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Solid financial guidance for anyone looking to build and protect thei***ealth
Every day, nationally recognized financial advisor Alan Haft helps his clients reach their financial goals and increase their standard of living. Now, in You Can Never Be Too Rich, Haft uses his vast knowledge base, highly innovative investment concepts, and entertaining style of writing to create proven investment soluti*** that will help readers minimize risk and take advantage of opportunities that lead to financial security for a lifetime. With this essential guide, Haft walks readers through the process of building and protecting wealth-and reveals the financial secrets that most investment professionals aren't aware of. You Can Never Be Too Rich clearly focuses on how people-whether they're just starting to work or are well on thei***ay to retirement-can build a sizeable nest egg without getting caught up in market swings, taxes, or poor investment decisi***. In this book, Haft doesn't rely on gimmicks or get-rich-quick schemes to help readers reach their goals; he simply offers proven and easy-to-understand-yet highly effective-advice that will allow them to make profitable financial decisi*** based on their specific situati***.
Alan Haft (Boca Raton, FL) is a well-known personal finance expert, who has a diverse array of clients across the nation. His newspaper column, "The Haft of It," appears in several newspapers across the country and is being heavily marketed to newspapers up and down the East Coast. Haft is frequently quoted in a wide range of financial press, including BusinessWeek, Money magazine, Forbes, morningstar.com, and many other media outlets.
Introduction Hollywood and the Art of Investing
Chapter 1 The Top 10 Less*** Hollywood Teaches Us About Investing
LESSON 1 Diversification Is The Key to Success
LESSON 2 It Doesn't Have to Be Complicated for It to Be Effective
LESSON 3 It's the Details That Count
LESSON 4 Costs Count
LESSON 5 Planning is Key
LESSON 6 Cut the Losers, Ride the Winners
LESSON 7 Experts Focus on Reducing Risk, Novices Focus on Return
LESSON 8 Don't Reinvent the Wheel
LESSON 9 Complacency is the Mother of All Disasters
LESSON 10 Defy Conventional Wisdom and Take Smart Risks
And One More For the Road -- If There's a Will, There's a Way
Chapter 2 To Beat the Market, Be the Market
What Billy the Neighborhood Bully Teaches Us About Investing
Going Down
Stop Whacking at the Ball
Off to the RacesAn Introduction to Asset Allocation
Stocks, Funds or Indexes
The Index Advantage
Building the House
How to Pick a Stock Like Warren Buffett
A Simple Way to Pick Individual Stocks
Real World Sample Portfolios
How to Beat Wall Street in 9 Seconds Flat
Lifestyle Funds
The Fine Art of Buying Low and Selling High
Wrapping It All Up
How Much Should I Be Saving?
Chapter 3 Reliable Returns
Generating Reliable Returns
The Most Dangerous Game
The Numbers Don't Lie
How to Avoid the Most Dangerous Game
Are You Playing the Most Dangerous Game?
Stock Market Stan Teaches Us a Lesson
Getting Away From the Most Dangerous Game
Individual Bonds vs Bond Mutual Funds
Bond Ladders
Final Points on Bonds
Preferred Stocks
Dividend Stocks
The Great Wallendas Teach Us a Lesson
Investing in the Markets With Safety Nets Beneath You
Annuities: Aren't They Awful?
Variable Annuities
Certificates of Deposit: When 6% = 0%
Index Annuities
Real Estate 180
Reliable Returns: Conclusion
Chapter 4 Adding a Little Life to Your Life
Why Would I Buy Life Insurance?
Term vs Universal Life Insurance
Adding Instant Wealth to Your Estate
Profiting From Selling Your Life Insurance Policy
Tax Free Retirement Income
Long Term Care Benefits
Freeing Up Principal
Having "Someone Else" Pay the Tax
Doubling Your Income at Retirement -- The Private Pension
The Private Pension Plan and IRAs
One Million Dollars -- For Free?
Life Insurance: Conclusion
Chapter 5 A Break in the Action
Chapter 6 IRAs
IRAs Defined
IRAs: Frequently Asked Questi***
Roth IRAs
Minimizing Taxable Withdrawals
After the Age of 70 1/2
IRAs: Conclusion
Chapter 7 A Few Words on Taxes
How Your Investments Are Taxed
Dividend Tax
Ordinary Income
Capital Gains
Summarizing the Three Most Common Taxes
The Mutual Fund Tax Problem
Solving the Mutual Fund Taxation Problem
How Will You Spend Your Tax Refund?
Chapter 8 The Bottom of the Ninth
What's the Worst That Could Happen?
Anatomy of a Living Trust
5 Estate Planning Blunders to Avoid
Chapter 9 Support and Maintenance
Interviewing Your Potential Advisor
10 Things Some Advisors Would Rather You Didn't Know
Investment Clubs
Chapter 10 Conclusion
Alan Haft is a nationally recognized personal finance expert who has appeared in a wide range of media outlets, including Money magazine, BusinessWeek, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, Morningstar, Forbes.com, and TodayShow
Solid financial guidance for anyone looking to build and protect thei***ealth Every day, nationally recognized financial advisor Alan Haft helps his clients reach their financial goals and increase their standard of living. Now, in You Can Never Be Too Rich, Haft uses his vast knowledge base, highly innovative investment concepts, and entertaining style of writing to create proven investment soluti*** that will help readers minimize risk and take advantage of opportunities that lead to financial security for a lifetime. With this essential guide, Haft walks readers through the process of building and protecting wealth-and reveals the financial secrets that most investment professionals aren't aware of. You Can Never Be Too Rich clearly focuses on how people-whether they're just starting to work or are well on thei***ay to retirement-can build a sizeable nest egg without getting caught up in market swings, taxes, or poor investment decisi***. In this book, Haft doesn't rely on gimmicks or get-rich-quick schemes to help readers reach their goals; he simply offers proven and easy-to-understand-yet highly effective-advice that will allow them to make profitable financial decisi*** based on their specific situati***. Alan Haft (Boca Raton, FL) is a well-known personal finance expert, who has a diverse array of clients across the nation. His newspaper column, "The Haft of It," appears in several newspapers across the country and is being heavily marketed to newspapers up and down the East Coast. Haft is frequently quoted in a wide range of financial press, including BusinessWeek, Money magazine, Forbes, morningstar.com, and many other media outlets.
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