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《新东方·SAT2:数学(Level1)(7套题)》主要内容:You need a great score on the SAT Mathematics Level1 test to get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at math, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?
SAT Subject Test: Mathe Level 1 is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal——from the experts more students trust!
PART I. ABOUT THE SAT II MATH LEVEL I TEST Chapter 1 Test Basics/1 About the Math Level 1 Test / 3 The Level 1 vs. Level 2 Test / 4 How to Use This Book / 6 Chapter 2 Calculator Tips / 7 On the Day of the Test / 8 Chapter 3 Diagnostic Test / 9PART II. MATH REVIEW Chapter 4 Algebra/39 Evaluating Expressi*** / 41 Order of Operati*** / 41 Fracti*** / 41 Simplifying Fracti*** / 41 Least Common Denominator / 42 Multiplying Fracti*** / 44 Using Mixed Numbers and Improper Fracti*** / 4 Variables in the Denominator / 45 Percents / 46 Converting Percents to Decimals / 46 Converting Fracti*** to Percents / 47 Percent Problems / 47 Exponents / 48 Properties of Exponents / 48 Common Mistakes with Exponents / 49 Rational Exponents / 50 Negative Exponents / 51 Variables in an Exponent / 51 Real Numbers / 52 Vocabulary / 52 Properties of Real Numbers / 53 Absolute Value / 56 Radical Expressi*** / 57 Roots of Real Numbers / 57 Simplest Radical Form / 58 Rationalizing the Denominator / 58 Conjugates / 60 Polynomials / 60 Vocabulary / 60 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials / 61 Multiplying Polynomials / 61 Factoring / 62 o Quadratic Equati*** / 64 Quadratic Formula / 65 Solving by Substitution / 66 The Discriminant / 67 Equati*** with Radicals / 67 Inequalities / 68 Transitive Property of Inequality / 69 Addition and Multiplication Properties / 69 "And" vs. "Or" / 69 Inequalities with Absolute Value / 70 Rational Expressi*** / 71 Simplifying Rational Expressi*** / 71 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressi*** / 71 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressi***/72 Solving Equati*** with Rational Expressi*** / 73 Systems / 74 Solving by Substitution / 74 Solving by Linear Combination / 75 No Solution vs. Infinite Soluti*** / 76 Word Problems with Systems / 78Chapter 5 Plane Geometry/80 Undefined Terms / 8 l Lines, Segments, Rays / 83 Angles / 85 Measures of Angles / 85 Supplementary and Complementary Angles / 86 Vertical Angles / 87 Linear Pairs of Angles / 88 Triangles / 89 Types of Triangles / 89 Sum of Interior Angles and Exterior Angles / 90 Medians, Altitudes, and Angle Bisectors / 92 Congruent Triangles / 93 Isosceles Triangles / 95 Triangle Inequality / 96 Pythagorean Theorem / 97 Special Right Triangles / 98 Parallel Lines / 100 Polyg*** / 101 Types of Polyg*** / 102 Perimeter / 103 Sum of the Interior Angles / 103 Sum of the Exterior Angles / 104 Special Quadrila***ls / 105 Similarity / 106 Ratio and Proportion / 106 Similar Triangles / 107 Circles / 109 Chords / 109 Tangents / 110 Arcs and Angles / 111 Circumference / 113 Arc Length / 114 Area / 116 Area Formulas / I 16 Area vs. Perimeter / 118 Area Ratio of Similar Figures / 119 Figures That Combine Numerous Shapes / 119Chapter 6 Solid Geometry/122 Vocabulary for Polyhedra / 123 Prisms / 124 Distance Between Opposiste Vertices of a Rectangular Prism / 126 Cylinders / 127 Pyramids / 129 Cones / 130 Spheres / 133 Volume Ratio of Similar Figures / 134Chapter 7 Coordinate Geometry / 135 Plotting Points / 136 Midpoint / 138 Distance / 138 Slope / 140 Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines / 141 Equati*** of Lines / 141 Horizontal and Vertical Lines / 142 Standard Form / 142 Point-Slope Form / 143 Slope-Intercept Form / 143 Determining x- and y-Intercepts / 145 Circles / 145 Parabolas / 147 Graphing Inequalities / 150 Graphing Absolute Value / 151Chapter 8 Trigonometry / 153 Right Triangle Trigonometry / 153 Relati***hips Among Trigonometric Ratios / 156 Secant, Cosecant, Cotangent/156 Cofunction Identities / 158 Inverse Functi*** / 159 Special Right Triangles / 160 Trigonometric Identities / 161Chapter 9 Functi*** / 163 Functional Notation / 164 Functi*** vs. Relati*** / 167 Graphing Functi*** / 169 Composition of Functi*** / 169 o Identity, Zero, and C***tant Functiofis / 170 Determining the Maximum or Minimum / 170 The Roots of a Quadratic Function / 172 Inverse Functi*** / 173 Rational Functi*** / 175 Higher-Degree Polynomial Functi*** / 176 Exponential Functi*** / 178 Chapter 10 Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability / 180 Counting Problems / 181 Probability /183 Mean, Median, Mode/184 Data Interpretation / 186 Chapter 11 Number and Operati*** / 188 Invented Operati*** / 189 "In Terms Of" Problems / 190 Sequences / 190 Arithmetic Sequences / 191 Geometric Sequences / 192 Logic / 194 Number Theory / 196PART III. SiX PRACTICE TESTS Practice Test 1 / 201 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 222 Practice Test 2 / 225 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 246 Practice Test 3 / 249 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 270 Practice Test 4 / 273 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 295 Practice Test 5 / 297 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 319 Practice Test 6 / 321 Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses / 345
《新东方·SAT2:数学(Level1)(7套题)》主要内容:You need a great score on the SAT Mathematics Level1 test to get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at math, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?
SAT Subject Test: Mathe Level 1 is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal——from the experts more students trust!
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