海外直订Music Theory: From Beginner to Expert - The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Understanding and ... mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Unique, practical and straightforward way to learn music theory and discover how music really works.
Newly updated and massively expanded edition with new content, exercises and images.
This book also features the links to audio examples (hosted on external website). These examples allow you to hear the relevant music theory concepts and understand them better!
Have you eve***anted:
• To know how music theory can make you a better player (on any instrument)?
• To understand how music works, why we have 12 notes, how they relate to each other and why we use intervals with imperfect resonance?
• To understand how music theory is not just some made up rules we invented out of thin air; how it’s actually based on the natural laws and stems from natural occurrences, like overtone series?
• To unlock the mysteries of notes, intervals, music scales, modes, keys, circle of fifths, chords and chord progressi***, rhythms and other important concepts in music, and how they all relate to one another?
• To get a deep understanding of scales, modes and chords, where they come from, what are the different types that exist, how they're built, and how to use any chord or scale in your playing?
• To learn how to form, name and play any chord that is possible to play?
• To learn how rhythm works and how to master your rhythm and timing skills that will make you sound like a pro on any instrument?
• To understand harmony and the magic behind all the beautiful music that you love and how you can (re)create it by yourself?
• To get a wider perspective on tonal harmony and how melody, harmony, and rhythm work together?
• To understand composition and improvisation, and how to use voice leading and chord inversi*** to create beautiful harmonies?
• To get a gr*** on the advanced concepts (such as modal playing, atonality, polychords and polytonality, free music, etc.) that usually only advanced jazz musicians may c***ider using?
• Have you ever had trouble learning music theory or thought that it was unnecessary, boring or too hard to learn?
• Have you perhaps thought using intellect will be bad for your playing?
If you find yourself in any of this, then this book is the answer you’ve been looking for. It covers pretty much everything that anyone who plays o***ants to play music should know. It is the book to have if you want to become a better musician, and have by your side as an immensely useful reference of knowledge.
This book is structured in a way that makes it very easy to follow, digest and internalize all important concepts that c***titute music theory. What's great is that you don't have to be a college musician in order to understand and use any of this – anyone can do it, even a total newbie. It also doesn't matte***hat instrument(s) you play, nor your current level of knowledge and playing ability, because music theory is universal and all about what sounds good together! Anyone can benefit from it. It explains the WHY and HOW, and it is your roadmap - a skill and a tool, guided by your ears, for creating your best music.
This is the most comprehensive and evergreen book on music theory that you can find – a book you'll wish to study and refer to often, and keep it forever. You’ll also wish to gift it your friends and discuss about its content with other musicians.
It will give you what is necessary to become an expert in music theory without frustration and feeling overwhelmed in the process, and this in-turn will have immense benefits to your playing and musicianship!
But don’t take my word for it, use the Look Inside feature by clicking on the book cover to get a preview of what you'll find inside.
Get this book now and solve all your problems with music theory!
Nicolas is an experienced guitar player and the best-sellingauthor of a range of books covering the topic of music and playing guitar. Heis most well-known for his insightful and uniquely presented studies of musictheory, covered in the books: Music Theory - From Absolute Beginner to Expert,and How to Read Music for Beginners. Together, his books have helped over 100000 people worldwide to understand and use music theory, and ***ed them ontheir music playing journeys.
Privately, Nicolas is a swimming coach, cyclist enthusiastand holds a degree in ecology. His diverse interests do not detract him fromexploring his deep passion, which is playing music and understanding anddistilling complex subjects such as music theory and how music works. As ayoung guitar player he became very interested in learning about how music andsound work. This led him to discovering music theory, which he spent yearsstudying and has since taught to many other musicians. He was inspired to startcreating books because he saw a need for a resource that explains music theoryand how music works in an interesting way, accessible to any musician. Hewanted to create books that will be an indispensable value and a tremendousresource to all musicians. He loves animals and has two dogs and a cat.
Unique, practical and straightforward way to learn music theory and discover how music really works.
Newly updated and massively expanded edition with new content, exercises and images.
This book also features the links to audio examples (hosted on external website). These examples allow you to hear the relevant music theory concepts and understand them better!
Have you eve***anted:
• To know how music theory can make you a better player (on any instrument)?
• To understand how music works, why we have 12 notes, how they relate to each other and why we use intervals with imperfect resonance?
• To understand how music theory is not just some made up rules we invented out of thin air; how it’s actually based on the natural laws and stems from natural occurrences, like overtone series?
• To unlock the mysteries of notes, intervals, music scales, modes, keys, circle of fifths, chords and chord progressi***, rhythms and other important concepts in music, and how they all relate to one another?
• To get a deep understanding of scales, modes and chords, where they come from, what are the different types that exist, how they're built, and how to use any chord or scale in your playing?
• To learn how to form, name and play any chord that is possible to play?
• To learn how rhythm works and how to master your rhythm and timing skills that will make you sound like a pro on any instrument?
• To understand harmony and the magic behind all the beautiful music that you love and how you can (re)create it by yourself?
• To get a wider perspective on tonal harmony and how melody, harmony, and rhythm work together?
• To understand composition and improvisation, and how to use voice leading and chord inversi*** to create beautiful harmonies?
• To get a gr*** on the advanced concepts (such as modal playing, atonality, polychords and polytonality, free music, etc.) that usually only advanced jazz musicians may c***ider using?
• Have you ever had trouble learning music theory or thought that it was unnecessary, boring or too hard to learn?
• Have you perhaps thought using intellect will be bad for your playing?
If you find yourself in any of this, then this book is the answer you’ve been looking for. It covers pretty much everything that anyone who plays o***ants to play music should know. It is the book to have if you want to become a better musician, and have by your side as an immensely useful reference of knowledge.
This book is structured in a way that makes it very easy to follow, digest and internalize all important concepts that c***titute music theory. What's great is that you don't have to be a college musician in order to understand and use any of this – anyone can do it, even a total newbie. It also doesn't matte***hat instrument(s) you play, nor your current level of knowledge and playing ability, because music theory is universal and all about what sounds good together! Anyone can benefit from it. It explains the WHY and HOW, and it is your roadmap - a skill and a tool, guided by your ears, for creating your best music.
This is the most comprehensive and evergreen book on music theory that you can find – a book you'll wish to study and refer to often, and keep it forever. You’ll also wish to gift it your friends and discuss about its content with other musicians.
It will give you what is necessary to become an expert in music theory without frustration and feeling overwhelmed in the process, and this in-turn will have immense benefits to your playing and musicianship!
But don’t take my word for it, use the Look Inside feature by clicking on the book cover to get a preview of what you'll find inside.
Get this book now and solve all your problems with music theory!
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