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“We all owe a great debt to Fred Sheehan. Fred demolishes the
myth of Alan Greenspan’s omniscience, while revealing the dangerous
credulity of those who set him on a pedestal above the rest of us.
Panderer to Powe***ill be invaluable in *** the case for how we
might preserve our solvency and our system.”
Seth A. Klarman, president, Baupost Group, L.L.C.
“Many have written about the man who used to be called ‘Maestro.’
But none has done so with such clarity of perception as Frederick
Sheehan. Between the covers of this timely and important book, the
former Fed chairman stands revealed as America’s own Wizard of
James Grant, editor, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer
“The Fed, Greenspan’s Fed, not only supplied the whiskey for the
party, it led the charge for irresp***ible behavior by essentially
telling people ‘don’t worry, be happy.’ A thorough, in-depth look
at the man who wrought so much damage on so many, this brilliant
effort by Fred Sheehan is a major step in setting the record
straight on this era.”
Bill Fleckenstein, president, Fleckenstein Capital and co-author,
Greenspan’s Bubbles
“Fred Sheehan vividly shows in his excellent and long overdue
account, the devastating monetary policies the Fed has pursued
under Mr. Greenspan, which have been continued by Mr. Bernanke.
After reading Panderer to Power, you will have no respect for the
U.S. Federal Reserve Board, politicians, and Wall Street.”
Marc Faber, editor, Gloom, Doom and Boom Report
"An important part of Sheehan's book is Greenspan’s role in
expanding this country’s monetary base far behind our means.”
--Boston Business Journal, November 2009
"This well written, though obviously polemic, text documents the
issues as he sees them. When read in conjunction with Greenspan’s
own biography, a picture emerges of a complex, obviously smart man
who may have been promoted to a position beyond his competence, but
was expert at covering up and obfuscation."
--Troy Media, November 2009
About the Book:
Alan Greenspan’s 18-year stint as head of the Federal Reserve
Bank witnessed some of the most massive upward redistributi*** of
wealth in our nation’s history. It’s now clear that his policies
contributed greatly to the transformation of Wall Street from an
engine that financed American business to a business-destroying
machine—and that Greenspan abetted the hollowing out of the U.S.
economy by giving Wall Street and Washington everything they could
possibly want.
To take the full measure of Greenspan’s culpability, we need to
look beyond the disgraced public persona and see him within the
broader sweep of his life and times. In Panderer to Power, author
Frederick J. Sheehan delivers the first in-depth, critical
biography of the man who, for nearly two decades, served as the
world’s most powerful banker.
Beginning with Greenspan’s formative years as a Depression-era
kid from New York City, Sheehan traces his subject’s progress from
his days touring America as a reed man with the Henry Jerome
Orchestra in the 1940s through his emergence as one of America’s
first celebrity economists to his ascent through the ranks of power
in D.C.
What emerges is a searing portrait of a shameless media hound who
ferociously promoted his image as a straight-laced numbers
cruncher, a Machiavelli whose political skills far surpassed his
skills as an economist.
Drawing upon a vast array of original sources, the author leaves
little room for doubt: either the “economic genius of our time” was
oblivious to the hazards of his irresp***ible policy decisi*** or
he knew full well what he was doing, but chose, as he had
throughout his career, to put self-interest above the public
“The Education of Alan Greenspan”
- 1926-1959
“The Best Years of Our Lives” - 1950-1959
“Great Expectati***” - 1959-1968
“Shuttle Diplomacy” 1968.
“Comeuppance” - 1969-1973
“Showtime” 1973-1976
“The Age of Ignorance” - 1971-1979
“House of Horrors” - 1977-1979
“Old Man in a Hurry” 1980-1983
“Gourmet Economist” 1980-1988
“Proxmire's Prophecy” 1985-1987
“The Helmsman” 1987-1989
“The Financial Economy” 1990-1994
“The American Decade” 1994-1997
“Soaking the Old and the Frail” 1995
“” 1998
“Opening Minds” 1999
“Maestro” 2000
“Mr. Coffee 2001
Apologetics at Jackson Hole 2002
Victory Lap - 2003
Potemkin Village 2004
Adieu 2005-2006
The Crack up 2006-2008
Frederick J. Sheehan is a former director of
asset allocation services at John Hancock Financial Services and
the coauthor of the critically acclaimed Greenspan’s
Bubbles. He has written for Marc Faber’s Gloom, Boom & Doom
Report, Whiskey & Gunpowder, and the Prudent Bear Web sites. He
serves as an advisor to investment firms and endowments. He lives
in the Boston area.
Praise For PANDERER TO POWER “We all owe a great debt to Fred Sheehan. Fred demolishes the myth of Alan Greenspan’s omniscience, while revealing the dangerous credulity of those who set him on a pedestal above the rest of us. Panderer to Power will be invaluable in *** the case for how we might preserve our solvency and our system.”
Seth A. Klarman, president, Baupost Group, L.L.C. “Many have written about the man who used to be called ‘Maestro.’ But none has done so with such clarity of perception as Frederick Sheehan. Between the covers of this timely and important book, the former Fed chairman stands revealed as America’s own Wizard of Oz.”
James Grant, editor, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer “The Fed, Greenspan’s Fed, not only supplied the whiskey for the party, it led the charge for irresp***ible behavior by essentially telling people ‘don’t worry, be happy.’ A thorough, in-depth look at the man who wrought so much damage on so many, this brilliant effort by Fred Sheehan is a major step in setting the record straight on this era.”
Bill Fleckenstein, president, Fleckenstein Capital and co-author, Greenspan’s Bubbles “Fred Sheehan vividly shows in his excellent and long overdue account, the devastating monetary policies the Fed has pursued under Mr. Greenspan, which have been continued by Mr. Bernanke. After reading Panderer to Power , you will have no respect for the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, politicians, and Wall Street.”
Marc Faber, editor, Gloom, Doom and Boom Report "An important part of Sheehan's book is Greenspan’s role in expanding this country’s monetary base far behind our means.”
-- Boston Business Journal , November 2009 "This well written, though obviously polemic, text documents the issues as he sees them. When read in conjunction with Greenspan’s own biography, a picture emerges of a complex, obviously smart man who may have been promoted to a position beyond his competence, but was expert at covering up and obfuscation."
-- Troy Media , November 2009 About the Book: Alan Greenspan’s 18-year stint as head of the Federal Reserve Bank witnessed some of the most massive upward redistributi*** of wealth in our nation’s history. It’s now clear that his policies contributed greatly to the transformation of Wall Street from an engine that financed American business to a business-destroying machine—and that Greenspan abetted the hollowing out of the U.S. economy by giving Wall Street and Washington everything they could possibly want. To take the full measure of Greenspan’s culpability, we need to look beyond the disgraced public persona and see him within the broader sweep of his life and times. In Panderer to Power , author Frederick J. Sheehan delivers the first in-depth, critical biography of the man who, for nearly two decades, served as the world’s most powerful banker. Beginning with Greenspan’s formative years as a Depression-era kid from New York City, Sheehan traces his subject’s progress from his days touring America as a reed man with the Henry Jerome Orchestra in the 1940s through his emergence as one of America’s first celebrity economists to his ascent through the ranks of power in D.C. What emerges is a searing portrait of a shameless media hound who ferociously promoted his image as a straight-laced numbers cruncher, a Machiavelli whose political skills far surpassed his skills as an economist. Drawing upon a vast array of original sources, the author leaves little room for doubt: either the “economic genius of our time” was oblivious to the hazards of his irresp***ible policy decisi*** or he knew full well what he was doing, but chose, as he had throughout his career, to put self-interest above the public good.
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