CFA?资格认证应考秘籍(Ⅰ级)(2016版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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CFA,Chartered Financial
Analyst (特许金融分析师),是全球投资业为严格与含金量的资格认证,在投资金融界被誉为“金领阶层”,在西方一直被视做进军华尔街的“入场券”。
Kaplan被公认为金融领域中全球有实力的内容和培训提供商。CFA®资格认证应考秘籍(Kaplan Schweser CFA® Secret Sauce)(Ⅰ级)(2016版),根据2016年CFA协会出版的官方教材和*考纲编写;紧扣CFA考试知识重点,深度提炼精华例题,形成绝密备考秘籍;目前全球的CFA考生都选择kaplan出版的Secret Sauce备考秘籍。
Level I Schweser’s Secret Sauce ®
Ethical and Professional Standards: SS 1
Quantitative Methods: SS 2&3
Economics: SS 4,5, &6 .....................................43
Financial Reporting and Analysis: SS 7, 8,
9, &10 .........90
Corporate Finance: SS 11
Portfolio Management: SS 12
Securities Markets and Equity Investments:
SS 13&14 .......196
Fixed Income: SS 15&16
Derivatives: SS 17
Alternative Investments: SS
Essential Exam Strategies .................................286
.................................................... 301
Kaplan隶属Graham Holdings——纽交所上市的多元化教育和传媒公司,年收入约40亿美金——Kaplan教育集团下设高等教育、测试准备和专业教育等业务板块,每年为120万名学生提供服务,业务遍布世界30多个国家,是提供终身教育的大型国际教育集团。
作为*的备考服务商, Kaplan提供超过90种标准考试辅导服务,每年为超过400000名学生、个人或企业提供专业的考试培训。
在金融领域, Kaplan被公认为全球有实力的内容和培训提供商。
Ethical and Professional Standards
Study Session 1
Weight on Exam 15%
SchweserNotes™ Reference Book 1, Pages 1–52
Ethics is 15% of the Level I examination
and is extremely important to your overall success (remember, you can fail a
topic area and still pass the exam, but we wouldn’t recommend failing Ethics).
Ethics can be tricky, and small details can be important on some ethics
questi***. Be prepared.
In addition to starting early, study the
ethics material more than once. Ethics is one of the keys to passing the exam.
Standards of Practice Handbook
Cross-Reference to CFA Institute Assigned
Readings #1 & 2
We recommend you read the original
Standards of Practice Handbook. Although we are very proud of our reviews of
the ethics material, there are two reas*** we recommend you read the original
Standards of Practice Handbook (11th Ed., 2014). (1) You are a CFA® candidate.
As such, you have pledged to abide by the CFA Institute® Standards. (2) Most of
the ethics questi*** will likely come directly from the text and examples in
the Standards of Practice Handbook. You will be much better off if you read
both our summaries of the Standards and the original Handbook and all the
examples presented in it.
The CFA Institute Professional Conduct
Program is covered by the CFA Institute Bylaws and the Rules of Procedure for
Proceedings Related to Professional Conduct. The Disciplinary Review Committee
of the CFA Institute Board of Governors has overall resp***ibility for the
Professional Conduct Program and enforcement of the Code and Standards.
CFA Institute, through the Professional
Conduct staff, conducts inquiries related to professional conduct. Several
circumstances can prompt such an inquiry:
Self-disclosure by members or candidates on
their annual Professional Conduct Statements of involvement in civil litigation
or a criminal investigation, or that the member or candidate is the subject of
a written complaint.
Written complaints about a member or
candidate’s professional conduct that are received by the Professional Conduct
Evidence of misconduct by a member or
candidate that the Professional Conduct staff received through public sources,
such as a media article or broadcast.
report by a CFA exam proctor of a possible violation during the examination.
Analysis of exam scores and materials and
monitoring of websites and social media by CFA Institute.
Once an inquiry is begun, the Professional
Conduct staff may request (in writing) an explanation from the subject member
or candidate, and may:
Interview the subject member or candidate.
Interview the complainant or other third
Collect documents and records relevant to the
The Professional Conduct staff may decide:
no disciplinary sancti*** are appropriate.
issue a cautionary letter.
discipline the member or candidate.
In a case where the Professional Conduct
staff finds a violation has occurred and proposes a disciplinary sanction, the
member or candidate may accept or reject the sanction. If the member or
candidate chooses to reject the sanction, the matte***ill be referred to a
panel of CFA Institute members for a hearing. Sancti*** imposed may include
condemnation by the member’s peers or suspension of the candidate’s continued
participation in the CFA Program.
Code and Standards
Questi*** about the Code and Standards will
most likely be application questi***. You will be given a situation and be
asked to identify whether or not a violation occurs, what the violation is, or
what the appropriate course of action should be. You are not required to know
the Standards by number, just by name.
One of the first Learning Outcome
Statements (LOS) in the Level I curriculum is to state the six components of
the Code of Ethics. Candidates should memorize the Code of Ethics.
Members of the CFA Institute [including
Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) charterholders] and candidates for the CFA
designation (Members and Candidates) must:
with integrity, competence, diligence, and respect and in an ethical manner
with the public, clients, prospective clients, employers, employees, colleagues
in the investment profession, and other participants in the global capital
Place the integrity of the investment
profession and the interests of clients above their own personal interests.
reasonable care and exercise independent, professional judgment when conducting
investment ***ysis, *** investment recommendati***, taking investment
acti***, and engaging in other professional activities.
Practice and encourage others to practice in a
professional and ethical manner that will reflect credit on themselves and the
Promote the integrity and viability of the
global capital markets for the ultimate benefit of society.
Maintain and improve their professional
competence and strive to maintain and improve the competence of other
investment professionals.
Standards of Professional Conduct
The following is a list of the Standards of
Professional Conduct. Candidates should focus on the purpose of the Standard,
applicati*** of the Standard, and proper procedures of compliance for each
The following is intended to offer a useful
summary of the current Standards of Practice, but certainly does not take the
place of careful reading of the Standards themselves, the guidance for
implementing the Standards, and the examples in the Handbook.
the law relevant to your position. Comply with the most strict law or Standard
that applies to you.
Don’t solicit gifts.
Don’t compromise your objectivity or
reasonable care.
Don’t lie, cheat, or steal.
Don’t continue association with others who are
breaking laws, rules, or regulati***.
Don’t use others’ work or ideas without
Don’t guarantee investment results or say that
past results will be certainly repeated.
Don’t do things outside of work that reflect
poorly on your integrity or professional competence.
Study Sessi*** 4, 5, & 6
Weight on Exam 10%
SchweserNotes™ Reference Book 2, Pages
Study Session 4: Economics—Microeconomic
Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction
Cross-Reference to CFA Institute Assigned
Reading #13
Types of Markets
Factor markets refers to markets for
factors of production, and goods markets refers to markets for c***umer goods
and services.
Capital markets refers to the markets where
firms raise money for investment by selling debt (borrowing) or selling
equities (claims to ownership), as well as the markets where these debt and
equity claims are subsequently traded.
The Demand Function and the Demand Curve
A general form of the demand function for
Good X over some period of time is:
QDx = f (Px, I, Py...)
QDx = quantity demanded of Good X
Px = price of Good X
I = some measure of individual or average
Py… = prices of related goods
As an example, c***ider the weekly demand
function for gasoline:
QD gas = 9 – 1.***gas 0.02I 0.11PBT –
where income and car price are measured in
thousands, and the price of bus travel (BT) is measured in average dollars per
100 miles traveled. The fact that thequantity demanded typically is negatively
related to price is referred to as the law of demand. Note that an increase in
the price of automobiles will decrease demand for gasoline (they are said to be
complements), and an increase in the price of bus travel will increase the
demand for gasoline (they are substitutes). The positive coefficient on income
indicates that gasoline for this c***umer is a normal good. A negative exponent
on income would indicate that gasoline is an inferior good.
To get quantity demanded as a function of
only the price of gas, insert values for all the other independent variables.
Assuming that the average car price is $26,000, income is $40,000, and the
price of bus travel is $25, our demand function above becomes QD gas = 9 –
1.5(Pgas) 0.02(40) 0.11(25) – 0.008(26) = 12.342 –1.***gas, and at a price
of $4 per gallon, the quantity of gas demanded pe***eek is 6.34 gall***.
In order to find the demand curve that
shows the price of gasoline as a function of the quantity demanded, invert the
demand function to show price as a function of the quantity demanded. For our
function, QD gas = 12.342 – 1.***gas, we get Pgas =8.228 – 0.667QD gas.
CFA 考试高仿真模拟试题与解答》(Ⅰ级)
•一枝独秀:国内目前无其他相关CFA考试权威Secret Sauce落地出版。
This book will be a valuable addition to
the study tools of any CFA exam candidate. It offers a very concise and very readable
explanation of the major parts of the Level I CFA curriculum. Here is the
disclaimer: this book does not cover every Learning Outcome Statement (LOS)
and, as you are aware, any LOS is “fair game” for the exam. We have tried to
include those LOS that are key concepts in finance and accounting, have
application to other LOS, are complex and difficult for candidates, require
memorization of characteristics or relati***hips, or are a prelude to LOS at
Levels II and III.
We suggest you use this book as a companion
to your other, more comprehensive study materials. It is easier to carry with
you and will allow you to study these key concepts, definiti***, and techniques
over and over, which is an important part of mastering the material. When you
get to topics where the coverage here appears too brief or raises questi*** in
your mind, this is your clue to go back to your SchweserNotes™ or the textbooks
to fill in the gaps in your understanding. For the great majority of you, there
is no shortcut to learning the very broad array of subjects covered by the
Level I curriculum, but this volume should be a very valuable tool for learning
and reviewing the material as you progress in your studies over the months
leading up to exam day.
Pass rates have recently been between 35%
and 45%, and returning Level I candidates make comments such as, “I was
surprised at how difficult the exam was.” You should not despair because of
this, but you should definitely not underestimate the task at hand. Our study
materials, practice exams, question bank, videos, seminars, and Secret Sauce
are all designed to help you study as efficiently as possible, help you to
gr*** and retain the material, and apply it with confidence come exam day.
Best regards,
Doug Van Eaton
Dr. Doug Van Eaton, CFA
SVP of CFA Education and Level I Manager
Craig S. Prochaska
Craig S. Prochaska, CFA
Content Specialist
Kaplan Schweser
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