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本书以Java 2的SCJP和SCJD认证考试为目标,内容涵盖了SCJP和SCJD核心考试的所有考试要点,尽可能详细地介绍了参加SCJP和SCJD的应试者以及其他高级用户所应该掌握的所有技能。
本书由具有丰富SCJP和SCJD考试经验的专家编写,是参加SCJP和SCJD的考试人员的考试教材。本书也是一本学习使用Java 2的很好的参考书,还可以作为一些疑难问题的速查手册。
Part I The Programmer's Exam 1
1 Language Fundamentals 3
* Java Programming Language Keywords (Exam Objective 4.4) 4
·Access Modifiers 5
·Class, Method, and Variable Modifiers 5
·Flow Control 6
·Error Handling 7
·Package Control 7
·Primitives 7
·Variable Keywords 8
·Void Return Type Keyword 8
·Unused Reserved Words 8
* Li***ls and Ranges of All Primitive Data Types (Exam Objective 4.6) 10
·Range of Primitive Types 11
·Li***l Values for All Primitive Types 12
·Li***l Values for Strings 16
* Array Declaration, C***truction, and Initialization (Exam Objective 1.1) 17
·Declaring an Array 18
·C***tructing an Array 19
·Initializing an Array 21
* Using a Variable or Array Element That Is Uninitialized and Unassigned (Exam Objective 4.5) 32
·Primitive and Object Type Instance Variables 33
·Local (Stack, Automatic) Primitives and Objects 36
* Command-Line Arguments to Main (Exam Objective 4.3) 40
·Exercise 1-1: Creating a Program That Outputs Command-Line Arguments 41
√(Two-Minute Drill 43
* Q&A Self Test 46
·Self Test Answers 54
·Exercise Answers 57
2 Declarati*** and Access Control 59
* Declarati*** and Modifiers (Exam Objective 1.2) 60
·Class Declarati*** and Modifiers 61
·Exercise 2-1: Creating an Abstract Superclass and Concrete Subclass 68
·Method and Variable Declarati*** and Modifiers 68
* Declaration Rules (Exam Objective 4.1) 104
·Source Files, Package Declarati***, and Import Statements 105
·Formatting the Main() Method 111
* Interface Implementation (Exam Objective 4.2) 113
·Declaring an Interface 113
·Declaring Interface C***tants 116
·Implementing an Interface 119
√Two-Minute Drill 127
* Q&A Self Test 134
·Self Test Answers 141
3 ***s and Assignments 145
* Java ***s (Exam Objective 5.1) 146
·Assignment ***s 146
·Comparison ***s 155
·instanceof Comparison 156
·Equality ***s 159
·Arithmetic ***s 162
·Shift ***s 168
·Exercise 3-1: Using Shift ***s 172
·Bitwise ***s 172
·Bitwise Complement *** 175
·Conditional *** 175
·Primitive Casting 177
·Exercise 3-2: Casting Primitives 179
* Logical ***s (Exam Objective 5.3) 179
·Short-Circuit Logical ***s 180
·Logical ***s (not Short-Circuit) 182
·Passing Variables into Methods (Exam Objective 5.4) 183
·Passing Object Reference Variables 183
·Does Java Use Pass-By-Value Semantics? 184
·Passing Primitive Variables 185
√Two-Minute Drill 190
* Q&A Self Test 195
·Self Test Answers 206
·Exercise Answers 209
4 Flow Control, Excepti***, and Asserti*** 211
* Writing Code Using if and switch Statements (Exam Objective 2.1) 212
·if-else Branching 213
·switch Statements 217
·Exercise 4-1: Creating a switch-case Statement 224
* Writing Code Using Loops (Exam Objective 2.2) 224
·Using while Loops 225
·Using do-while Loops 226
·Using for Loops 226
·Using break and continue in for Loops 231
·Unlabeled Statements 232
·Labeled Statements 233
·Exercise 4-2: Creating a Labeled while Loop 235
* Handling Excepti*** (Exam Objectives 2.3 and 2.4) 235
·Catching an Exception Using try and catch 236
·Using finally 238
·Propagating Uncaught Excepti*** 240
·Exercise 4-3: Propagating and Catching an Exception 243
·Defining Excepti*** 243
·Exception Hierarchy 244
·Handling an Entire Class Hierarchy of Excepti*** 246
·Exception Matching 247
·Exception Declaration and the Public Interface 249
·Rethrowing the Same Exception 254
·Exercise 4-4: Creating an Exception 255
* Working with the Assertion Mechanism (Exam Objectives 2.4 and 2.5) 256
·Asserti*** Overview 257
·Enabling Asserti*** 259
·Using Asserti*** Appropriately 263
√Two-Minute Drill 269
* Q&A Self Test 273
·Self Test Answers 285
·Exercise Answers 288
5 Object Orientation, Overloading and Overriding, C***tructors, and Return Types 291
* Benefits of Encapsulation (Exam Objective 6.1) 292
·IS-A and HAS-A Relati***hips 296
·Overridden and Overloaded Methods (Exam Objective 6.2) 301
·Overridden Methods 301
·Overloaded Methods 305
* C***tructors and Instantiation (Exam Objectives 1.3, 6.3, 6.2) 312
·C***tructor Basics 313
·Determine Whether a Default C***tructor Will Be Created 316
·Overloaded C***tructors 321
* Legal Return Types (Exam Objective 1.4) 326
·Return Type Declarati*** 326
·Returning a Value 327
√Two-Minute Drill 332
* Q&A Self Test 336
·Self Test Answers 347
6 Java.lang-The Math Class, Strings, and Wrappers 351
* Using the String Class (Exam Objective 8.2) 352
·Strings Are Immutable Objects 352
·Important Facts About Strings and Memory 359
·Important Methods in the String Class 360
·The StringBuffer Class 363
·Important Methods in the StringBuffer Class 365
* Using the Math Class (Exam Objective 8.1) 367
·Methods of the java.lang.Math Class 367
·Exercise 6-1: Using the Math Class 370
·Exercise 6-2: Rounding Random Numbers 373
·Miscellaneous Math Class Facts 375
* Using Wrapper Classes (Exam Objective 8.3) 376
·An Overview of the Wrapper Classes 376
·Creating Wrapper Objects 377
·Using Wrapper Conversion Utilities 378
* Using equals()(Exam Objective 5.2) 382
·An Overview of == and the equals() Method 382
√Two-Minute Drill 387
* Q&A Self Test 390
·Self Test Answers 400
·Exercise Answers 403
7 Objects and Collecti*** 405
* Overriding hashCode() and equals() (Exam Objective 9.2) 406
·Overriding equals() 408
·Overriding hashCode() 413
* Collecti*** (Exam Objective 9.1) 420
·So What Do You Do with a Collection? 420
* Garbage Collection (Exam Objectives 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) 430
·Overview of Memory Management and Garbage Collection 430
·Overview of Java's Garbage Collector 431
·Writing Code That Explicitly Makes Objects Eligible for Collection 433
·Forcing Garbage Collection 436
·Cleaning Up Before Garbage Collection-the Finalize() Method 438
√Two-Minute Drill 443
* Q&A Self Test 447
·Self Test Answers 453
8 Inner Classes 455
* Inner Classes 457
·Coding a “Regular” Inner Class 458
·Referencing the Inner or Outer Instance from Within the Inner Class 462
* Method-Local Inner Classes 464
* Anonymous Inner Classes 467
* Static Nested Classes 474
·Instantiating a Static Nested Class 475
√Two-Minute Drill 478
* Q&A Self Test 481
·Self Test Answers 487
9 Threads 491
* Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads (Exam Objective 7.1) 492
·Defining a Thread 495
·Instantiating a Thread 496
·Starting a Thread 498
* Preventing Thread Execution (Exam Objective 7.2) 508
·Sleeping 508
·Exercise 9-1: Creating a Thread and Putting It to Sleep 511
·Thread Priorities and Yield 511
* Synchronizing Code (Exam Objective 7.3) 515
·Synchronization and Locks 522
·Exercise 9-2: Synchronizing a Block of Code 524
* Thread In***ction (Exam Objective 7.4) 527
·Using notifyAll() When Many Threads May Be Waiting 532
√Two-Minute Drill 536
* Q&A Self Test 540
·Self Test Answers 550
·Exercise Answers 554
Part II The Developer's Exam 557
10 Introduction to the SCJD 559
* Understand the Sun Certified Java Developer Exam Process 560
·How Does It Work? 561
·Are You a Good Candidate? 562
·How Much Does It Cost? 563
·How Long Does It Take? 563
·What's the Exam Deliverable? 563
·Can I Develop with an IDE? 563
·How Is It Graded? 564
·What Are the Exam Assessors Thinking? 564
·What Are the Exam Assessors NOT Thinking? 566
·What's the Assignment Like? 566
·Overview of the Developer Exam Chapters 569
·Key Points Summary 571
11 Coding Standards 573
* Use Sun Java Coding Standards 574
·Spacing Standards 574
·How to Care for Your Curly Braces 578
·Our Comments About Comments 581
·Declarati*** Are Fun 583
·Key Points Summary 585
12 Clarity and Maintainability 587
·Write Clear and Maintainable Code 588
·General Programming C***iderati*** 588
·Follow Basic OO Design Principles 594
·Don't Reinvent the Wheel 596
·Handle Errors Appropriately 598
·Key Points Summary 601
13 Designing the Graphical User Interface 605
* Creating a Usable and Extensible GUI 606
·An Overview of Technical C***iderati*** for Your GUI 606
·Introduction to Usability Design 607
1. Use-Cases and the Business Function 608
2. Principles of Good Screen Design 610
3. Choosing Your Widgets, JTable, and What Army? 612
4. Screen Layout for Your Project 615
5. Menus and Navigation 616
6. Messages, Feedback, and Dialog Boxes 619
7. How to Use Colors in Your GUI 621
8. How to Test Your GUI 621
·Key Points Summary 623
14 Networking Issues 627
* Understand Networking Issues 628
·RMI and Sockets 628
·Questi*** to Ask Yourself 631
·Key Points Summary 634
15 Database Issues 635
* Understand Database Issues 636
·Building a Database 636
·Questi*** to Ask Yourself 637
16 Exam Documentation 641
* Understand the Sun Certified Java Developer Exam Documentation Requirements 642
·Developer's Documentation 642
·End User Documentation 643
·javadoc and You 643
·The Developer's Choices Document 656
·The Return of Comments and the Versi*** File 657
·Key Points Summary 658
17 Final Submission and Essay 661
* Preparing the Final Submission 662
·File Organization 662
·The Follow-Up Essay 668
·Key Points Summary 669
A About the CD 673
* System Requirements 674
* LearnKey Additional Training 674
* Installing and Running MasterExam 674
·MasterExam 675
* Electronic Book 675
* Help 675
* Removing Installation(s) 675
* Technical Support 676
* LearnKey Technical Support 676
* Glossary 677
* Index 691
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