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  • I***N:9787510005077
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-01
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:67.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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本书详细介绍膜理论的方方面面。尤其对初学者,它是J.Polchinski同类专著(String Theory, 已由世图引进)极好的补充。



List of inserts


1 Overview and overture

1.1 The classical dynamics of geometry

1.2 Gravit*** and p******

1.3 Beyond classical gravity: perturbative strings

1.4 Beyond perturbative strings: branes

1.5 The quantum dynamics of geometry

1.6 Things to do in the meantime

1.7 On with the show

2 Relativistic strings

2.1 Motion of classical point particles

2.2 Classical bosonic strings

2.3 Quantised bosonic strings

2.4 The sphere, the plane and the vertex operator

2.5 Chan-Paton factors

2.6 Unoriented strings

2.7 Strings in curved backgrounds

2.8 A quick look at geometry

3 A closer look at the world-sheet

3.1 Conformal invariance

3.2 Revisiting the relativistic string

3.3 Fixing the conformal gauge

3.4 The closed string partition function

4 Strings on circles and T-duality

4.1 Fields and strings on a circle

4.2 T-duality for closed strings

4.3 A special radius: enhanced gauge symmetry

4.4 The circle partition function

4.5 Toriodal compactificati***

4.6 More on enhanced gauge symmetry

4.7 Another special radius: bosonisation

4.8 String theory on an orbifold

4.9 T-duality for open strings: D-branes

4.10 D-brane collective coordinates

4.11 T-duality for unoriented strings: orientifolds

5 Background fields and world-volume acti***

5.1 T-duality in background fields

5.2 A first look at the D-brane world-volume action

5.3 The Dirac-Born-Infeld action

5.4 The action of T-duality

5.5 Non-Abelian extensi***

5.6 D-branes and gauge theory

5.7 BPS lumps on the world-volume

6 D-brane tension and boundary states

6.1 The D-brane tension

6.2 The orientifold tension

6.3 The boundary state formalism

7 Supersymmetric strings

7.1 The three basic superstring theories

7.2 The two basic het*** string theories

7.3 The ten dimensional supergravities

7.4 Het*** toroidal compactificati***

7.5 Superstring toroidal compactification

7.6 A superstring orbifold: discovering the K3 manifold

8 Supersymmetric strings and T-duality

8.1 T-duality of supersymmetric strings

8.2 D-branes as BPS solit***

8.3 The D-brane charge and tension

8.4 The orientifold charge and tension

8.5 Type I from type IIB, revisited

8.6 Dirac charge quantisation

8.7 D-branes in type I

9 World-volume curvature couplings

9.1 Tilted D-branes and branes within branes

9.2 Anomalous gauge couplings

9.3 Characteristic classes and invariant polynomials

9.4 Anomalous curvature couplings

9.5 A relation to anomalies

9.6 D-branes and K-theory

9.7 Further non-Abelian extensi***

9.8 Further curvature couplings

10 The geometry of D-branes

10.1 A look at black ***s in four dimensi***

10.2 The geometry of D-branes

10.3 Probing p-brane geometry with Dp-branes

10.4 T-duality and supergravity soluti***

11 Multiple D-branes and bound states

11.1 Dp and Dp from boundary conditi***

11.2 The BPS bound for the Dp-Dp' system

11.3 Bound states of fundamental strings and D-strings

11.4 The three-string junction

11.5 Aspects of D-brane bound states

12 Strong coupling and string duality

12.1 Type IIB/type IIB duality

12.2 SO(32) Type I/het***' duality

12.3 Dual branes from 10D string-string duality

12.4 Type IIA/M-theory duality

12.5 Es x Es het*** string/M-theory duality

12.6 M2-branes and M5-branes

12.7 U-duality

13 D-branes and geometry I

13.1 D-branes as probes of ALE spaces

13.2 Fractional D-branes and wrapped D-branes

13.3 Wrapped, fractional and stretched branes

13.4 D-branes as instant***

13.5 D-branes as monopoles

13.6 The D-brane dielectric effect

14 K3 orientifolds and compactification

14.1 ZN orientifolds and Chan-Paton factors

14.2 Loops and tadpoles for ALE ZM singularities

14.3 Solving the tadpole equati***

14.4 Closed string spectra

14.5 Open string spectra

14.6 Anomalies for N=1 in six dimensi***

15 D-branes and geometry II

15.1 Probing p with D(p-4)

15.2 Probing six-branes: Kaluza-Klein monopoles and M-theory

15.3 The moduli space of 3D supersymmetric gauge theory

15.4 Wrapped branes and the enhangon mechanism

15.5 The c***istency of excision in supergravity

15.6 The moduli space of pure glue in 3D

16 Towards M- and F-theory

16.1 The type IIB string and F-theory

16.2 M-theory origins of F-theory

16.3 Matrix theory

17 D-branes and black ***s

17.1 Black *** thermodynamics

17.2 The Euclidean action calculus

17.3 D=5 Reissner-NordstrSm black ***s

17.4 Near horizon geometry

17.5 Replacing T4 with K3

18 D-branes, gravity and gauge theory

18.1 The AdS/CFT correspondence

18.2 The correspondence at finite temperature

18.3 The correspondence with a chemical potential

18.4 The holographic principle

19 The holographic renormalisation group

19.1 Renormalisation group flows from gravity

19.2 Flowing on the Coulomb branch

19.3 An N=1 gauge dual RG flow

19.4 An N=2 gauge dual RG flow and the enhangon

19.5 Beyond gravity duals

20 Taking stock


















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