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When you start a new job, you are in a “temporary state of
incompetence,” faced with having to do the most when you know the
least. Tom Neff and Jim Citrin, two of the world’s experts on
leadership and career achievement, know what it takes to succeed in
a new position. Through compelling, first-hand stories, from CEOs
like Jeffrey Immelt of GE and Bob Eckert of Mattel, You’re in
Charge—Now What? offers an eight-point plan to show you how to
lay the groundwork for long-term momentum and great
Thomas J. Neff is chairman of Spencer Stuart U.S. and a member
of the firm’s worldwide board of directors. Hailed by the Wall
Street Journal as “the number one brand name in CEO searches,” he
has been profiled on the cover of BusinessWeek and the Money and
Business section of the New York Times. He is the coauthor of
Less*** from the Top.
James M. Citrin leads Spencer Stuart’s Global Technology,
Communicati***, and Media Practice and is a member of the firm’s
worldwide board of directors. He is the author of Zoom and
the coauthor of Less*** from the Top and The 5 Patterns
of Extraordinary Careers.
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. For any manager in a new position, from CEO to
department subhead, the title's question is of paramount
importance. The authors of this seminal book, top brass at leading
global executive search firm Spencer Stuart, answer it with a
comprehensive approach to maximizing the first 100 days on the job,
drawing dramatically on the experience of more than 50 chief
executives (as well as other corporate personnel) interviewed in
depth. The authors' clear, sound eight-point plan covers the bases
of what incoming business leaders need to know, from how to prepare
physically and mentally for the first 100 days to crafting a
strategic agenda; dealing with and transforming corporate culture;
shaping the management team; working with a boss or a board; and
more. What truly distinguishes this book from available management
volumes, besides its inspiring hit-the-ground-running approach, is
the material gleaned from the chief executives (among them, for
example, Gary Kusin of Kinko's; Paul Pressler of Gap Inc.; Jonathan
F. Miller of AOL; Steve Bennett of Intuit), which is full of
entertaining, enlightening first-person anecdotes. Notably, this
material focuses on steps to avoid as well as on appropriate
acti*** to take. Lawrence Summers, for instance, named president of
Harvard University in 2001, recalls that he "didn't fully
appreciate the importance of simply providing traditional
institutional reassurance.... I failed to appreciate that if you're
going to be questioning everybody and challenging everybody, you
have to do a lot of reassuring in return." Near book's end, Neff
and Citrin (Less*** from the Top, etc.) distill their plan into two
principles: "Listen and Learn. Underpromise and overdeliver." Their
expert elaboration of those principles throughout will make their
work a guiding light to many an incoming manager. First serial to
Fast Company.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
“When you really need to hit the ground running . . . Neff and
Citrin offer the ultimate blueprint for success. A must-read for
anyone entering into a leadership role at any level.” —Peter
Chernin, president and COO, News Corporation
“Take it from someone who’s been there. You’re in Charge—Now
What? asks all the right questi*** and tracks down all the right
answers from people who ought to know.” —Dick Pars***, chairman and
CEO, Time Warner
“You’re in Charge—Now What? may be the best ‘how-to’ leadership
book I’ve ever read. It ranks right up there with Good to Great.”
—Ge***e H. Conrades, chairman and CEO, Akamai Technologies
“If you are heading into a new leadership role, read this book
before you begin if you want to finish in triumph.” —Jack Valenti,
retired president and CEO, Motion Picture Association of
“The secret road maps of many prominent leaders are revealed for
the first time.” —Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, associate dean, Yale School
of Management
“An unparalleled guide based on some of the best minds in modern
industry.” —Christopher P. Lofgren, Ph.D.,
president and CEO, Schneider National
“Gritty advice . . . for *** good and fast decisi*** in the
first days of fresh resp***ibilities.” —Michael Useem, director,
Wharton Center for Leadership and Change
From the Hardcover edition. --This text refers to the Kindle
Edition edition.
“When you really need to hit the ground running . . . Neff and
Citrin offer the ultimate blueprint for success. A must-read for
anyone entering into a leadership role at any level.” —Peter
Chernin, president and COO, News Corporation
“Take it from someone who’s been there. You’re in Charge—Now
What? asks all the right questi*** and tracks down all the right
answers from people who ought to know.” —Dick Pars***, chairman and
CEO, Time Warner
“You’re in Charge—Now What? may be the best ‘how-to’ leadership
book I’ve ever read. It ranks right up there with Good to Great.”
—Ge***e H. Conrades, chairman and CEO, Akamai Technologies
“If you are heading into a new leadership role, read this book
before you begin if you want to finish in triumph.” —Jack Valenti,
retired president and CEO, Motion Picture Association of
“The secret road maps of many prominent leaders are revealed for
the first time.” —Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, associate dean, Yale School
of Management
“An unparalleled guide based on some of the best minds in modern
industry.” —Christopher P. Lofgren, Ph.D.,
president and CEO, Schneider National
“Gritty advice . . . for *** good and fast decisi*** in the
first days of fresh resp***ibilities.” —Michael Useem, director,
Wharton Center for Leadership and Change
“Take it from someone who’s been there.
You’re in Charge—Now
asks all the right questi*** and tracks down all the
right answers from people who ought to know.”
—Dick Pars***, chairman and CEO, Time Warner Inc.
“The secret road maps of many prominent leaders are revealed for
the first time.”
—Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Yale Chief Executive Leadership
“Leavened by anecdote and enriched by the authors’ deep
understanding of American corporate culture, this book isn’t just a
navigational chart for the Big Cheese. It is also an entertaining
read for the layman.” —
When you start a new job, you are in a “temporary state of incompetence,” faced with having to do the most when you know the least. Tom Neff and Jim Citrin, two of the world’s experts on leadership and career achievement, know what it takes to succeed in a new position. Through compelling, first-hand stories, from CEOs like Jeffrey Immelt of GE and Bob Eckert of Mattel, You’re in Charge—Now What? offers an eight-point plan to show you how to lay the groundwork for long-term momentum and great performance.
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