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- [epub 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 epub格式电子书
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- [pdf 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 pdf格式电子书
- [txt 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 txt格式电子书
- [mobi 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 mobi格式电子书
- [word 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 word格式电子书
- [kindle 下载] The Wats*** Go to Birmingham-1963 沃森一家去伯明翰 1996年纽伯瑞银奖小说 I***N 9780440228004 kindle格式电子书
Enter the hilarious world of 10-year-old Kenny and his family,
the Weird Wats*** of Flint, Michigan. There's Momma, Dad, little
sister Joetta, and brother Byron, who's 13 and an "official
juvenile delinquent." When Momma and Dad decide it's time for a
visit to Grandma, Dad comes home with the amazing Ultra-Glide, and
the Wats*** set out on a trip like no other. They're heading South.
They're going to Birmingham, Alabama, toward one of the darkest
moments in America's history
Christopher Paul Curtis was born in Flint, Michigan, and grew
up there. Bud, Not Buddy, his second novel, winner of the
2000 Newbery Medal and the Coretta Scott King Author Award, is
available in a Delacorte hardcover edition.
And You Wonder Why We Get Called the Weird Wats***
It was one of those super-duper-cold Saturdays. One of those days
that when you breathed out your breath kind of hung frozen in the
air like a hunk of smoke and you could walk along and look exactly
like a train blowing out big, fat, white puffs of smoke.
It was so cold that if you were stupid enough to go outside your
eyes would automatically blink a thousand times all by themselves,
probably so the juice inside of them wouldn't freeze up. It was so
cold that if you spit, the slob would be an ice cube before it hit
the ground. It was about a zillion degrees below zero.
It was even cold inside our house. We put sweaters and hats and
scarves and three pairs of socks on and still were cold. The
thermostat was turned all the way up and the furnace was banging
and sounding like it was about to blow up but it still felt like
Jack Frost had moved in with us.
All of my family sat real close together on the couch under a
blanket. Dad said this would generate a little heat but he didn't
have to tell us this, it seemed like the cold automatically made us
want to get together and huddle up. My little sister, Joetta, sat
in the middle and all you could see were her eyes because she had a
scarf wrapped around her head. I was next to her and on the outside
was my mother.
Momma was the only one who wasn't born in Flint so the cold was
coldest to her. All you could see were her eyes too, and they were
shooting bad looks at Dad. She always blamed him for bringing her
all the way from Alabama to Michigan, a state she called a giant
icebox. Dad was bundled next to Joey, trying to look at anything
but Momma. Next to Dad, sitting with a little space between them,
was my older brother, Byron.
Byron had just turned thirteen so he was officially a teenage
juvenile delinquent and didn't think it was "cool" to touch anybody
or let anybody touch him, even if it meant he froze to death. Byron
had tucked the blanket between him and Dad down into the cushion of
the couch to make sure he couldn't be touched.
Dad turned on the TV to try to make us f***et how cold we were
but all that did was get him in trouble. There was a special news
report on Channel 12 telling how bad the weathe***as and Dad
groaned when the guy said, "If you think it's cold now, wait until
tonight, the temperature is expected to drop into record-low
territory, possibly reaching the negative twenties! In fact, we
won't be seeing anything above zero for the next four to five
days!" He was smiling when he said this but none of the Watson
family thought it was funny. We all looked over at Dad. He just
shook his head and pulled the blanket over his eyes.
Then the guy on the TV said, "Here's a little something we can
use to brighten our spirits and give us some hope for the future:
The temperature in Atlanta, Ge***ia is forecast to reach . . ." Dad
coughed real loud and jumped off the couch to turn the TV off but
we all heard the weatherman say, ". . . the mid-seventies!" The guy
might as well have tied Dad to a tree and said, "Ready, aim,
"Atlanta!" Momma said. "That's a hundred and fifty miles from
"Wilona . . . ," Dad said.
"I knew it," Momma said. "I knew I should have listened to Moses
"Who?" I asked.
Dad said, "Oh Lord, not that sorry story. You've got to let me
tell about what happened with him."
Momma said, "There's not a w*** lot to tell, just a story about
a young girl who made a bad choice. But if you do tell it, make
sure you get all the facts right."
We all huddled as close as we could get because we knew Dad was
going to try to make us f***et about being cold by cutting up. Me
and Joey started smiling right away, and Byron tried to look cool
and bored.
"Kids," Dad said, "I almost wasn't your father. You guys came
real close to having a clown for a daddy named Hambone Henderson. .
. ."
"Daniel Watson, you stop right there. You're the one who started
that 'Hambone' n***ense. Before you started that everyone called
him his Christian name, Moses. And he was a respectable boy too, he
wasn't a clown at all."
"But the name stuck didn't it? Hambone Henderson. Me and your
granddaddy called him that because the boy had a head shaped like a
hambone, had more knots and bumps on his head than a dinosaur. So
as you guys sit here giving me these dirty looks because it's a
little chilly outside ask yourselves if you'd rather be a little
cold or go through life being known as the Hambonettes."
Me and Joey cracked up, Byron kind of chuckled and Momma put her
hand over her mouth. She did this whenever she was going to give a
smile because she had a great big gap between her front teeth. If
Momma thought something was funny, first you'd see her trying to
keep her lips together to hide the gap, then, if the smile got to
be too strong, you'd see the gap for a *** second before Momma's
hand would come up to cover it, then she'd crack up too.
Laughing only encouraged Dad to cut up more, so when he saw the
w*** family thinking he was funny he really started putting on a
He stood up in front of the TV. "Yup, Hambone Henderson proposed
to your mother around the same time I did. Fought dirty too, told
your momma a pack of lies about me and when she didn't believe them
he told her a pack of lies about Flint."
Dad started talking Southern-style, imitating this Hambone guy.
"Wilona, I heard tell about the weather up that far north in Flint,
Mitch-again, heard it's colder than inside an icebox. Seen a movie
about it, think it was made in Flint. Movie called Nanook of the
North. Yup, do believe for sure it was made in Flint. Uh-huh,
Flint, Mitch-again."
"Folks there live in these things called igloos. According to
what I seen in this here movie most folks in Flint is Chinese.
Don't believe I seem nan one colored person in the w*** dang city.
You a 'Bama gal, don't believe you'd be too happy living in no
igloo. Ain't got nothing against 'em, but don't believe you'd be
too happy living 'mongst a w*** slew of Chinese folks. Don't
believe you'd like the food. Only thing them Chinese folks in that
movie et was whales and seals. Don't believe you'd like no whale
meat. Don't taste a lick like chicken. Don't taste like pork at
Momma pulled her hand away from her mouth. "Daniel Watson, you
are one lying man! Only thing you said that was true was that being
in Flint is like living in an igloo. I knew I should have listened
to Moses. Maybe these babies mighta been born with lumpy heads but
at least they'da had warm lumpy heads!
"You know Birmingham is a good place, and I don't mean the
weather either. The life is slower, the people are
"Oh yeah," Dad interrupted, "they're a laugh a minute down there.
Let's see, where was that 'Coloreds Only' bathroom downtown?"
"Daniel, you know what I mean, things aren't perfect but people
are more honest about the way they feel"--she took her mean eyes
off Dad and put them on Byron--"and folks there do know how to
respect their parents."
Byron rolled his eyes like he didn't care. All he did was tuck
the blanket farther into the couch's cushion.
Dad didn't like the direction the conversation was going so he
called the landlord for the hundredth time. The phone was still
"That snake in the grass has got his phone off the hook. Well,
it's going to be too cold to stay here tonight, let me call Cydney.
She just had that new furnace put in, maybe we can spend the night
there." Aunt Cydney was kind of mean but her house was always warm
so we kept our fingers crossed that she was home.
Everyone, even Byron, cheered when Dad got Aunt Cydney and she
told us to hurry over before we froze to death.
Dad went out to try and get the Brown Bomber started. That was
what we called our car. It was a 1948 ***mouth that was dull brown
and real big, Byron said it was turd brown. Uncle Bud gave it to
Dad when it was thirteen years old and we'd had it for two years.
Me and Dad took real good care of it but some of the time it didn't
like to start up in the winter.
After five minutes Dad came back in huffing and puffing and
slapping his arms across his chest.
"Well, it was touch and go for a while, but the Great Brown One
pulled through again!" Everyone cheered, but me and Byron quit
cheering and started frowning right away. By the way Dad smiled at
us we knew what was coming next. Dad pulled two ice sc***rs out of
his pocket and said, "O.K., boys, let's get out there and knock
those windows out."
We moaned and groaned and put some more coats on and went outside
to sc*** the car's windows. I could tell by the way he was pouting
that Byron was going to try and get out of doing his share of he
"I'm not going to do your part, Byron, you'd better do it and I'm
not playing either."
"Shut up, punk."
I went over to the Brown Bomber's passenger side and started
hacking away at the scab of ice that was all over the windows. I
finished Momma's window and took a break. Scraping ice off of
windows when it's that cold can kill you!
I didn't hear any sound coming from the other side of the car so
I yelled out, "I'm serious, Byron, I'm not doing that side too, and
I'm only going to do half the windshield, I don't care what you do
to me." The windshield on the Bombe***asn't like the new 1963 cars,
it had a big bar running down the middle of it, dividing it in
"Shut your stupid mouth, I got something more important to do
right now."
I peeked around the back of the car to see what By was up to. The
only thing he'd sc***d off was the outside mirror and he was
bending down to look at himself in it. He saw me and said, "You
know what, square? I must be adopted, there just ain't no way two
folks as ugly as your momma and daddy coulda give birth to someone
as sharp as me!"
He was running his hands over his head like he was brushing his
I said, "F***et you," and went back over to the other side of the
car to finish the back window. I had half of the ice off when I had
to stop again and catch my breath. I heard Byron mumble my
I said, "You think I'm stupid? It's not going to work this time."
He mumbled my name again. It sounded like his mouth was full of
something. I knew this was a trick, I knew this was going to be How
to Survive a Blizzard, Part Two.
How to Survive a Blizzard, Part One had been last night when I
was outside playing in the snow and Byron and his running buddy,
Buphead, came walking by. Buphead has officially been a juvenile
delinquent even longer than Byron.
"Say, kid," By had said, "you wanna learn somethin' that might
save your stupid life one day?"
I should have known better, but I was bored and I think maybe the
cold weathe***as *** my brain slow, so I said, "What's
"We gonna teach you how to survive a blizzard."
Byron put his hands in front of his face and said "This is the
most important thing to remember, O.K.?"
"Well, first we gotta show you what it feels like to be trapped
in a blizzard. You ready?" He whispered something to Buphead and
they both laughed.
"I'm ready."
I should have known that the only reason Buphead and By would
want to play with me was to do something mean.
"O.K.," By said, "first thing you gotta worry about is high
Byron and Buphead each grabbed one of my arms and one of my legs
and swung me between them going, "Woo, blizzard warnings! Blizzard
warnings! Wooo! Take cover!"
Buphead counted to three and on the third swing they let me go in
the air. I landed headfirst in a snowbank.
But that was O.K. because I had on three coats, two sweaters, a
T-shirt, three pairs of pants and four socks along with a scarf, a
hat and a hood. These guys couldn't have hurt me if they'd thrown
me off the Empire State Building!'
After I climbed out of the snowbank they started laughing and so
did I.
"Cool, Baby Bruh," By said, "you passed that part of the test
with a B-plus, what you think, Buphead?"
Buphead said, "Yeah, I'd give the little punk a A."
They whispered some more and started laughing again.
"O.K.," By said, "second thing you gotta learn is how to keep
your balance in a high wind. You gotta be good at this so you don't
get blowed into no polar bear dens."
They put me in between them and started *** me spin round and
round, it seemed like they spun me for about half an hour. When
slob started flying out of my mouth they let me stop and I wobbled
around for a while before they pushed me back in the same
When everything stopped going in circles I got up and we all
laughed again.
They whispered some more and then By said, "What you think,
Buphead? He kept his balance a good long time, I'm gonna give him a
"I ain't as hard a grader as you, I'ma give the little punk a
double A-minus."
"O.K., Kenny now the last part of Surviving a Blizzard, you
"You passed the wind test and did real good on the balance test
but now we gotta see if you ready to graduate. You remembe***hat we
told you was the most important part about survivin'?"
"O.K., here we go. Buphead, tell him 'bout the final exam."
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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