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Wine enthusiasts and novices, raise your glasses! The #1 wine
book has been extensively updated! If you’re a connoisseur, Wine
For Dummies, Fourth Edition will get you up to speed on what’s in
and show you how to take your hobby to the next level. If you’re
new to the world of wine, it will clue you in on what you’ve been
missing and show you how to get started. It begins with the basic
types of wine, how wines are made, and more. Then it gets down to
How to handle snooty wine clerks, navigate restaurant wine
lists, decipher cryptic wine labels, and dislodge stubborn
How to sniff and taste wine
How to store and pou***ine and pair it with food
Fou***hite wine styles: fresh, unoaked; earthy; aromatic;
rich, oaky
Four red wine styles: soft, fruity, and relatively
light–bodied; mild–mannered, medium–bodied; spicy; powerful,
full–bodied, and tannic
What’s happening in the “Old World” of wine, including France,
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, and
What’s how (and what’s not) in the New World of Wine,
including Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, and South
U.S. wines from California, Oregon, Washington, and New
Bubbling beauties and medieval sweets: champagne, sparkling
wines, sherry, port, and other exotic dessert wines
Authors Ed McCarthy, CWE, who is a regular contributor to Wine
Enthusiast and The Wine Journal and Mary Ewing–Mulligan, MW, who
owns the International Wine Center in New York, have co–authored
six wine books in the For Dummies series. In an easy–to–understand,
unpretentious style that’s as refreshing as a glass of Chardonnay
on a summer day, they provide practical information to help you
enjoy wine, including:
Real Deal symbols that alert you to good wines that are low in
price compared to othe***ines of similar type, style, or
A Vintage Wine Chart with specifics on numerous wines
Info on ordering wine from out of state, collecting wine, and
Wine For Dummies, Fourth Edition is not just a great resource
and reference, it’s a good read. It’s full–bodied, yet light…rich,
yet crisp…robust, yet refreshing….
Ed McCarthy and Mary Ewing–Mulligan are two wine lovers who
met at an Italian wine tasting in New York City’s Chinatown and
subsequently merged thei***ine cellars and wine libraries when they
married. They have since coauthored six wine books in the Wine For
Dummies series (including two of their favorites, French Wine For
Dummies and Italian Wine For Dummies) as well as their latest book,
Wine Style (Wiley); taught hundreds of wine classes together;
visited nearly every wine region in the world; run five marath***;
and raised eleven cats. Along the way, they have amassed more than
half a century of professional wine experience between them.
Mary is president of International Wine Center, a New York
City wine school that offers credentialed wine education fo***ine
professionals and serious wine lovers. As U.S. director of the Wine
& Spirit Education Trust (WSET®), the world’s leading
wine educational ***anization, she works to make the courses she
offers in New York available in more and more parts of the United
States. She is also the long–standing wine columnist of the NY
Daily News. Mary’s most impressive credential is that she’s the
first female Master of Wine (MW) in the United States, and one of
only 22 MW’s in North America (with 251 worldwide).
Ed, a New Yorker, graduated from City University of NY with a
master’s degree in psychology. He taught high school English in
another life, while working part–time in wine shops to satisfy his
passion fo***ine and to subsidize his growing wine cellar. That
cellar is especially heavy in his favorite wines — Bordeaux,
Barolo, and Champagne. Besides co–authoring six wine books in the
For Dummies series with Mary, Ed went solo as author of Champagne
For Dummies, a topic on which he’s especially expert.
Ed and Mary also share wine columns in Nation’s Restaurant
News and in Beverage Media, a trade publication. They are each
columnists for the online wine magazine, Ed
and Mary are both accredited as Certified Wine Educators (CWE).
When they aren’t writing, teaching, or visiting wine regi***,
Mary and Ed maintain a busy schedule of speaking, judging at
professional wine competiti***, and tasting as many new wines as
possible. They admit to leading thoroughly unbalanced lives in
which their only non–wine pursuits are hiking in the Berkshires and
the Italian Alps. At home, they wind down to the tunes of U2, K.D.
Lang, Bob Dylan, and Neil Young in the company of their feline
roommates Dolcetto, Black & Whitey, Ponzi, and Pinot.
Wine enthusiasts and novices, raise your glasses! The #1 wine book has been extensively updated! If you’re a connoisseur, Wine For Dummies, Fourth Edition will get you up to speed on what’s in and show you how to take your hobby to the next level. If you’re new to the world of wine, it will clue you in on what you’ve been missing and show you how to get started. It begins with the basic types of wine, how wines are made, and more. Then it gets down to specifics: How to handle snooty wine clerks, navigate restaurant wine lists, decipher cryptic wine labels, and dislodge stubborn corks How to sniff and taste wine How to store and pou***ine and pair it with food Fou***hite wine styles: fresh, unoaked; earthy; aromatic; rich, oaky Four red wine styles: soft, fruity, and relatively light–bodied; mild–mannered, medium–bodied; spicy; powerful, full–bodied, and tannic What’s happening in the “Old World” of wine, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, and Greece What’s how (and what’s not) in the New World of Wine, including Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, and South Africa U.S. wines from California, Oregon, Washington, and New York Bubbling beauties and medieval sweets: champagne, sparkling wines, sherry, port, and other exotic dessert wines Authors Ed McCarthy, CWE, who is a regular contributor to Wine Enthusiast and The Wine Journal and Mary Ewing–Mulligan, MW, who owns the International Wine Center in New York, have co–authored six wine books in the For Dummies series. In an easy–to–understand, unpretentious style that’s as refreshing as a glass of Chardonnay on a summer day, they provide practical information to help you enjoy wine, including: Real Deal symbols that alert you to good wines that are low in price compared to othe***ines of similar type, style, or quality A Vintage Wine Chart with specifics on numerous wines Info on ordering wine from out of state, collecting wine, and more Wine For Dummies, Fourth Edition is not just a great resource and reference, it’s a good read. It’s full–bodied, yet light…rich, yet crisp…robust, yet refreshing….
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