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Dr. Spencer Johnson's stories of timeless, *** truths have changed the work and lives of milli*** of readers around the world. Now comes an insightful new tale of inspiration and practical guidance for these turbulent times.
Before The Story
The Story Of the Present
Summary:Using The Present
After The Story
To Learn More
About The Author
Book Description
The long-awaited follow-up to the groundbreaking world bestseller WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? – a parable with an invaluable lesson for all of us who live and work in today’s turbulent times
Johnson's megaselling Who Moved My Cheese? helped readers cope with changes beyond their control. The author now proffers another easily digestible parable encompassing a related, but broader, topic: how to attain happiness and success in life. In large type that's easy on eyes both old and young (and that stretches this brief book past 100 pages), Johnson lays out a bare-bones tale of a man who learns a valuable lesson about living in the present from a wise old gent. Stuck in a rut in his job and personal life, the younger man learns about The Present, a three-fold way of living and working. Bit by bit, the old man explains how it works: in order to achieve bliss in life, it's important to pay equal attention to the past (learn from mistakes), the present (live in the moment) and the future (plan for it as best as possible, but don't "lose yourself in worry or anxiety"). The common-sense knowledge and concentration on living in the now lend a Zen feel to the story, and while Johnson's approach may border on the corny (everything runs smoothly for his characters, and they share with each other such tidbits as, "The Present is a gift you give to yourself. Only you have the power to discove***hat it is"), it's undeniably sound. Despite some awkward phrasings, Johnson's latest brims with good ideas for those feeling frustrated, stagnant, depressed or overwhelmed, and is bound to be embraced by the self-help-loving masses.
From Publishers Weekly
Johnson's megaselling Who Moved My Cheese? helped readers cope with changes beyond their control. The author now proffers another easily digestible parable encompassing a related, but broader, topic: how to attain happiness and success in life. In large type that's easy on eyes both old and young (and that stretches this brief book past 100 pages), Johnson lays out a bare-bones tale of a man who learns a valuable lesson about living in the present from a wise old gent. Stuck in a rut in his job and personal life, the younger man learns about The Present, a three-fold way of living and working. Bit by bit, the old man explains how it works: in order to achieve bliss in life, it's important to pay equal attention to the past (learn from mistakes), the present (live in the moment) and the future (plan for it as best as possible, but don't "lose yourself in worry or anxiety"). The common-sense knowledge and concentration on living in the now lend a Zen feel to the story, and while Johnson's approach may border on the corny (everything runs smoothly for his characters, and they share with each other such tidbits as, "The Present is a gift you give to yourself. Only you have the power to discove***hat it is"), it's undeniably sound. Despite some awkward phrasings, Johnson's latest brims with good ideas for those feeling frustrated, stagnant, depressed or overwhelmed, and is bound to be embraced by the self-help-loving masses.
From the Back Cover
A Timely Gift From the Author of Who Moved My Cheese?
Spencer Johnson, M.D.
Dr. Spencer Johnson’s stories of timeless, *** truths have changed the work and lives of milli*** of readers around the world. Now comes an insightful new tale of inspiration and practical guidance for these turbulent times.
The Present
The Present is the best gift you can receive because it makes you happy and successful!
Whether it means…
Having peace of mind and feeling more alive; orBeing more productive and more prosperous; orFinding whatever is important to you and tothose you work and live with.
‘Many of the people I have observed could have been even happier and more successful, in their careers and their lives, had they been given the gift of The Present’
Norman Augustine, Fmr. Chairman & CEO, Lockheed Martin Corp., Fmr. Chairman, American Red Cross, Fmr. Lecturer, Princeton University
‘Like many ***anizati***, we need ways to help our people work better and enjoy their lives, so I’m giving The Present to everyone on our management team’
Carmen Policy, CEO Cleveland Browns NFL Team
About Author
Spencer Johnson, M.D., is one of the most respected and beloved authors in the world. He has helped milli*** of readers discover how to use ***, profound truths that lead to less stress and more success at work and at home.
Inspiring and entertaining people with his insightful stories that speak directly to the heart and soul, he is often referred to as the best there is at taking complex subjects and presenting *** soluti*** that work.
Dr. Johnson is the author or co-author of many New York Times bestsellers, including three #1 titles: Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change In Your Work and Life; The One Minute Manager?, the world’s most popular management method, co-authored with Kenneth Blanchard; and The Present: The Gift That Makes Your Work And Life Better Each Day!
After graduating with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Southern California, Dr. Johnson received his M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surge***, and completed medical clerkships at the Mayo Clinic and the Harvard Medical School.
He served as Director of Communicati*** for Medtronic, the inventors of cardiac pacemakers; Research Physician at The Institute for Inter-Disciplinary Studies; C***ultant to The Center for Study of the Person; and most recently Leadership Fellow at the Harvard Business School.
His work has captured the attention of major media, including the BBC, CNN, Fortune,
New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Today show, Time magazine, and USA Today.
Over thirty million copies of Dr. Johnson’s books are available in more than forty languages.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 219 Width (mm) 146
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