Structure in Visual Perception
Chapter 22 The Mechanism of Isoluminant Chromatic Motion Perception
Chapter 23 Primal Sketch: Integrating Structure and Texture
Chapter 24 Parallel and Competitive Processes in Hierarchical Analysis: Perceptual Grouping and Encoding of Closure
Chapter 25 Visual Wo Memory in Decision M by Honey Bees
These authors find a preponderance of LGNdcells preferring horizontal and vertical stimuli and suggest that cortical afferents areinvolved in the generation of LGNd orientation sensitivity (see also Daniels et al.,1977). Other authors report that the orientation biases of LGNd relay cells strictlyreflect those of their retinal afferents (Soodak et al., 1987). These authors favorthe idea that the orientation sensitivity of LGNd relay cells originates in the retinaand reflects the anatomically generated (Leventhal and Schall, 1983), linear,orientation-sensitive resp***e (Levick and Thibos, 1982) of the retinal ganglioncells providing their afferentr> The present study is arguably the most exhaustive to date. We believe thatsome of the disagreements described above are more apparent than real andmay have resulted because previous studies included only relatively smallsamples of cells and, thus, differences in laminar...
Preface to the US*** Alumni's Series
The History and Current Status of Vision Research at US***
Section Ⅰ Visual Neurosciences
Pre-cortical Processing
Chapter 1 Rapid BDNF-induced Retrograde Synaptic Modification in A Developing Retinotectal System
Chapter 2 Ectopic Expression of A Microbial-Type Rhodopsin Restores Visual Resp***es in Mice with P***oreceptor Degeneration
Chapter 3 Organized Arrangement of Orientation-Sensitive Relay Cells in the Cat's Dorsal La***l Geniculate Nucleus
Chapter 4 The Nucleus Isthmi and Dual Modulation of the Receptive Field of Tectal Neur*** in Non-mammals
Chapter 5 Direct Visualization of the Dendritic and Receptive Fields of Directionally Selective Retinal Ganglion Cells
Chapter 6 Functional Alignment of Feedback Effects from Visual Cortex to Thalamus
Chapter 7 Perceptual Learning and Top Down Influences in Primary Visual Cortex
Chapter 8 A Processing Stream in Mammalian Visual Cortex Neur*** for Non-Fourier Resp***es
Chapter 9 GABA and Its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent ***eys
Chapter 10 Pattern and Component Motion Selectivity in Cortical Area PMLS of The Cat
Chapter 11 Feature-based Attention Modulates Orientation-selective Resp***es in Human Visual Cortex
Chapter 12 Filling-in of Visual Phantoms in The Human Brain
Chapter 13 Categorization Training Results in Shape- and Category- Selective Human Neural Plasticity
Chapter 14 Reversible Blockade of Experience-dependent Plasticity by Calcineurin in Mouse Visual Cortex
Chapter 15 The Coordinated Mapping of Visual Space and Resp***e Features in Visual Cortex The Ocular-motor System
Chapter 16 Characteristics of Near Resp***e Cells Projecting to the Oculomotor Nucleus
Chapter 17 Premotor Commands Encode Monocular Eye MovementsChapter 18 Reliability of Oculomotor Command Signals Carried by Individual Neur***
Section Ⅱ Visual Perception & Cognition
Chapter 19 Orientation-selective Adaptation and Tilt After-effect From Invisible Patterns
Chapter 20 Perceiving Distance Accurately by A Directional Process of Integrating Ground Information
Chapter 21 Topological Structure in Visual Perception
Chapter 22 The Mechanism of Isoluminant Chromatic Motion Perception
Chapter 23 Primal Sketch: Integrating Structure and Texture
Chapter 24 Parallel and Competitive Processes in Hierarchical Analysis: Perceptual Grouping and Encoding of Closure
Chapter 25 Visual Working Memory in Decision Making by Honey Bees
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