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》计算机系统设计原理电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787302212003
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-10
  • 页数:526
  • 价格:59.00元
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《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》由计算机系统设计的权威专家、美国麻省理工学院Saltzer和Kaashoek教授编写。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》是第一本阐述计算机系统设计中的基本原理和抽象的教材,是麻省理工开放式课程计划(MIT Open Courseware)中“计算机系统工程”课程的主教材。计算机系统的基本原理横跨于操作系统、网络、数据库、分布式系统、程序设计语言、软件工程以及计算机体系结构等方面。通过详细分析每个基本原理的案例,《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》演示了如何应用这些原理和抽象来解决实际的计算机系统设计问题。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》的重点是计算机系统的设计,因此,《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》阐述了那些在实践中已证明是成功的抽象概念,如命令、远程过程调用、客户/服务器组织结构、文件系统、事务处理、修复复制、读/写一致性,以及认证与保密消息等概念。这些抽象概念使得计算机系统设计者可以用功能日益强大的模块来构建计算机系统,保护计算机系统避免从意外的编程错误到恶意入侵在内的各种故障。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》描述了如何实现这些抽象概念,演示了如何把它们应用于不同的系统,为读者日后的设计工作打下基础。











Incommensurate scaling: as a system increases in size or speed, not all parts of it follow the same scaling rules, so things stop working.

Coping with complexity:I***tion

1.Design for i***tion:easy to change

2.Document the assumpti***

3.Take small steps

4.Don't rush to implementation

5.Plan for feedback - bugreports,etc

6.Study failures rather than assign blame for them.

7.C***tantly be on guard to make overall design clean despite i***ti***,need foresight

8.Adopt sweeping simplificati***

Although the number of potential abstracti*** for computer system components is unlimited, remarkably the vast majority that actually appear in practice fall into one of

three well-defined classes: the memory, the interpreter, and the communication link.

These three abstracti*** are so fundamental that theoreticians compare computer algorithms in terms of the number of data items they must remember, the number of steps their interpreter must execute, and the number of messages they must communicate.

To meet the many requirements of different applicati***, system designers build lay-

ers on this fundamental base, but in doing so they do not routinely create completely

different abstracti***. Instead, they elaborate the same three abstracti***, rearrang-

ing and repackaging them to create...

One way to limit in***cti*** between software modules is to ***anize systems as

clients and services. In the client/service ***anization, modules in***ct only by send-

ing messages. his ***anization has three main benefits:

1.Messages are the only way for a programmer to request that a module provide

a service. Limiting in***cti*** to messages makes it more difficult for program-

mers to violate the modularity conventi***.

2.Messages are the only way for errors to propagate between modules. If clients

and services fail independently and if the client and the service check messages,

they may be able to limit the propagation of errors.

3.Messages are the only way for an attacker to penetrate a module. If clients and

services carefully check the messages before they act on them, they ca...

Layered design has proven to be especially effective, and it is used in some form in

virtually every network implementation. The primary idea of layers is that each layer

hides the operation of the layer below from the layer above, and instead provides its own interpretation of all the important features of the lower layer. Every module is assigned to some layer, and interconnecti*** are restricted to go between modules in adjacent layers.

Three layers of network:

• The link layer: moving data directly from one point to another.

• The network layer: forwarding data through intermediate points to move it to the

place it is wanted.

• The end-to-end layer: everything else required to provide a comfortable

application interface.

The terms frame, packet, segment, messa...

When techniques for at-least-once delivery (the persistent sender) and at-most-once

delivery (duplicate detection) are combined, they produce an assurance that is called

exactly-once delivery. This assurance is the one that would probably be wanted in an

implementation of the Remote Procedure Call protocol of Chapter 4. Despite its name,

and even if the sender is prepared to be infinitely persistent, exactly-once delivery is not

a guarantee that the message will eventually be delivered. Instead, it ensures that if the

message is delivered, it will be delivered only once, and if delivery fails, the sende***ill

learn, by lack of acknowledgment despite repeated requests, that delivery probably failed.

However, even if no acknowledgment returns, there is a still a possibility that the message ...



《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》由计算机系统设计的权威专家、美国麻省理工学院Saltzer和Kaashoek教授编写。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》是第一本阐述计算机系统设计中的基本原理和抽象的教材,是麻省理工开放式课程计划(MIT Open Courseware)中“计算机系统工程”课程的主教材。计算机系统的基本原理横跨于操作系统、网络、数据库、分布式系统、程序设计语言、软件工程以及计算机体系结构等方面。通过详细分析每个基本原理的案例,《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》演示了如何应用这些原理和抽象来解决实际的计算机系统设计问题。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》的重点是计算机系统的设计,因此,《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》阐述了那些在实践中已证明是成功的抽象概念,如命令、远程过程调用、客户/服务器组织结构、文件系统、事务处理、修复复制、读/写一致性,以及认证与保密消息等概念。这些抽象概念使得计算机系统设计者可以用功能日益强大的模块来构建计算机系统,保护计算机系统避免从意外的编程错误到恶意入侵在内的各种故障。《计算机系统设计原理(影印版)》描述了如何实现这些抽象概念,演示了如何把它们应用于不同的系统,为读者日后的设计工作打下基础。


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