2015年考研英语经典专项阅读120篇 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》2015年考研英语经典专项阅读120篇电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787300187402
  • 作者:暂无作者
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  • 出版时间:2014-02
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Unit 1

Unit 1 试题详解

Unit 2

Unit 2 试题详解

Unit 3

Unit 3 试题详解

Unit 4

Unit 4 试题详解

Unit 5

Unit 5 试题详解

Unit 6

Unit 6 试题详解

Unit 7

Unit 7 试题详解

Unit 8

Unit 8 试题详解

Unit 9

Unit 9 试题详解

Unit 10

Unit 10 试题详解

Unit 11

Unit 11 试题详解

Unit 12

Unit 12 试题详解

Unit 13

Unit 13 试题详解

Unit 14

Unit 14 试题详解

Unit 15

Unit 15 试题详解

Unit 16

Unit 16 试题详解

Unit 17

Unit 17 试题详解

Unit 18

Unit 18 试题详解

Unit 19

Unit 19 试题详解

Unit 20

Unit 20 试题详解

Unit 21

Unit 21 试题详解

Unit 22

Unit 22 试题详解

Unit 23

Unit 23 试题详解

Unit 24

Unit 24 试题详解

Unit 25

Unit 25 试题详解

Unit 26

Unit 26 试题详解

Unit 27

Unit 27 试题详解

Unit 28

Unit 28 试题详解

Unit 29

Unit 29 试题详解

Unit 30

Unit 30 试题详解










  Unit 1


  Text 1………………………………………………………………………………………………

  Entire cities and counties have banned themMcDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken have declared to give them up—as have Starbucks,Ruby Tuesday,and a host of other former sources of sinful pleasuresIn resp***e to the 2006 Food and Drug Administration requirement that trans fats be listed on nutrition labels,makers of packaged goods have brought their totals down to zeroLast month,FritoLay even got the FDAs blessing to put a claim on products loaded with healthy,unsaturated fats that replacing bad fats with good ones may protect against heart disease

  Does this mean that junk food is now the new health food? “No! ” says Robert Eckel,immediate past president of the American Heart Association,whose “Face the Fats” education campaign points out that a “zerotrans fats” label doesnt tell the w*** story“People know trans fats are not good for them,” says Eckel“But they do not understand that replacing them with saturated fat is not a good option” And that,in some cases,is whats happening. Yes,the food industry is experimenting with ways to keep the saturated fat content low—by using unsaturated opti*** such as canola and sunflower oils,for exampleBut some manufacturers,unwilling to sacrifice taste and texture,are turning back to lessthanhealthful choices such as palm oil and butter

  Baked goods have proved particularly unwilling to changeThe solid fats that provide their light texture and flakiness as well as the rich flavor typically are either highly saturated or are “partially hydrogenated” oils that contain trans fatsMakers of fried foods have had an easier task,since certain liquid unsaturated oils can do as tasty a jobSnack makers,too,have found the switch to be relatively manageable

  Manufacturers are raising nutrition experts eyebrows with other tricks,tooWalter Willett,a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard whose research showed that trans fats promote heart disease,says that some companies now are fully,rather than partially,hydrogenating vegetable oilFull hydrogenation doesnt create trans fats as it solidifies the oil,but it does produce an acid,a saturated fat which seems in preliminary research to promote inflammation,thus contributing to heart disease“Im not in favor of using totally hydrogenated oil until more is known,” he says

  A recent study by the International Food Information Council Foundation shows that about 42 percent of Americans—a 9 percent increase over last year—are trying to cut back on certain healthy fats along with transfats“AlI people hear is that fat is bad,bad,bad,” says Susan Borra,president of the foundationIn fact,most people need more of the good kind

  1McDonalds and Kentucky Fred Chicken have pledged to get rid of

  Asinful pleasuresBtrans fatsCnutritious fatsDunsaturated fats

  2To which of the following statements would Robert Eckel most likely agree?

  A“Zero trans fats” label tells that the food is healthy for sure

  BJunk food is now thought of as the new health food

  CIt sometimes does no good to use saturated fats instead of trans ones

  DPeople dont realize that trans fats are harmful

  3According to Paragraph 3,food makers are reluctant to give up solid fats in baked goods in that

  Athey contribute to peoples healthBthey are partially hydrogenated

  Cthey are highly saturatedDthey provide pleasant texture and taste

  4When solidifying the oil,full hydrogenation might

  Adirectly lead to a certain diseaseBcreate trans fats

  Cgenerate unsaturated fatsDcontribute to fatal injury

  5The last paragraph suggests that

  Amost Americans try to reduce healthy fats and trans fats

  Bpeople should take in more healthy fats

  Cfat is really very bad without any benefits

  D51 percent of Americans tried less healthy fats last year


  Text 2………………………………………………………………………………………………

  Few disagreed with Christina Romer, who chairs Americas Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), when she wrote recently that the early 1960s were the CEAs “glory days”Take 1961, for instance. James Tobin was a member, Robert Solow was a staff economist, and c***ultant economists included Kenneth Arrow and Paul Samuelson. All fou***ent on to win Nobel prizes.But fewer economists agreed with Ms Romers assertion that the CEAs staff in 2009 was of a calibre not seen since those starstudded days.

  Greg Mankiw, a Harvard economist who chaired the CEA in 2003—2005, points out that the council packed c***iderable intellectual firepower under Martin Feldstein in 1982Three of its members or staff—Larry Summers (now Barack Obamas chief economic adviser), Mr Feldstein himself and Paul Krugman—have won the Clark medal, a prize for the best American economist under the age of 40. Mr Krugman went on to win the Nobel prize. Mr Mankiw does not think the present lot match up to the class of 1982He suggests measuring the academic influence of CEAs by how often their economists have been cited by their peers.

  The Economist decided to see how different councils fared, through a widelyused index that ranks the top 5% of academic economists worldwide by citati*** to date. This is an imperfect measure, favouring members of older CEAs, who have both been active researchers for longer and whose influence was presumably boosted by their time on the council. Still, of the present CEAs three members, both Ms Romer and Austan Goolsbee make the cut. In comparison, all three members of Mr Mankiws CEA, and the one chaired by Janet Yellen during Bill Clint*** later years in office, are on the list. More impressive is the fact that two of the seven senior economists attached to the present CEA are also among the top 5% of economists by citati***, a rare distinction.

  Measured by citation scores per team member, though, the present CEA does not stand out as much. The average score for 2009 works out at 291, much higher than 2008s 185 (despite multiple citati*** for the then chairman, Edward Lazear) but well below the average for Mr Mankiws team of 2003, when the average was 641The count for 1982s “dream team” is an impressive 755For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinde***ere members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually muchcited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 7365Ms Romers team is handicapped by our use of lifetime citation counts, but the difference is still striking.

  Citati***, of course, are an even more flawed measure of quality for staff economists, who tend to be younger. So we ranked the past ten years CEAs by the average quality of the economics departments where their senior economists got their PhDs. This too is imperfect, as the rankings do change, albeit slowly. But by this measure, the present cohort of senior staff economists is the secondbestqualified in academic terms of any of the past ten CEAs. It is beaten—but only barely—by the staff assembled by Glenn Hubbard for Ge***e Bush junior in 2001It does even better than Mr Feldsteins 1982 team. If part of any CEAs influence comes from the academic prestige of its members and staff, the present council has little to worry about. But it is not yet the most brilliant since the 1960s. Sorry, Ms Romer.

  1Who has not won the Clark medal before?

  ALarry Summers BGreg Mankiw

  CMartin Feldstein DPaul Krugman

  2The first paragraph suggests that

  AChristina Romer c***iders the CEAs staff in 2009 to be the most extraordinary since 1960s

  Beconomists often compare the CEAs staff in 2009 with that of the golden age

  Cthe glory day of the CEA has left for good

  DCEA in 2009 is full of preeminent economists

  3Which of the following statements is not an evidence for Ms Romers wrong assertion?

  AMeasured by citation scores per team mem






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