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10x10 is a kaleidoscopic view of new architecture in the world today. 100 emerging architects have been selected to appear in the book by 10 leading international architecture curators and critics: Haig Beck + Jackie Cooper, Aaron Betsky, Roger Connah, Kristin Feireiss, J***e Glusberg, Tom Heneghan, Mohsen Mostafavi, Terence Riley, Jaime Salazar, and Neil Spiller.
The book is unique in architectural publishing and provides a truly global view of the most imaginative and important architects of today and of the future. This giant square chunk of a book is even architecturally designed, with a plastic lenticular three-dimensional cover and an innovative shifting grid page design, which packs in over 1,500 striking images into 468 pages.
Presented alphabetically by architect/architecture firm resulting in arresting sequences with the turn of each page 10x10 is an invigorating examination of contemporary architecture and culture. The book features over 250 buildings and projects dating from 1990 to the present. These c***ist of recently-built works, as well as projects currently under c***truction.
10x10 journeys throughout the globe, visiting multi-million dollar schemes such as the Yokohama International Port Terminal in Japan by Foreign Office Architects, and on to much smaller projects such as the tiny timber summer house in Ris?r, Norway designed by Carl-Viggo H?lmebakk, then moving into the digital world of the Guggenheim Virtual Museum by Asymptote Architecture. From traditional to conceptual, this book mirrors the diverse factors that currently influence architectural practice and experimentation and illustrates some of the most innovative resp***es to changing technologies and social conditi***. Encompassing environmental, industrial, urban, technological, and virtual factors, this book showcases an abundance of homes, workplaces, religious centers, and places of entertainment.
It is a vigorous battlefield of architectural ideas as each curator/critic has been specially commissioned to write an essay ***ing his/her selection of architects, in some cases challenging the selecti*** of other curators/critics, and also giving his/her own view on contemporary trends in architecture. In addition, each critic has chosen and listed 10 cultural references including designed objects, books, films, themes, and movements revealing a dynamic range of influences in today’s design environment. Of those works, reproduced here in full are Michael Bell and Sze Tsung Leong’s 47 Years: Slow Space,Robin Evans“Translati*** from Drawing to Building,Richard Francis-Jones“The (Im)possibility of Slowness: A Note on Globalization, Ideology, and Speed in Contemporary Architecture,Gabriel Garcú} Márquez’s “The Solitude of Latin America,David Mamet’s “Countercultural Architecture and Dramatic Structure: On Directing Film,Peter Weibel’s “The World from Within Endo and Nano: Over and Beyond the Limits of Reality,and Lebbeus Woods“War and Architecture.
Not only is 10x10 an essential source book, but it is the ultimate design object celebrating the future as architectural.
10x10 is a kaleidoscopic view of new architecture in the world today. 100 emerging architects have been selected to appear in the book by 10 leading international architecture curators and critics: Haig Beck + Jackie Cooper, Aaron Betsky, Roger Connah, Kristin Feireiss, J***e Glusberg, Tom Heneghan, Mohsen Mostafavi, Terence Riley, Jaime Salazar, and Neil Spiller.
The book is unique in architectural publishing and provides a truly global view of the most imaginative and important architects of today and of the future. This giant square chunk of a book is even architecturally designed, with a plastic lenticular three-dimensional cover and an innovative shifting grid page design, which packs in over 1,500 striking images into 468 pages.
Presented alphabetically by architect/architecture firm resulting in arresting sequences with the turn of each page 10x10 is an invigorating examination of contemporary architecture and culture. The book features over 250 buildings and projects dating from 1990 to the present. These c***ist of recently-built works, as well as projects currently under c***truction.
10x10 journeys throughout the globe, visiting multi-million dollar schemes such as the Yokohama International Port Terminal in Japan by Foreign Office Architects, and on to much smaller projects such as the tiny timber summer house in Ris?r, Norway designed by Carl-Viggo H?lmebakk, then moving into the digital world of the Guggenheim Virtual Museum by Asymptote Architecture. From traditional to conceptual, this book mirrors the diverse factors that currently influence architectural practice and experimentation and illustrates some of the most innovative resp***es to changing technologies and social conditi***. Encompassing environmental, industrial, urban, technological, and virtual factors, this book showcases an abundance of homes, workplaces, religious centers, and places of entertainment.
It is a vigorous battlefield of architectural ideas as each curator/critic has been specially commissioned to write an essay ***ing his/her selection of architects, in some cases challenging the selecti*** of other curators/critics, and also giving his/her own view on contemporary trends in architecture. In addition, each critic has chosen and listed 10 cultural references including designed objects, books, films, themes, and movements revealing a dynamic range of influences in today’s design environment. Of those works, reproduced here in full are Michael Bell and Sze Tsung Leong’s 47 Years: Slow Space,Robin Evans“Translati*** from Drawing to Building,Richard Francis-Jones“The (Im)possibility of Slowness: A Note on Globalization, Ideology, and Speed in Contemporary Architecture,Gabriel Garcú} Márquez’s “The Solitude of Latin America,David Mamet’s “Countercultural Architecture and Dramatic Structure: On Directing Film,Peter Weibel’s “The World from Within Endo and Nano: Over and Beyond the Limits of Reality,and Lebbeus Woods“War and Architecture.
Not only is 10x10 an essential source book, but it is the ultimate design object celebrating the future as architectural.
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