化妆品专业英语(徐洪伍) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

《化妆品专业英语》共八个单元。 单元包括两章,主要介绍化妆品的定义、历史及中国化妆品市场情况;第二单元包括四章,主要介绍无机化合物的命名方法、有机化合物的命名方法、高分子化合物的命名方法及INCI命名;第三单元包括四章,主要介绍装饰性化妆品、护肤化妆品、发用化妆品及香水;第四单元包括九章,主要介绍油性原料、表面活性剂、增稠剂、保湿剂、着色剂、防晒原料、美白剂、抗衰老剂、防腐剂和抗氧化剂;第五单元包括三章,主要介绍中国化妆品监督管理条例、欧盟化妆品安全的法律法规及美国化妆品安全的相关法律法规;第六单元包括两章,主要介绍化妆品的配方、技术、分析和包装;第七单元包括三章,主要介绍化妆品的安全性测试、功效评价和感官评价;第八单元主要介绍生物技术在化妆品中的应用研究进展。
Unit 1 Definition, History and China’s Cosmetics Market 001
Chapter 1 Definition and History001
1.1 Definition001
1.2 History002
Chapter 2 China’s Cosmetics Market007
2.1 Market Overview007
2.2 Market Competition009
2.3 Sales Channels010
Unit 2 Nomenclatures of Cosmetic Ingredients 013
Chapter 3 Brief Guide to the Nomenclature of In***anic Chemistry013
3.1 Stoichiometric or Compositional Names014
3.2 Complexes and Additive Nomenclature016
3.3 Stereo Descriptors023
3.4 Summary024
Chapter 4 Brief Guide to the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry027
4.1 Introduction027
4.2 Substitutive Nomenclature027
4.3 Creation of Systematic Names028
4.4 Characteristic Groups—Suffixes and Prefixes029
4.5 Parent Compounds, Parent Hydrides030
4.6 Seniority of Parent Compounds034
4.7 Numbering of Parent Compounds037
4.8 Functional Class Nomenclature038
4.9 Specifying Configuration of Stereoisomers038
4.10 Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Names039
4.11 Graphical Representation039
Chapter 5 A Brief Guide to Polymer Nomenclature041
5.1 Introduction041
5.2 Basic Concepts041
5.3 Source-based Nomenclature041
5.4 Structure-based Nomenclature043
5.5 Nomenclature of In***anic and In***anic-Organic Polymers045
5.6 Traditional Names045
5.7 Graphical Representati***046
5.8 CA Index Names046
Chapter 6 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients048
6.1 What Is INCI?048
6.2 Why INCI?048
6.3 INCI Basics048
*** INCI and CAS050
6.5 INCI Labeling051
6.6 What INCI Is Not051
6.7 Applying for an INCI Name051
Unit 3 Introduction to Common Cosmetic Products 053
Chapter 7 Decorative Cosmetics053
7.1 Primers053
7.2 Concealers054
7.3 Foundation056
7.4 Rouge, Blush, or Blusher056
7.5 Bronzer056
7.6 Highlighter057
7.7 Eyebrow Pencils, Creams, Waxes, Gels, and Powders057
7.8 Eyeshadow057
7.9 Eyeliner058
7.10 False Eyelashes058
7.11 Mascara059
7.12 Lip Products059
7.13 Face Powder, Setting Powder, or Setting Sprays059
7.14 Nail Polish060
Chapter 8 Skincare Cosmetics062
8.1 Cleansers062
8.2 Toners063
8.3 Hyperpigmentation Treatment064
8.4 Facial Masks064
8.5 Moisturizers065
8.6 Barrier Cream065
8.7 Sunscreens066
Chapter 9 Hair Care Cosmetics069
9.1 Shampoos069
9.2 Hair Conditioners071
9.3 Hair Sprays072
9.4 Permanent Waves072
9.5 Hair Dyes072
9.6 Bleaching Agents074
9.7 Hair Waxes075
9.8 Relaxers075
9.9 Hair Straightening075
Chapter 10 Perfumes078
10.1 History078
10.2 What Are the Different Types of Perfume?078
10.3 How Is Perfume Manufactured?079
10.4 What Are the Ingredients and Chemical Structures of Perfume?080
10.5 Why Is Perfume Used?081
10.6 What Are the Adverse Effects of Perfume?081
10.7 What Is the Difference Between Perfumes Marketed to Males and Females?082
10.8 What Do the Terms ‘Fragrance-Free’ and ‘Unscented’ Mean?082
Unit 4 Ingredients in Cosmetics 084
Chapter 11 Oils084
11.1 Natural Oils084
11.2 Synthetic and Semi Synthetic Oils088
11.3 Mineral Oils094
Chapter 12 Surfactants097
12.1 Composition and Structure097
12.2 Classification097
Chapter 13 Thickeners105
13.1 Low Molecular Weight Thickeners105
13.2 Polymeric Thickeners105
Chapter 14 Ingredients of Moisturizers110
14.1 Occlusives110
14.2 Humectants111
Chapter 15 Colourants116
15.1 In***anic Colourants116
15.2 Organic Colourants117
Chapter 16 Sunscreen Agents122
16.1 Organic UV Filters122
16.2 In***anic UV Filters122
16.3 Hybrid UV Filters (OrganicIn***anic Agents)123
1*** Botanical Agents123
16.5 Safety and Health Hazards of Sunscreen Agents124
Chapter 17 Skin Whitening Agents127
17.1 Hydroquinone and Its Derivatives127
17.2 Retinoic Acid or Tretinoin or Vitamin A Acid128
17.3 Alpha Hydroxy Acid128
17.4 Ascorbic Acid and Its Derivatives130
17.5 Retinol and Retinaldehyde130
17.6 Arbutin and Aloesin131
17.7 Glabridin132
17.8 Kojic Acid133
17.9 Azelaic Acid133
17.10 Some Lesser Known Extracts or Molecules for Skin Lightening134
Chapter 18 Anti-aging Agents138
18.1 Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Coenzyme Q10138
18.2 Peptides139
Chapter 19 Preservatives and Antioxidants152
19.1 Preservatives152
19.2 Antioxidants155
Unit 5 Regulati*** on Cosmetics 159
Chapter 20 Regulati*** on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics in China159
20.1 Introduction159
20.2 CSAR and Its Regulatory System160
20.3 Definition, Scope and Classification of Cosmetics160
20.4 Management of Cosmetic Ingredients163
20.5 Technical Requirements about Safety and Efficacy164
Chapter 21 Legislative Aspects of Cosmetic Safety in the European Union168
21.1 Introduction168
21.2 The Requirements of the EU Regulation168
21.3 REACH and the Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP) Regulati***172
21.4 Specific Restricti***172
Chapter 22 The United States’ Regulatory Approach to the Safety and Efficacy of Cosmetics174
22.1 What Kinds of Products Are “Cosmetics” under the Law?174
22.2 What Does the Law Say about the Safety and Labeling of Cosmetics?175
22.3 Does FDA Approve Cosmetics Before They Go on the Market?176
22.4 Who Is Resp***ible for Substantiating the Safety of Cosmetics?177
22.5 Can FDA Order the Recall of a Hazardous Cosmetic from the Market?177
22.6 What Acti*** Can FDA Take Against Companies or Individuals Who Market Adul***ted or Misbranded Cosmetics?177
22.7 Can FDA Inspect Cosmetics Manufacturers?178
22.8 Does FDA Test Cosmetics or Recommend Testing Labs?178
22.9 Do Cosmetics Firms Need to Registe***ith FDA or Get an FDA License to Operate?178
Unit 6 Formulati***, Technologies, Analyses and Packaging of Cosmetics 180
Chapter 23 Formulati***, Technologies and Analyses of Cosmetics180
23.1 Example 1: The Manufacture and Analyses of a Cream Formulation180
23.2 Example 2: The Manufacture and Analyses of a Suncream Formulated with Thermal Spring Waters from Ourense (NW Spain) and Sargassum muticum Extracts183
23.3 Example 3: The Manufacture and Analyses of Several Hair Conditioner Products185
23.4 Example 4: The Manufacture and Analyses of Lipsticks, Lip Balms and Skin Creams Containing Alkenones188
Chapter 24 Cosmetic Packaging195
24.1 Description195
24.2 Purpose of Cosmetic Packaging195
24.3 Packaging in Multiple Layers196
24.4 Standards and Regulati***196
24.5 Environmental Aspects197
Unit 7 Safety Testing, Efficacy and Sensory Evaluation of Cosmetic Products 199
Chapter 25 Safety Testing of Cosmetic Products199
25.1 Introduction199
25.2 Regulatory Requirements for Cosmetics Safety Assessments200
25.3 Genotoxicity Assessment of Cosmetic Products203
25.4 Skin Sensitization Assessment of Cosmetic Products204
25.5 Endocrine Properties Assessment of Cosmetic Products205
25.6 Assessment of Dermal Absorption of Cosmetic Products206
25.7 Skin and Eye Irritation Assessment of Cosmetic Products207
Chapter 26 Efficacy of Cosmetics208
26.1 Evaluation of the Day and Night Creams208
26.2 Clinical Study of Safety and Skin Efficacy of the Day and Night Creams209
26.3 Statistical Analysis211
2*** Results and Discussion211
Chapter 27 Sensory Evaluation of Cosmetic Products214
27.1 Example 1: Sensory Evaluati*** of Personal-care Products Formulated with Natural Antioxidant Extracts214
27.2 Example 2: Sensory Evaluation of a Suncream Formulated with Thermal Spring Waters from Ourense (NW Spain) and Sargassum muticum Extracts218
Unit 8 Biotechnology Applied to Cosmetics 222
Chapter 28 Active Ingredients Obtained by Biotechnological Processes222
28.1 Growth Factors223
28.2 Enzymes223
28.3 Stem Cells225
Appendix Ⅰ: Names and Symbols of Selected Elements 227
Appendix Ⅱ: Multiplicative Prefixes 228
Vocabulary 229
徐洪伍,博士,副教授。肇庆学院精细化工系系主任,精细化工专业负责人。2006年7月毕业于 成都有机化学研究所,获理学博士学位。2009-2010在清华大学( )进行博士后研究。承担《有机化学》、《精细化工专业英语》、《化妆品原料学》和《高分子材料》等多门课程的教学工作。主要从事手性化合物的合成及应用研究工作,主持或参与项目多项。在 外重要刊物发表论文二十余篇,其中在《Chemical Communicati***》、《Organic Biomolecular Chemistry》等SCI收录刊物上发表论文十余篇。
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