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A riveting exposé of international corruption-and what we can
do about it, from the author of Confessi*** of an Economic Hit Man,
which spent over a year on the New York Times bestseller
In his stunning memoir, Confessi*** of an Economic Hit Man, John
Perkins detailed his former role as an "economic hit man" in the
international corporate skullduggery of a de facto American Empire.
This riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé unfolded like a cinematic
blockbuster told through the eyes of a man who once helped shape
that empire. Now, in The Secret History of the American Empire,
Perkins zeroes in on *** spots around the world and, drawing on
interviews with other hit men, jackals, reporters, and activists,
examines the current geopolitical crisis. Instability is the norm:
It's clear that the world we've created is dangerous and no longer
sustainable. How did we get here? Who's resp***ible? What good have
we done and at what cost? And what can we do to change things for
the next generati***? Addressing these questi*** and more, Perkins
reveals the secret history behind the events that have created the
American Empire, including:
The current Latin-American revolution and its less*** for
How the "defeats" in Vietnam and Iraq benefited big
The role of Israel as "Fortress America" in the Middle East
Tragic repercussi*** of the IMF's "Asian Economic Collapse"
U.S. blunders in Tibet, Congo, Lebanon, and Venezuela
Jackal (CIA operatives) forays to assassinate democratic
From the U.S. military in Iraq to infrastructure development in
Indonesia, from Peace Corps volunteers in Africa to jackals in
Venezuela, Perkins exposes a c***piracy of corruption that has
fueled instability and anti-Americanism around the globe. Alarming
yet hopeful, this book provides a compassionate plan to reimagine
A Notefrom the Author
1 Mystery Woman of Jakarta
2 Pirating Lepers
3 Geishas
4 The Bugiman
5 A Corrupt and Brutal Country
6 Sweatshops
7 United States-Supported Slaughter
8 Tsunami Profiteering
9 Fruits of Corruption
10 Attacked and Beaten in Indonesia
11 Don’t Become a Buddhist
12 Biological Imperatives
13 Dictatorships of Finance
14 The Quiet Giant
Part 2:latin America
15 Hired Guns in Guatemala
16 0bsessed with Anger
17 Recruited as President of Bolivia Power
18 Maximizing Profits in La Paz
19 Changing the Dream
20 Venezuela’S Ch:ivez
21 Ecuador:Betrayed by a President
22 Bolivia:Bechtel and the Water Wars
23 Brazil:Skelet*** in the Closet
24 The Beautiful Carioca
25 Taking OD the Empire
26 Kindred Spirits
27 A History ofAssassinati***
28 Less*** from Latin America
Part 3:The Middle East
29 A Bankrupt United States of America
30 King Dollar
31 Manipulating Governments
32 Lebanon:“Stark Raving Mad’’
33 USAID Speaks
34 Egypt:Controlling Africa
35 Infidel Dog
36 Iran:Highways and Fortresses
37 Israel:America’S Foot Soldier
38 The Iraq-Iran War:Another EHM Victory
39 Qatar and Dubai:Las Vegas in the Land of Mullahs
40 Into theAbyss
John Perkins is the author of Confessi***
of an Economic Hit Man, a startling exposé of international
corruption that spent over a year on the New York Times
bestseller list. He is a founder and chairman of Dream
Change, a nonprofit ***anization devoted to raising
c***ciousness and creating a stable, sustainable, and peaceful
world for future generati***. Perkins has lectured and taught at
universities on four continents including Wharton, Princeton, and
Harvard, and is a champion for environmental and social causes.
A riveting exposé of international corruption-and what we can do about it, from the author of Confessi*** of an Economic Hit Man, which spent over a year on the New York Times bestseller list.
In his stunning memoir, Confessi*** of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins detailed his former role as an "economic hit man" in the international corporate skullduggery of a de facto American Empire. This riveting, behind-the-scenes exposé unfolded like a cinematic blockbuster told through the eyes of a man who once helped shape that empire. Now, in The Secret History of the American Empire, Perkins zeroes in on *** spots around the world and, drawing on interviews with other hit men, jackals, reporters, and activists, examines the current geopolitical crisis. Instability is the norm: It's clear that the world we've created is dangerous and no longer sustainable. How did we get here? Who's resp***ible? What good have we done and at what cost? And what can we do to change things for the next generati***? Addressing these questi*** and more, Perkins reveals the secret history behind the events that have created the American Empire, including:
- The current Latin-American revolution and its less*** for democracy
- How the "defeats" in Vietnam and Iraq benefited big business
- The role of Israel as "Fortress America" in the Middle East
- Tragic repercussi*** of the IMF's "Asian Economic Collapse"
- U.S. blunders in Tibet, Congo, Lebanon, and Venezuela
- Jackal (CIA operatives) forays to assassinate democratic presidents
From the U.S. military in Iraq to infrastructure development in Indonesia, from Peace Corps volunteers in Africa to jackals in Venezuela, Perkins exposes a c***piracy of corruption that has fueled instability and anti-Americanism around the globe. Alarming yet hopeful, this book provides a compassionate plan to reimagine ou***orld.
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