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Peter Bogdanovich, known primarily as a director, film historian and critic, has been working with professional actors all his life. He started out as an actor (he debuted on the stage in his sixth-grade production of Finian’s Rainbow ); he watched actors work (he went to the theater every week from the age of thirteen and saw every important show on, or off, Broadway for the next decade); he studied acting, starting at sixteen, with Stella Adler (his work with her became the foundation for all he would ever do as an actor and a director).
Now, in his new book, Who the Hell’s in It, Bogdanovich draws upon a lifetime of experience, observation and understanding of the art to write about the actors he came to know along the way; actors he admired from afar; actors he worked with, directed, befriended. Among them: Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, John Cassavetes, Charlie Chaplin, Montgomery Clift, Marlene Dietrich, Henry Fonda, Ben Gazzara, Audrey Hepburn, Boris Karloff, Dean Martin, Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, Sidney Poitier, Frank Sinatra, and James Stewart.
Bogdanovich captures—in thei***ords and his—thei***ork, their individual styles, what made them who they were, what gave them their appeal and why they’ve continued to be America’s iconic actors.
On Lillian Gish: “the first *** hearth goddess of the screen . . . a valiant and courageous symbol of fortitude and love through all distress.”
On Marlon Brando: “He challenged himself never to be the same from picture to picture, refusing to become the kind of film star the studio system had invented and thrived upon—the recognizable human commodity each new film was built around . . . The funny thing is that Brando’s charismatic screen persona was vividly apparent despite the multiplicity of his guises . . . Brando always remains recognizable, a star-actor in spite of himself. ”
Jerry Lewis to Bogdanovich on the first laugh Lewis ever got ***tage: “I was five years old. My mom and dad had a tux made—I worked in the borscht circuit with them—and I came out and I sang, ‘Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?’ the big hit at the time . . . It was 1931, and I stopped the show—naturally—a five-year-old in a tuxedo is not going to stop the show? And I took a bow and my foot slipped and hit one of the floodlights and it exploded and the smoke and the sound scared me so I started to cry. The audience laughed—they were hysterical . . . So I knew I had to get the rest of my laughs the rest of my life, breaking, sitting, falling, spinning.”
John Wayne to Bogdanovich, on the early years of Wayne’s caree***hen he was working as a prop man: “Well, I’ve naturally studied John Ford professionally as well as loving the man. Ever since the first time I walked down his set as a goose-herder in 1927. They needed somebody from the prop department to keep the geese from getting under a fake hill they had for Mother Machree at Fox. I’d been hired because Tom Mix wanted a box seat for the USC football games, and so they promised jobs to Don Williams and myself and a couple of the players. They buried us over in the properties department, and Mr. Ford’s need for a goose-herder just seemed to fit my pistol.”
These twenty-six portraits and conversati*** are unsurpassed in their evocation of a certain kind of great movie star that has vanished. Bogdanovich’s book is a celebration and a farewell.
From the Hardcover edition.
Believability is a special quality of real stars and no one had it more than Fonda; see him, for example, in some potboiler like Battle of the Bulge (which he wins single-handedly) and note how scene after scene is made convincing by his presence, his subtle playing. He was, in fact, a c***ummate acto***ho was able to project facets of his own unique personality into an amazing variety of characters. Too many of his good movie performances over the years were wasted on bad projects—first, from his home studio, 20th Century-Fox—later, from a great deal of bread-and-butte***ork. Having started acting in the theater, first in Nebraska (where he was born), later on Broadway, Fonda returned to the New York stage with noteworthy results (first with more than 1,700 performances of Mister Roberts)...
Yet his Lincoln, his Mister Roberts (though he didn’t like the movie version of it), his Earp (in My Darling Clementine), his Tom Joad (in The G***s of Wrath), have immortalized him—with such few others as James Stewart, Gary Cooper and John Wayne—as a somehow more learned, yet equally individual ***ect of The American. Because it was the Nebraska upbringing that kept him accessible to the heartland of the country, right from his first movie (in a part he originated on the stage), the title role in The Farmer Takes a Wife (1935). This one picture made him a star. His second film was the first s*** outdoors in Technicolor, The Trail of the Lonesome Pine (1936), and Fonda’s personification in it of a young mountaineer gave syndicated cartoonist Al Capp the inspiration for his popular, now i...
It was this country boy–city boy duality that was perhaps Fonda’s most tantalizing and ambiguous ***ect. He could effortlessly switch from *** rural to civilized urban or some enormously attractive combination of the two, and did throughout his career, from his first great film performance as Lincoln in one of John Ford’s finest, most inspiring pieces of Americana, Young Mr. Lincoln, to the illi***te ex-con Okie, Tom Joad, in Ford’s version of John Steinbeck’s The G***s of Wrath, and on. Indeed, Tom Joad (and therefore Bruce Springsteen’s song “Ghost of Tom Joad”) became synonymous with Hank Fonda as the great outlaw Spirit of America, yet the following year the same actor could play a hapless, bookish scientist in a wild ***ball comedy, The Lady Eve. In 1942’s The Male Animal (base...
PB: You went with Ford quite often down to Mazatlán on his yacht—[Jimmy] Stewart told me something about a boa c***trictor …
HF: ...I'm getting a little ahead of my story because what had happened was that I was getting drunk—we’d been drinking for three or four days—and Duke, as you know by now, is a very forceful, dynamic guy. Dirty words, “shit” and “fuck” would come out of him, and now we’ve got this young married couple with us, and he’s telling a story of some kind and he said "fuck" or something, and he heard himself say it and he said,"Oh, shit, I’m sorry." Well, that was too much for me. I just collapsed laughing and I was close enough to being ready to pass out—or at least so tired or drunk—that I laughed myself, not sick, but into like a pass-out. There was another empty chair t...
Peter Bogdanovich, known primarily as a director, film historian and critic, has been working with professional actors all his life. He started out as an actor (he debuted on the stage in his sixth-grade production of Finian’s Rainbow ); he watched actors work (he went to the theater every week from the age of thirteen and saw every important show on, or off, Broadway for the next decade); he studied acting, starting at sixteen, with Stella Adler (his work with her became the foundation for all he would ever do as an actor and a director).
Now, in his new book, Who the Hell’s in It, Bogdanovich draws upon a lifetime of experience, observation and understanding of the art to write about the actors he came to know along the way; actors he admired from afar; actors he worked with, directed, befriended. Among them: Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, John Cassavetes, Charlie Chaplin, Montgomery Clift, Marlene Dietrich, Henry Fonda, Ben Gazzara, Audrey Hepburn, Boris Karloff, Dean Martin, Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, Sidney Poitier, Frank Sinatra, and James Stewart.
Bogdanovich captures—in thei***ords and his—thei***ork, their individual styles, what made them who they were, what gave them their appeal and why they’ve continued to be America’s iconic actors.
On Lillian Gish: “the first *** hearth goddess of the screen . . . a valiant and courageous symbol of fortitude and love through all distress.”
On Marlon Brando: “He challenged himself never to be the same from picture to picture, refusing to become the kind of film star the studio system had invented and thrived upon—the recognizable human commodity each new film was built around . . . The funny thing is that Brando’s charismatic screen persona was vividly apparent despite the multiplicity of his guises . . . Brando always remains recognizable, a star-actor in spite of himself. ”
Jerry Lewis to Bogdanovich on the first laugh Lewis ever got ***tage: “I was five years old. My mom and dad had a tux made—I worked in the borscht circuit with them—and I came out and I sang, ‘Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?’ the big hit at the time . . . It was 1931, and I stopped the show—naturally—a five-year-old in a tuxedo is not going to stop the show? And I took a bow and my foot slipped and hit one of the floodlights and it exploded and the smoke and the sound scared me so I started to cry. The audience laughed—they were hysterical . . . So I knew I had to get the rest of my laughs the rest of my life, breaking, sitting, falling, spinning.”
John Wayne to Bogdanovich, on the early years of Wayne’s caree***hen he was working as a prop man: “Well, I’ve naturally studied John Ford professionally as well as loving the man. Ever since the first time I walked down his set as a goose-herder in 1927. They needed somebody from the prop department to keep the geese from getting under a fake hill they had for Mother Machree at Fox. I’d been hired because Tom Mix wanted a box seat for the USC football games, and so they promised jobs to Don Williams and myself and a couple of the players. They buried us over in the properties department, and Mr. Ford’s need for a goose-herder just seemed to fit my pistol.”
These twenty-six portraits and conversati*** are unsurpassed in their evocation of a certain kind of great movie star that has vanished. Bogdanovich’s book is a celebration and a farewell.
From the Hardcover edition.
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