1,000 Days In Shanghai - The Story Of Volkswagen - The First Chinese-German Car Factory上海一千天:第一个中德合资汽车***厂——大众汽车 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

1,000 Days In Shanghai - The Story Of Volkswagen - The First Chinese-German Car Factory上海一千天:第一个中德合资汽车***厂——大众汽车电子书下载地址
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Posth arrived in China with a vision. He navigated a steep learning curve, achieved his goals and now shares an insightful, first-hand account of an intriguing journey that included bumps and highlights. 1,000 Days in Shanghai is a breathtaking manual for anyone contemplating a business career in the increasingly vibrant arena of today's China. It is also a personal account, done with great sensitivity, revealing between the lines a deep respect for the spirit that propels China's social and industrial revolution today.
To really understand China's economic development, one needs to look at the history of individual projects. This applies in particular to those who are c***idering a venture on site. This book by Martin Posth is a unique document on the subject: evidence of profound knowledge, didactically sound, with comprehensible conclusi***--simply readable!
—Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer, Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Siemens AG, Former Chairman of the German Asian-Pacific Business Commission, Co-Chairman of the German-Chinese Dialog Forum
This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to work in or via China. The personal experiences of a pioneering manager can also help management to see the transformation of China in a new light. Anybody wanting to be successful in China should heed the practical less*** that Martin Posth draws.
In establishing the Volkswagen works in Shanghai at the beginning of Deng Xiaoping's reform era, Martin Posth made a breach in the wall behind which the People's Republic of China had dug its trenches up until then. His experiences are useful for anyone wanting to work the Chinese market with any degree of success. The fascinating reading that his report makes, and heeding his less***, can help any entrepreneur to avoid costly mistakes.
For the Chinese, this book by Martin Posth is a historic document on the Open Door Policy for foreign investors. It is a must-read.
Chapter 1: China's Dream of Detroitm Wolfsburg's Gateway to Asia
First sight of the factory in Anting
History behind the deal
Spurned by the Japanese: Citroen or Volkswagen?
Setting the foundation
A Volkswagen pioneer for the Middle Kingdom
Not a fairyland but an entrepreneur's playground
Partnership premier for the group
Vision of the future
Round the transatlantic world of Volkswagen
Quick less***: Prepare your China engagement thoroughly
Chapter 2: Culture Shockm *** Beginnings in Anting
Arrival in a strange and fascinating world
Living conditi*** in Shanghai then
Piano, ballet in Shanghai, 1,000 year-old eggs
Shopping, haggling, Hollywood at the Bund
Fitting derelict buildings with modern machines
Santana in China from below zero
Mercury rising
Delivery kinks
The struggle for change
Leadership with "scientific management"
Model discussi*** at the dinner marathon: Santana or Audi?
Audis battle Santanas on Chinese ground
Quick less***: Avoid unnecessary start-up problems
Chapter 3: TalentmThe Secret of Our Success Changing a comrade's mindset
The f***otten equation
Laying the foundation for training
Woes of the expatriates
Too many Germans
Faults and conflicts
German expat solidarity
Transferring management know-how
Ddjd vu
Quick less***: F***et China if you don't have China-compatible staff
Chapter 4: Cash Shortages and Risky Financial Maneuvers
Messy hand of central planning
Budget blowouts and money problems
The Chinese accepts higher costs
Maiden bonds
Quick less***: Make sure your business in China is profitable
Chapter 5: "Big Project" Poker
Dr. Hahn's ideas for reinforcing the partnership
Building container ships
Dealing with Beijing, central government
Expedition to SAW in Shiyan
China's automobile agenda 2000
The curse of waiting
An "unofficial visit" to Changchun
FAW and Volkswagen
Quick less***: Gain in-depth understanding of the nature of competition in China
Chapter 6: Two Partners, One Dream: The Most Modern Automobile Factory in China
Misunderstandings and red tape
The battle against mistrust, fear and ignorance
Chapter 7:The Open Secret of the Learning Factory
Chapter 8:The Joint Venture and Its Parents
Chapter 9:The Santana: Trendsetter for Motoring
Chapter 10:The Long March to Localization
Chapter 11:In The Dragon's Den: Politics in Deal-Making
Epilogue: At the End of 1,000 Days
作者简介:Martin Posth is a former member of the executive management board of Volkswagen AG and Audi AG.
In the mid-1980s, he built up Shanghai Volkswagen togethe***ith a team of pioneers. In the 1990s, he oversaw the Asia-Pacific business of the Volkswagen Group out of the regional headquarters in Hong Kong.
In June 1997, Posth was awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of Shanghai.”
Today, Posth serves as a member of the board of directors of various leading international companies and committees in Europe and Asia.
Posth arrived in China with a vision. He navigated a steep learning curve, achieved his goals and now shares an insightful, first-hand account of an intriguing journey that included bumps and highlights. 1,000 Days in Shanghai is a breathtaking manual for anyone contemplating a business career in the increasingly vibrant arena of today's China. It is also a personal account, done with great sensitivity, revealing between the lines a deep respect for the spirit that propels China's social and industrial revolution today.
—Hans Michael Jebsen, Chairman, Jebsen and Co., Ltd. To really understand China's economic development, one needs to look at the history of individual projects. This applies in particular to those who are c***idering a venture on site. This book by Martin Posth is a unique document on the subject: evidence of profound knowledge, didactically sound, with comprehensible conclusi***--simply readable!
—Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer, Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Siemens AG, Former Chairman of the German Asian-Pacific Business Commission, Co-Chairman of the German-Chinese Dialog Forum This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to work in or via China. The personal experiences of a pioneering manager can also help management to see the transformation of China in a new light. Anybody wanting to be successful in China should heed the practical less*** that Martin Posth draws.
—Prof. Dr. Eberhard Sandschneider, Otto-Wolff-Director, Research Institute, Executive Officer, German Council on Foreign Relati*** (DGAP) In establishing the Volkswagen works in Shanghai at the beginning of Deng Xiaoping's reform era, Martin Posth made a breach in the wall behind which the People's Republic of China had dug its trenches up until then. His experiences are useful for anyone wanting to work the Chinese market with any degree of success. The fascinating reading that his report makes, and heeding his less***, can help any entrepreneur to avoid costly mistakes.
—Dr. Theo Sommer, DIE ZEIT , Editor-at-Large For the Chinese, this book by Martin Posth is a historic document on the Open Door Policy for foreign investors. It is a must-read.
—Prof. Xu Kuangdi, Mayor of Shanghai 1995-2001; Chairman, China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE); Co-Chairman of the German-Chinese Dialog Forum
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