(南大智库文丛)CTTI智库报告(2018) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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新型智库建设是构建现代治理体系、增强现代治理能力、推动政策共同体更加开放化的重要抓手和重要路径。“中国智库索引”(Chinese Think Tank Index, 简称CTTI)是由南京大学中国智库研究与评价中心和光明日报智库研究与发布中心共同开发的大型在线智库信息系统,集成了智库搜索引擎、智库数据管理和智库在线评价三大功能。大部分CTTI来源智库都是各类新型智库建设中的翘楚。《CTTI智库报告(2018)》利用详尽的数据全面客观地呈现了我国新型智库建设的成就与存在的“短板”,并对新型智库下一步建设提出了中肯的建议。《CTTI智库报告(2018)》包含《2018CTTI来源智库发展报告》《2018 CTTI高校智库暨百强榜报告》《2017“CTTI智库*实践奖”评选活动报告》和*版的“CTTI来源智库目录”,并以中英文两种语言出版,旨在向国际社会展示中国特色新型智库建设的*进展,促进中外智库界的沟通与交流。
2018CTTI来源智库发展报告 / 001
1中国特色新型智库建设进展 / 001
1.1智库政策文件制定点面俱到 / 001
1.2智库体系和平台建设日渐成熟 / 005
1.3智库交流与传播日益深化 / 009
1.4智库研究与评价长足发展 / 012
1.5小结 / 016
2“中国智库索引”CTTI系统概述 / 017
2.1CTTI系统开发与建设进展回顾 / 017
2.2CTTI数据收录情况概览 / 025
2.3CTTI的作用与影响 / 029
3 2018年度CTTI来源智库目录增补 / 032
3.1 CTTI来源智库增补原则 / 032
3.2 2018CTTI来源智库增补过程 / 034
3.3天津来源智库增补经验 / 036
3.4CTTI来源智库数据分析 / 037
4MRPAI测评指标体系与排序规则 / 042
4.1评价基本原则 / 042
4.2MRPAI测评指标的确定 / 043
4.3MRPAI智库测评指标的赋值 / 048
5 MRPAI排序规则 / 050
5.1MRPAI排序规则的设计原理 / 050
5.2MRPAI排序规则 / 051
5.3MRPAI智库专家排序规则 / 052
5.4大学智库指数排序规则 / 054
5.5MRPAI测评系统 / 055
6来源智库测评结果分析 / 056
6.1社会智库测评数据示例 / 056
6.2各研究领域智库测评数据示例 / 058
7加强中国特色新型智库建设的几点建议 / 074
7.1创新智库体制机制,完善智库治理 / 074
7.2改善智库服务模式,提供嵌入式服务 / 075
7.3优化智库人力资源布局,充实人才队伍 / 076
7.4增强国际交流合作,让世界理解中国 / 077
7.5树立智库品牌意识,打造旗舰产品 / 077
7.6促进智库协调发展,完善智库体系 / 078
附录:CTTI来源智库目录(2018—2019) / 080
2018 Annual Report on the Development of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 110
1Progress in the C***truction of New Types of Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics / 110
1.1Full Formulation for Think Tank Policies and Documents / 110
1.2The Think Tank System and Platform Becoming Mature / 118
1.3Deepening Communication and Dissemination of Think Tanks / 124
1.4Significant Progress in Think Tank Research and Evaluation / 131
1.5Conclusion / 138
2An Overview of the CTTI System / 139
2.1A Review of the Developing and C***tructing Process of the CTTI System / 139
2.1.1Research and Development Background of the CTTI System / 139
2.2Overview of CTTI Data Inclusion / 150
2.3The Role and Impact of CTTI / 155
3Addition to Catalogue of CTTIs Source Think Tanks in 2018 / 161
3.1Principles of Source Think Tank Addition / 161
3.2The Process of Adding Source Think Tanks in 2018 / 164
3.3Tianjin Source Think Tanks Addition Experience / 166
3.4Analysis of the CTTI Source Think Tank Data / 168
4The MRPAI Assessment Indicator System and Ranking Rule / 174
4.1Basic Principles of Evaluation / 174
4.2Selection of the MRPAI Assessment Indicators / 175
4.3Value Assignment for MRPAI Indicators / 183
5The MRPAI Ranking Rules / 187
5.1Principle for Designing MRPAI Ranking Rules / 187
5.2MRPAI Ranking Rules / 188
5.3MRPAI Think Tank Expert Ranking Rules / 190
5.4University Think Tank Index Ranking Rules / 193
5.5MRPAI Assessment System / 194
6The Analysis of MRPAI Assessment Result Data / 195
6.1Examples of Evaluation Data on Private Think Tanks / 196
6.2Examples of Evaluation Data on Think Tanks in Various Research Areas / 199
7 Suggesti*** on Strengthening the C***truction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristic/ 225
7.1Innovating the System and Mechanism of Think Tanks and Improving the Governance of Think Tanks / 225
7.2Improving Think Tank Service Model and Providing Embedded Service / 227
7.3Optimizing the Distribution of Human Resources in Think Tanks and Enriching the Talent Team / 228
7.4Enhancing International Exchange and Cooperation to Make the World
Understand China / 230
7.5Establishing Brand Awareness of Think Tanks and Building Flagship Products / 232
7.6Promoting the Coordinated Development and Improving the System of Think Tank / 233
Appendix: CTTI Source Think Tanks (20182019) / 235
2018 CTTI高校智库暨百强榜报告 / 274
1高校系统高度重视新型智库建设 / 274
2高校在新型智库建设中的独特作用 / 275
2.1学科齐全,便于开展跨学科的问题导向研究 / 275
2.2人才富集,有利于开展大规模数据工程 / 275
2.3高校智库有开展公共外交的便捷通道 / 276
2.4高校智库***公信力较高 / 276
2.5高校智库专业特征明显 / 276
3高校智库在新型智库体系中占据了重要地位 / 276
3.1高校智库的地域分布 / 277
3.2中国高校智库类型及研究领域分布 / 278
3.3高校智库的规模 / 278
3.4中国大学智库指数 / 278
4CTTI高校智库百强评价愿景与原则 / 281
4.1CTTI高校智库百强评价的界定 / 281
4.2CTTI高校智库百强评价的目的 / 282
4.3CTTI高校智库百强评价的原则 / 283
5CTTI高校智库百强评价体系及算法 / 286
5.1CTTI高校智库百强评价体系构建 / 286
5.2CTTI高校智库百强榜遴选过程 / 293
5.3CTTI高校智库百强榜名单 / 293
6CTTI高校智库百强榜数据分析 / 297
6.1CTTI百强高校智库地域分布 / 297
6.2CTTI百强高校智库大学分布 / 298
7高校新型智库建设中的主要问题 / 300
7.1缺乏明确的政策咨询信息,供求信息不对称 / 300
7.2传播意识淡薄,忽视宣传工作 / 300
7.3智库治理机制需要优化 / 300
8加强高校新型智库建设的几点建议 / 302
附录:CTTI高校智库百强机构小传 / 306
2018 Annual Report on CTTI University Think Tanks & Top 100 University Think Tanks / 351
1Great Importance Attached to the C***truction of New Types of University Think Tanks / 351
2The Unique Role Played by Universities in the C***truction of New Types of Think Tanks / 353
2.1Comprehensive Disciplines Make It Easier to Conduct Interdisciplinary ProblemOriented Researches / 353
2.2Abundant Talents Are Conducive to the Implementation of LargeScale Data Projects / 354
2.3University Think Tanks Provide an Easy Approach to Developing Public Diplomacy / 355
2.4University Think Tanks Have a High Level of Public Credibility / 355
2.5University Think Tanks Have Distinct Specialized Characteristics / 355
3The Important Role Played by University Think Tanks in the System of New Types of Think Tanks / 356
3.1Regional Distribution of University Think Tanks / 357
3.2Distribution of University Think Tanks in China by Type and by Area of Research / 358
3.3Scale of University Think Tanks / 359
3.4University Think Tank Index in China / 359
4Visi*** and Principles of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation / 363
4.1Definition of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation / 363
4.2Purpose of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation / 364
4.***rinciples of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation / 366
5The CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation System and Algorithm / 370
5.1Establishment of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks Evaluation System / 370
5.2Selection Process of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks / 380
5.3The CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks / 381
6Data Analysis of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks / 386
6.1Regional Distribution of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks / 386
6.2Distribution of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks in Colleges or Universities / 388
7Major Problems in the C***truction of New Types of University Think Tanks / 390
7.1Lack of Clear Information on Policy C***ultation and Imbalance between Information Supply and Demand / 390
7.2Weak Awareness of Communication and Publicity / 391
7.3Management Mechanisms of Think Tanks Required to Be Improved / 391
8Suggesti*** on How to Improve the C***truction of New Types of University Think Tanks / 394
Appendix: Brief Biographies of the CTTI Top 100 University Think Tanks / 400
2017“CTTI智库实践奖”评选活动报告 / 474
前言 / 474
1智库实践案例评选活动源起 / 474
1.1实践 / 474
1.2智库实践 / 476
1.3中国智库需要寻觅适合自身发展的“实践” / 478
1.4智库实践案例评选活动的意义 / 480
2 CTTI-BPA实践案例评选回顾 / 481
2.1材料征集与审核 / 481
2.2评选过程回顾 / 481
2.3评选内容分析 / 482
2.4评选结果 / 487
2.5会议回顾 / 490
3 CTTI-BPA实践案例撷英 / 493
3.1研究报告篇 / 493
3.2管理篇 / 496
3.3活动篇 / 497
结语 / 500
2017 Report on the Best Practice Awards for CTTI Think Tanks / 501
Preface / 501
1The Origin of Best Practice Awards for Think Tanks / 501
1.1Best Practice / 501
1.2Best Practice of Think Tanks / 504
1.3The Necessity of Chinese ThinkTank Development to Seek Best Practice / 507
1.4Significance of BPA Selection for Think Tanks / 511
2Process Review of CTTI-BPA Cases Selection / 512
2.1Material Collection and Review / 512
2.2Selection Process Review / 513
2.3Analysis of the Selection / 514
2.4Selection Results / 522
2.5Conference Review / 527
3Best Practice Examples of CTTIBPA / 532
3.1Research report / 532
3.2Management / 537
3.3Events / 540
Conclusion / 545
李刚 南京大学中国智库研究与评价中心副主任、首席专家,南京大学信息管理学院教授、博导。主持开发了中国个聚合智库搜索、智库数据管理和智库评价功能三位一体的“中国智库索引”系统(CTTI)。“中国智库治理论坛”的联合创始人之一。先后主持*哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目、国家社科基金重点项目等各类项目10余项,并在《光明日报》《中国图书馆学报》《智库理论与实践》等权威媒体和学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,出版专著和译著10余部。
王斯敏 光明日报首席记者,智库研究与发布中心主任,光明日报社理论部《智库》周刊主编。曾获第二十二届中国新闻奖二等奖、第二***中国新闻奖三等奖、全国巾帼建功标兵等多项全国及省部级奖励,撰写出版《核心价值观七日谈》等理论专著。致力于智库建设与媒体传播研究,主持创立并具体负责“光明智库”“光明日报智库研究与发布中心”、光明日报《智库》周刊工作,写作、编发大量智库研究文章,带领团队研创《中国智库年度发展报告》等成果,主持国家社科基金委托项目“中国智库年度发展状况与建设路径研究”,组织开展“中国智库年度影响力‘十大’评选”等活动。
邹婧雅 南京大学信息管理学院博士研究生,南京大学智库研究与评价中心助理研究员,曾参与“中国智库索引(CTTI)”的研发设计,参与翻译“南大智库文丛”图书4部,在《光明日报(理论版)》等报刊上发表学术论文8篇。
新型智库建设是构建现代治理体系、增强现代治理能力、推动政策共同体更加开放化的重要抓手和重要路径。“中国智库索引”(Chinese Think Tank Index, 简称CTTI)是由南京大学中国智库研究与评价中心和光明日报智库研究与发布中心共同开发的大型在线智库信息系统,集成了智库搜索引擎、智库数据管理和智库在线评价三大功能。大部分CTTI来源智库都是各类新型智库建设中的翘楚。《CTTI智库报告(2018)》利用详尽的数据全面客观地呈现了我国新型智库建设的成就与存在的“短板”,并对新型智库下一步建设提出了中肯的建议。《CTTI智库报告(2018)》包含《2018CTTI来源智库发展报告》《2018 CTTI高校智库暨百强榜报告》《2017“CTTI智库最佳实践奖”评选活动报告》和最新版的“CTTI来源智库目录”,并以中英文两种语言出版,旨在向国际社会展示中国特色新型智库建设的最新进展,促进中外智库界的沟通与交流。
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