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The main theme of this book is recent progress in structure-preserving algorithmsfor solving initial value problems of oscillatory differential equati*** arising in avariety of research areas, such as astronomy, theoretical physics, electronics, quan-tum mechanics and engineering. It systematically describes the latest advances in thedevelopment of structure-preserving integrators for oscillatory differential equa-ti***, such as structure-preserving exponential integrators, functionally fitted energy-preserving integrators, exponential Fourier collocation methods, trigono-metric collocation methods, and symmetric and arbitrarily high-order time-steppingmethods. Most of the material presented here is drawn from the recent li***ture.Theoretical ***ysis of the newly developed schemes shows their advantages in thecontext of structure preservation. All the new methods introduced in this book areproven to be highly effective compared with the well-known codes in the scientifi***erature. This book also addresses challenging problems at the forefront of modernnumerical ***ysis and presents a wide range of modern tools and techniques.
1 Functionally Fitted Continuous Finite Element Methods for Oscillatory Hamiltonian Systems 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Functionally-Fitted Continuous Finite Element Methods for Hamiltonian Systems 3
1.3 Interpretation as Continuous-Stage Runge–Kutta Methods and the Analysis on the Algebraic Order 6
1.4 Implementation Issues 17
1.5 Numerical Experiments 19
1.6 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 25
References 26
2 Exponential Average-Vector-Field Integrator for C***ervative or Dissipative Systems 29
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 Discrete Gradient Integrators 31
2.3 Exponential Discrete Gradient Integrators 32
2.4 Symmetry and Convergence of the E***F Integrator 36
2.5 Problems Suitable for E***F 38
2.5.1 Highly Oscillatory N***eparable Hamiltonian Systems 38
2.5.2 Second-Order (Damped) Highly Oscillatory System 39
2.5.3 Semi-discrete C***ervative or Dissipative PDEs 42
2.6 Numerical Experiments 44
2.7 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 51
References 52
3 Exponential Fourier Collocation Methods for First-Order Differential Equati*** 55
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Formulation of EFCMs 57
3.2.1 Local Fourier Expansion 57
3.2.2 Discretisation 59
3.2.3 The Exponential Fourier Collocation Methods 61
3.3 Connecti*** with Some Existing Methods 63
3.3.1 Connecti*** with HBVMs and Gauss Methods 63
3.3.2 Connection between EFCMs and Radau IIA Methods 64
3.3.3 Connection between EFCMs and TFCMs 66
3.4 Properties of EFCMs 67
3.4.1 The Hamiltonian Case 67
3.4.2 The Quadratic Invariants 69
3.4.3 Algebraic Order 70
3.4.4 Convergence Condition of the Fixed-Point I***tion 72
3.5 A Practical EFCM and Numerical Experiments 74
3.6 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 82
References 83
4 Symplectic Exponential Runge–Kutta Methods for Solving Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems 85
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Symplectic Conditi*** for ERK Methods 87
4.3 Symplectic ERK Methods 90
4.4 Numerical Experiments 95
4.5 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 104
References 105
5 High-Order Symplectic and Symmetric Composition Integrators for Multi-frequency Oscillatory Hamiltonian Systems 107
5.1 Introduction 107
5.2 Composition of Multi-frequency ARKN Methods 109
5.3 Composition of ERKN Integrators 119
5.4 Numerical Experiments 125
5.5 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 131
References 132
6 The C***truction of Arbitrary Order ERKN Integrators via Group Theory 135
6.1 Introduction 135
6.2 Classical RKN Methods and the RKN Group 136
6.3 ERKN Group and Related Issues 140
6.3.1 C***truction of ERKN Group 140
6.3.2 The Relation Between the RKN Group G and the ERKN Group X 144
*** A Particular Mapping of G into X 145
6.5 Numerical Experiments 155
6.6 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 162
References 163
7 Trigonometric Collocation Methods for Multi-frequency and Multidimensional Oscillatory Systems 167
7.1 Introduction 167
7.2 Formulation of the Methods 168
7.2.1 The Computation of f e~qecjhTT 170
7.2.2 The Computation of I1;j; I2;j; ~Ici ;j 170
7.2.3 The Scheme of Trigonometric Collocation Methods 173
7.3 Properties of the Methods 176
7.3.1 The Order of Energy Preservation 177
7.3.2 The Order of Quadratic Invariant 178
7.3.3 The Algebraic Order 179
7.3.4 Convergence Analysis of the I***tion 180
7.3.5 Stability and Phase Properties 181
7.4 Numerical Experiments 182
7.5 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 191
References 191
8 A Compact Tri-Colored Tree Theory for General ERKN Methods 193
8.1 Introduction 193
8.2 General ERKN Methods 195
8.3 The Failure and the Reduction of the EN-T Theory 196
8.4 The Set of Improved Extended-Nystr?m Trees 199
8.4.1 The IEN-T Set and the Related Mappings 199
8.4.2 The IEN-T Set and the N-T Set 202
8.4.3 The IEN-T Set and the EN-T Set 205
8.4.4 The IEN-T Set and the SSEN-T Set 205
8.5 B-Series for the General ERKN Method 205
8.6 The Order Conditi*** for the General ERKN Method 208
8.7 The C***truction of General ERKN Methods 209
8.7.1 Second-Order General ERKN Methods 209
8.7.2 Third-Order General ERKN Methods 210
8.7.3 Fourth-Order General ERKN Methods 212
8.7.4 An Effective Approach to C***tructing the General ERKN Methods 213
8.8 Numerical Experiments 214
8.9 Conclusi*** and Discussi*** 218
References 218
9 An Integral Formula Adapted to Different Boundary Conditi*** for Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equati*** 221
9.1 Introduction 221
9.2 An Integral Formula for Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Klein–Gordon Equati*** 224
9.2.1 General Case 224
9.2.2 Homogeneous Case 229
9.2.3 Towards Numerical Simulati*** 229
9.3 The C***istency of the Boundary Conditi*** for One-dimensional Klein–Gordon Equati*** 231
9.3.1 Dirichlet Boundary Conditi*** 231
9.3.2 Neumann Boundary Conditi*** 235
9.4 Towards Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Klein–Gordon Equati*** 237
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