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The ultimate celebration of the spectacular battle in the final Hobbit movie reveals in stunning detail the full creative vision of Peter Jackson and the filmmakers, togethe***ith extensive commentary from the director, cast, crew, and almost 2,000 exclusive p***os, illustrati*** and visual effects imagery. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Chronicles - The Art of War goes behind the lines to explore how thousands of artisans brought the defining film of Peter Jackson's adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit to the screen. More than 1,000 intricate illustrati***, stunning p***ographs and never-before-seen imagery illuminate fascinating insights shared by cast and crew, including exclusive content from the extended edition of the final film. Also included is an exclusive fold-out battle map illustrated by Weta Workshop Designer, Nick Keller! From the sorcerous ruins of Dol Guldur and the fiery conflagration of Lake-town, follow the filmmakers on to the blood-soaked battlefields of the Lonely Mountain, and climb the steps of Ravenhill to witness the final, tragic duel of Thorin Oakenshield and Azog, the Pale Orc. Discover the challenges and reacti*** of the stars of The Battle of the Five Armies as they recount their experiences and excitement. Join the choreographers of the film's action to examine the battle strategies and formati*** of each of the five armies, and learn how a dozen stunt performers became thousands of digital troops. Pore over archive-quality p***ography of staggeringly detailed weap*** and armour and browse galleries of fearsome war beasts and m***ters. As the story of The Hobbit reaches its shattering climax amidst an epic landscape of war and tragedy, join Weta Workshop senior concept designer Daniel Falconer behind the scenes one last time as this sumptuous final book in The Hobbit: Chronicles series celebrates the epic conclusion of The Hobbit film trilogy.,
Weta Workshop is a multi-award winning conceptual design and physical manufacturing facility servicing the world's entertainment and creative industries. Weta Workshop houses a range of disciplines under one roof - including conceptual design, weap***, armour & chainmaille, specialist props, vehicles, specialty costumes, models & miniatures, special makeup & prosthetics, public art & displays.,,,
The Palantir in Dol Guldo***as a relic of an earlier version of our script, when the trilogy was going to use it to make Gandalf aware that there had been some communication between Sauron and Smaug, and that he was aware of Thorin. It was a way of sending Gandalf off on a chase to stop it, but it was a bit too much like a telephone. In the end, Thrain served that purpose for us more meaningfully, so the Palanti***asn't needed, but the prop was there on the set and added to the texture of the world. Without deviating from the books, I think it is conceivable that there might have been a Seeing Stone in Dol Guldur. If there were, it would have had to have been the Ithil Stone that Sauron claimed and had taken with him there, then later transported to his fortress in Barad-dur.
Philippa Boye...
Radagast came swerving into Dol Guldur on his bunny sled. He was the getaway driver. We had stuntmen standing in for the rabbits and pulling Radagast's sled in one of the s***s. The hardest part about that was convincing them to wear the bunny ears we bought for them from a variety shop!
Glenn Boswell, Stunt Co-ordinator
An interesting observation about brainstorming: as soon as someone says something and someone else laughs and makes a joke, you know you are onto an idea with emotional weight. There is a trigger in humans that compels us to dispel tension. It is in our nature to try to make everyone comfortable, and we do it with humour, so someone *** a joke to dispel the tension in a brainstorming situation that occurs when an emotionally charged idea is floated is a sure tell that there's something worth looking at. Sometimes the person suggesting it can take offence, but in my observation that joke is an unc***cious acknowledgement of the idea's potential emotional power.
One of the first things Peter said was, 'Come to me with lots of ideas, and good luck!'
.....I talked to Richard Armitage very early on about wanting to be fit enough to be able to sprint out of those gates. We even discussed the idea of doing a Dwarven version of a haka, the Maori war dance. As it turned out, there just wasn't time to implement that, but that sprint out of Erebo***as very important to me....
Jed Brophy
Carmelo Leggiero, one of our animators, had specifically requested the chance to work on the Beron transformation piece at the end of the battle. Carmelo had animated Beron's transformation in the second film and was eager to do it again. Beron was in the film and then wasn't, then was again, then wasn't. It went back and forth a number of times so poor Carmelo rode an emotional rollercoaster. Eventually Beron wound up in the final cut which put the smile back on our animator. Once we had confirmation that the s*** was in the film it was animated in just three days.
Aaron Gilman, Weta Digital Animator Supervisor
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