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SAILING FROM BYZANTIUM(I***N=9780553382730)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780553382730
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-07
  • 页数:368
  • 价格:73.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  A gripping intellectual adventure story, Sailing from

Byzantium sweeps you from the deserts of Arabia to the dark forests

of northern Russia, from the colorful towns of Renaissance Italy to

the final moments of a millennial city under siege….

Byzantium: the successor of Greece and Rome, this magnificent

empire bridged the ancient and modern worlds for more than a

thousand years. Without Byzantium, the works of Homer and

Herodotus, Plato and Aristotle, Sophocles and Aeschylus, would

never have survived. Yet very few of us have any idea of the

enormous debt we owe them.

The story of Byzantium is a real-life adventure of electrifying

ideas, high drama, colorful characters, and inspiring feats of

daring. In Sailing from Byzantium, Colin Wells tells of the

missionaries, mystics, philosophers, and artists who against great

odds and often at peril of their own lives spread Greek ideas to

the Italians, the Arabs, and the Slavs.

Their heroic efforts inspired the Renaissance, the golden age of

Islamic learning, and Russian Orthodox Christianity, which came

complete with a new alphabet, architecture, and one of the world’s

greatest artistic traditi***.

The story’s central reference point is an arcane squabble called

the Hesychast controversy that pitted humanist scholars led by the

brilliant, acerbic intellectual Barlaam against the powerful monks

of Mount Athos led by the stern Gregory Palamas, who denounced

“pagan” rationalism in favor of Christian mysticism.

Within a few decades, the light of Byzantium would be

extinguished forever by the invading Turks, but not before the

humanists found a safe haven for Greek li***ture. The controversy

of rationalism versus faith would continue to be argued by some of

history’s greatest minds.

Fast-paced, compulsively readable, and filled with fascinating

insights, Sailing from Byzantium is one of the great historical

dramas–the gripping story of how the flame of civilization was

saved and passed on.

From the Hardcover edition.










在这一时期的罗斯,弗拉基米尔·莫诺马赫的儿子“长臂”尤里(Yuri Dolgoruky)——他因为对领土扩张的渴望人尽皆知而获得这个外号——于1108年在遥远东北方的森林之中的克利亚济马河(Klyazma)畔建造了一个坚固的据点,并以父亲的名字命名为弗拉基米尔。弗拉基米尔城的重要性与日俱增。半个世纪之后,尤里的儿子兼继承人安德烈·鲍格柳波斯基(AndreiBogolyubsky)大公将首都从基辅迁到了此地。安德烈也在弗拉基米尔城及附近掀起了一股建筑热潮,用当地有特色的白色石料建起几座格外华美的教堂,这些教堂成了所有旅行者的必游景点。在大公的驻地之外,弗拉基米尔公国很快控制了附近的两座繁华城市:罗斯托夫(Rostov)和苏兹达尔(Suzdal)。






税收结构、货币、市政管理——从埃及到安条克的公共生活的节奏似乎一直保持着相同或者相似的节奏,仅有阿拉伯穆斯林指挥官在顶端取代了古老的皇室官员这一点除外。大量来自希腊语的阿拉伯语借词,反映了新的统治者大规模延续了旧制度,因为阿拉伯人只是将阿拉伯语中没有的词汇简单地从希腊语直译过来。被拜占庭称作“demosia”的人头税变成了“al-haraj ad-dimusi”;应缴税的农田或“pakton”变成了“baqt”;收税的官员“grapheis”以及“meizon”分别演变成“garafisis”和“mazun”;而拜占庭的货币“denarius”成了“dinar”。在以前属于波斯的地区可能有着类似的现象,不过倭马亚王朝的权力中心位于拜占庭旧地,因此在早期对拜占庭的因素更看重。






A gripping intellectual adventure story, Sailing from Byzantium sweeps you from the deserts of Arabia to the dark forests of northern Russia, from the colorful towns of Renaissance Italy to the final moments of a millennial city under siege….

Byzantium: the successor of Greece and Rome, this magnificent empire bridged the ancient and modern worlds for more than a thousand years. Without Byzantium, the works of Homer and Herodotus, Plato and Aristotle, Sophocles and Aeschylus, would never have survived. Yet very few of us have any idea of the enormous debt we owe them.

The story of Byzantium is a real-life adventure of electrifying ideas, high drama, colorful characters, and inspiring feats of daring. In Sailing from Byzantium, Colin Wells tells of the missionaries, mystics, philosophers, and artists who against great odds and often at peril of their own lives spread Greek ideas to the Italians, the Arabs, and the Slavs.

Their heroic efforts inspired the Renaissance, the golden age of Islamic learning, and Russian Orthodox Christianity, which came complete with a new alphabet, architecture, and one of the world’s greatest artistic traditi***.

The story’s central reference point is an arcane squabble called the Hesychast controversy that pitted humanist scholars led by the brilliant, acerbic intellectual Barlaam against the powerful monks of Mount Athos led by the stern Gregory Palamas, who denounced “pagan” rationalism in favor of Christian mysticism.

Within a few decades, the light of Byzantium would be extinguished forever by the invading Turks, but not before the humanists found a safe haven for Greek li***ture. The controversy of rationalism versus faith would continue to be argued by some of history’s greatest minds.

Fast-paced, compulsively readable, and filled with fascinating insights, Sailing from Byzantium is one of the great historical dramas–the gripping story of how the flame of civilization was saved and passed on.


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