Leading Organization Design: How To Make Organization Design Decisi*** To Drive The Results You Want9780470589595 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Praise for Leading Organization Design
"Designing ***anizati*** for performance can be a daunting
task. Kesler and Kates have done an admirable job distilling the
inherent complexity of the design process into manageable parts
that can yield tangible results. Leading Organization Design
provides an essential hands-on roadmap for any business leade***ho
wants to master this topic." —Robert Sim***, Charles M. Williams
Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
"Kesler and Kates have encapsulated thei***ealth of knowledge
and practical experience into an updated model on ***anizational
design that will become a new primer on the subject." —Neville
Isdell, retired chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
"In today's world of global business, ***anizational design is
a critical piece of long-term success. Kesler and Kates have
captured multiple approaches to optimize global opportunities,
while highlighting some of the keys to managing through
***anizational transition. A great read for today's global business
leaders." —Charles Denson, president, Nike Brand
"Leading Organization Design has some unique features that
make it valuable. It is one of the few and certainly only recent
books to take us through an explicit process to design modern
***anizati***. This is accomplished with the five-milestone
process. The process is not a *** cookbook. Indeed, the authors
have achieved a balance between process and content. In so doing,
Kesler and Kates show us what to do as well as how to do it."—Jay
Galbraith, from the Foreword
"Sheds light on the challenges of ***anization design in a
complex enterprise and more importantly provides aninsightful and
practical roadmap for business decisi***."—Randy MacDonald, SVP,
human resources, IBM
Foreword by Jay Galbraith.
Introduction: Why Organization Design.
1. The Five Milestones.
Milestone One: Business Case and Discovery.
2. Clarify the Strategic Priorities.
3. Define the Case for Change.
4. Set the Design Criteria.
Milestone One Summary: Business Case and Discovery.
Milestone Two: Strategic Grouping.
5. Use the Six Design Drivers.
6. Choose the Best Grouping Option.
7. Embrace the Matrix.
Milestone Two Summary: Strategic Grouping.
Milestone Three: Integration.
8. Design for Operating Governance.
9. Allocate Power in the Matrix: A Case Study in Governance.
10. Redesign Functi*** to Be Integrators
Milestone Three Summary: Integration.
Milestone Four: Talent and Leadership.
11. Design the Leadership Organization.
12. Make the Right Talent Choices.
Milestone Four Summary: Talent and Leadership.
Milestone Five: Transition.
13. Set the Implementation Plan.
14. Navigate the Transition.
Milestone Five Summary: Transition.
Conclusion: Organization Design in Action.
15. Roles, Involvement, and the Project Timeline.
16. The Design Charette.
17. Conclusion: Learning to Lead Organization Design.
About the Authors.
The authors are managing partners at Kates Kesler Organization
C***ulting. The ***anization design approach and tools they have
developed together and with Jay Galbraith have become the standard
internal design methodology used in dozens of major corporati***
around the world.
Greg Kesler has c***ulted with corporati*** worldwide for over
twenty years on ***anization design, executive talent management,
and HR planning. He has published many articles and book chapters
on ***anization design and succession planning and is on the
editorial board of People & Strategy journal.
Amy Kates helps leaders and teams assess ***anizational
issues, reshape structures and processes, and build depth of
management capability. She is coauthor of two books with Jay
Galbraith and an editor of People & Strategy. She teaches
***anization design at Cornell University, the DTU Executive School
of Business (Denmark), and in client-specific programs.
Praise for Leading Organization Design "Designing ***anizati*** for performance can be a daunting task. Kesler and Kates have done an admirable job distilling the inherent complexity of the design process into manageable parts that can yield tangible results. Leading Organization Design provides an essential hands-on roadmap for any business leade***ho wants to master this topic." —Robert Sim***, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School "Kesler and Kates have encapsulated thei***ealth of knowledge and practical experience into an updated model on ***anizational design that will become a new primer on the subject." —Neville Isdell, retired chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company "In today's world of global business, ***anizational design is a critical piece of long-term success. Kesler and Kates have captured multiple approaches to optimize global opportunities, while highlighting some of the keys to managing through ***anizational transition. A great read for today's global business leaders." —Charles Denson, president, Nike Brand "Leading Organization Design has some unique features that make it valuable. It is one of the few and certainly only recent books to take us through an explicit process to design modern ***anizati***. This is accomplished with the five-milestone process. The process is not a *** cookbook. Indeed, the authors have achieved a balance between process and content. In so doing, Kesler and Kates show us what to do as well as how to do it."—Jay Galbraith, from the Foreword "Sheds light on the challenges of ***anization design in a complex enterprise and more importantly provides aninsightful and practical roadmap for business decisi***."—Randy MacDonald, SVP, human resources, IBM
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