The New Day Trader Advantage: Sane, Smart, and Stable - Finding the Daily Trades That Will Make You Rich 新商机 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

The New Day Trader Advantage: Sane, Smart, and Stable - Finding the Daily Trades That Will Make You Rich 新商机电子书下载地址
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Markets are abuzz over the rebirth of the day trader. Rather than manaically trading volatile stocks multiple times in a single day, active traders are now holding onto investments longer, relying more on planning and patience rather than fast reflexes. The New Day Trader Advantage features surefire techniques for profiting from this more measured, cunning method of active trading-techniques that will help busy professionals and individuals achieve their investing goals with minimum stress and maximum gain.
Written by ve***n investment advisor and MSN Money columnist Jon Markman, The New Day Trader Advantage offers successful strategies for discovering, tracking, buying and selling the strongest companies in the best sectors of any economy. This hands-on guide introduces each trading method with compelling, real-life examples that show how the techniques work-then dives into the details of the actual trade from start to finish. You'll learn how to:
Profit on the popularity of a stock's sector, which accounts for up to 60% of its movement
Know which stocks historically trade way up o***ay down in particular months of the year-or before or after their quarterly earnings reports
Buy new IPOs from previously bankrupt companies and make a fortune
Find information on new offerings and corporate spin-offs and effectively trade them in the first week, month, and year
Use the author's proprietary stock-rating system to buy five to ten winning stocks a month for six-month holds
Gain valuable insight by observing a stock's relati***hip to its ten-month moving average
Recognize local, national, and global “ecosystems,” and determine where the greatest short-term value is being created
Sell or sell short at the right time to capture maximum profits
No other book offers the same depth of coverage and expert insight into short-term market forces. By learning how to profit at the right time in the right markets, you can gain The New Day Trader Advantage.
one Sunday
two Monday
three Tuesday
four Wednesday
six Thursday
Appendix A: Dow Jones Sector and Industry Indexes
Appendix B: ETFs
“The variety of approaches and numerous examples given makes this book an exuberant, useful addition to any market person’s arsenal and library…great grist for the trading mill on almost every page.”—Victor Niederhoffer
“One of the truest trading commandments is the ability to adapt your style to the market. Jon has mapped a fluid game plan on how to do just that.” —Todd Harrison, Founder & CEO, Minyanville Publishing & Multimedia, LLC.
“Jon Markman has long been my pick among stock pickers, but he’s outdone himself with The New Day Trader Advantage. His thesis is that day traders can benefit by becoming daily traders: stock pickers who track opportunity every day, but hold positi*** for days, weeks, or months at a time. The New Day Trader Advantage is quite simply the best text on stock picking I’ve yet encountered.” —Brett N. Steenbarger, Ph.D., author, The Psychology of Trading and Enhancing Trader Performance
“In the new money democracy, trading and managing your own wealth is an important part of fi nancial independence. Jon Markman both anticipated and shaped this trend. The New Day Trader Advantage provides practical tips and insights for traders to equip them for the challenges they face.” —Satyajit Das, author of Traders, Guns & Money
Markets are abuzz over the rebirth of the day trader. Rather than manaically trading volatile stocks multiple times in a single day, active traders are now holding onto investments longer, relying more on planning and patience rather than fast reflexes. The New Day Trader Advantage features surefire techniques for profiting from this more measured, cunning method of active trading-techniques that will help busy professionals and individuals achieve their investing goals with minimum stress and maximum gain. Written by ve***n investment advisor and MSN Money columnist Jon Markman, The New Day Trader Advantage offers successful strategies for discovering, tracking, buying and selling the strongest companies in the best sectors of any economy. This hands-on guide introduces each trading method with compelling, real-life examples that show how the techniques work-then dives into the details of the actual trade from start to finish. You'll learn how to: Profit on the popularity of a stock's sector, which accounts for up to 60% of its movement Know which stocks historically trade way up o***ay down in particular months of the year-or before or after their quarterly earnings reports Buy new IPOs from previously bankrupt companies and make a fortune Find information on new offerings and corporate spin-offs and effectively trade them in the first week, month, and year Use the author's proprietary stock-rating system to buy five to ten winning stocks a month for six-month holds Gain valuable insight by observing a stock's relati***hip to its ten-month moving average Recognize local, national, and global “ecosystems,” and determine where the greatest short-term value is being created Sell or sell short at the right time to capture maximum profits No other book offers the same depth of coverage and expert insight into short-term market forces. By learning how to profit at the right time in the right markets, you can gain The New Day Trader Advantage.
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