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What happens when a four-star chef and a culinary minimalist
decide to join forces to create something different? They invent a
new style that adapts to every occasion and every level of cooking
expertise. Simple to Spectacular introduces a unique concept
developed by one of the world's top chefs, Jean-Ge***es
Vongerichten, and Mark Bittman, author of How to Cook Everything
and the New York Times's hugely popular column "The Minimalist."
Ever since their award-winning collaboration on Jean-Ge***es:
Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef, the acclaimed duo has been
cooking up a repertoire of new dishes that can be prepared in any
of five progressively sophisticated ways.
Simple to Spectacular features a total of 250 recipes in 50
groups. Each group begins with a ***, elegant recipe--a few
ingredients combined for maximum effect--followed by fully
detailed, increasingly elaborate variati***. For example, a recipe
for Grilled Shrimp with Thyme and Lemon leads to Grilled Shrimp and
Zucchini on Rosemary Skewers, Grilled Shrimp with Apple Ketchup,
Thai-style Grilled Shrimp on Lemongrass Skewers, and Grilled Shrimp
Balls with Cucumber and Yogurt.
Every ***ect of the meal is covered, from superb soups and salads
to unf***ettable side dishes, entrees, and desserts. In Simple to
Spectacular, everything--from the basics to innovati*** by a
four-star chef--is tailored for a quick Tuesday night dinner or an
elegant weekend party. And in the now-classic
Vongerichten-Bittman style, all of the recipes can be made in the
kitchen of any home cook. With 80 full-color p***ographs giving a
mouthwatering view of the Simple-to-Spectacular transformati***,
readers and cooks will eagerly explore the
possibilities.Jean-Ge***es Vongerichten (right) won the 1998 James
Beard Award for Outstanding Chef and Best New Restaurant. His
Manhattan restaurants include Vong, Jo Jo, The Mercer Kitchen, and
Jean Ge***es, which earned a rare four-star rating from the New
York Times.
In Simple to Spectacular, two titans of the food world have
created a truly groundbreaking cookbook. Here are 250 superb
recipes arranged in a uniquely useful way: a basic recipe and four
increasingly sophisticated variati***, with each group (there are
50 groups in all) based on a given technique. This ingenious
***anization enables cooks of all levels of expertise to understand
how a recipe is created and to re-create the brilliantly ***
recipes and dazzling variati*** from one of our best food writers
and home cooks teamed with one of America's greatest chefs.
Mark Bittman (left) has won IACP Julia Child Awards for his
books Fish and How to Cook Everything, which has sold more than
400,000 copies. He is also the author of The Minimalist Cooks at
Home, based on "The Minimalist" column he writes for the New York
Vongerichten and Bittman are coauthors of the James Beard
Award-winning Jean-Ge***es: Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef
(Broadway Books, 1998).
What happens when a four-star chef and a culinary minimalist decide to join forces to create something different? They invent a new style that adapts to every occasion and every level of cooking expertise. Simple to Spectacular introduces a unique concept developed by one of the world's top chefs, Jean-Ge***es Vongerichten, and Mark Bittman, author of How to Cook Everything and the New York Times's hugely popular column "The Minimalist." Ever since their award-winning collaboration on Jean-Ge***es: Cooking at Home with a Four-Star Chef, the acclaimed duo has been cooking up a repertoire of new dishes that can be prepared in any of five progressively sophisticated ways.
Simple to Spectacular features a total of 250 recipes in 50 groups. Each group begins with a ***, elegant recipe--a few ingredients combined for maximum effect--followed by fully detailed, increasingly elaborate variati***. For example, a recipe for Grilled Shrimp with Thyme and Lemon leads to Grilled Shrimp and Zucchini on Rosemary Skewers, Grilled Shrimp with Apple Ketchup, Thai-style Grilled Shrimp on Lemongrass Skewers, and Grilled Shrimp Balls with Cucumber and Yogurt.
Every ***ect of the meal is covered, from superb soups and salads to unf***ettable side dishes, entrees, and desserts. In Simple to Spectacular , everything--from the basics to innovati*** by a four-star chef--is tailored for a quick Tuesday night dinner or an elegant weekend party.And in the now-classic Vongerichten-Bittman style, all of the recipes can be made in the kitchen of any home cook. With 80 full-color p***ographs giving a mouthwatering view of the Simple-to-Spectacular transformati***, readers and cooks will eagerly explore the possibilities.Jean-Ge***es Vongerichten (right) won the 1998 James Beard Award for Outstanding Chef and Best New Restaurant. His Manhattan restaurants include Vong, Jo Jo, The Mercer Kitchen, and Jean Ge***es, which earned a rare four-star rating from the New York Times.
In Simple to Spectacular , two titans of the food world have created a truly groundbreaking cookbook.Here are 250 superb recipes arranged in a uniquely useful way: a basic recipe and four increasingly sophisticated variati***, with each group (there are 50 groups in all) based on a given technique.This ingenious ***anization enables cooks of all levels of expertise to understand how a recipe is created and to re-create the brilliantly *** recipes and dazzling variati*** from one of our best food writers and home cooks teamed with one of America's greatest chefs.
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