Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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New from one of Kaplan’s top LSAT instructors—focused
strategies, all real LSAT questi***, and targeted review to help
students master the Reading Comprehension section of the
Future law school students know that LSAT scores counts for 50
percent of their admission package. With top law schools routinely
accepting fewer than 15 percent of their applicants and competition
for limited places at law schools increasing, students know how
important it is to get the highest score possible on the LSAT.
Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics is the
new comprehensive study guide designed to prepare students for the
Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT, through thorough
invaluable ***ysis and detailed practice with only real LSAT
questi***. In Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and
Tactics, author Scott Emerson, one of Kaplan’s most sought-after
LSAT instructors, clearly outlines the steps needed to approach the
different types of reading comprehension questi*** a test taker
would encounter on the actual LSAT, and offers engaging and
effective strategies to help students master the exam and get into
the law school of their choice.
With Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics,
students will benefit from:
Actual practice questi*** from the LSAT, for the most realistic
practice and preparation
Detailed answer explanati***
Proven score-raising strategies from an LSAT expert
Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics provides
students with everything they need to improve their
scores—guaranteed. Kaplan’s Higher Score guarantee provides
security that no other test preparation guide on the market can
match. Kaplan has helped more than three million students to
prepare for standardized tests. We know that our test-taking
techniques and strategies work and our materials are completely
up-to-date. Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and
Tactics is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking
to score higher!
Introduction to the LSAT
PART I." How Reading Comprehension Works
CHAPTER I: LSAT Reading Is Critical Reading
CHAPTER 2: All About Keywords
CHAPTER 3: Building a Roadmap
CHAPTER 4: Topic, Scope, Purpose, and Main Idea
CHAPTER S: The Author's Voice
CHAPTER 6." Reading Predictively
CHAPTER 7: Common Passage Structures
CHAPTERS: Strategic Reading Review
PART II: Passage and Question Types
CHAPTER 9. Comparative Reading
CHAPTER I0: Global Questi***
CHAPTER 11: Detail Questi***
CHAPTER 12: Inference Questi***
CHAPTER 13: Logic Questi***: Reasoning
CHAPTER 14: Logic Questi***: Function
CHAPTER 15: Challenging Passages
CHAPTER 16: Unusual Questi***
CHAPTER 17: Recent Trends
PARTIII: Full-Length Section Practice
CHAPTER 18: Timing and Section Management in a Nutshell.
CHAPTER 19: Full-Length Section Practice
CHAPTER 20: Full-Length Section 1
CHAPTER 21: Full-Length Section 2
PART IV: The Test Day Experience
CHAPTER 22: Get Ready for Test Day
CHAPTER 23: Secrets of the LSAT
CHAPTER 24: LSAT Strategies and Tactics
Scott Emerson began his work with Kaplan in 2004 after achieving
a 99th percentile LSAT score. He is a ve***n classroom instructor,
an experienced and highly demanded private tutor, and a trainer of
excellent Kaplan instructors. In his seven years with Kaplan he has
helped over 2000 students achieve LSAT success, with nearly 200 of
those students reporting scores above the 90th percentile. He has
been actively involved in the evolution of Kaplan's proven approach
to the LSAT, bringing his expertise to the research and development
of a cutting-edge curriculum that has made Reading Comprehension
approachable to students around the world. He currently teaches and
resides in the Los Angeles area.
New from one of Kaplan’s top LSAT instructors—focused strategies, all real LSAT questi***, and targeted review to help students master the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT! Future law school students know that LSAT scores counts for 50 percent of their admission package. With top law schools routinely accepting fewer than 15 percent of their applicants and competition for limited places at law schools increasing, students know how important it is to get the highest score possible on the LSAT. Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics is the new comprehensive study guide designed to prepare students for the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT, through thorough invaluable ***ysis and detailed practice with only real LSAT questi***. In Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics, author Scott Emerson, one of Kaplan’s most sought-after LSAT instructors, clearly outlines the steps needed to approach the different types of reading comprehension questi*** a test take***ould encounter on the actual LSAT, and offers engaging and effective strategies to help students master the exam and get into the law school of their choice. With Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics, students will benefit from: Actual practice questi*** from the LSAT, for the most realistic practice and preparation Detailed answer explanati*** Proven score-raising strategies from an LSAT expert Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics provides students with everything they need to improve their scores—guaranteed. Kaplan’s Higher Score guarantee provides security that no other test preparation guide on the market can match. Kaplan has helped more than three million students to prepare for standardized tests. We know that our test-taking techniques and strategies work and our materials are completely up-to-date. Kaplan LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies and Tactics is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to score higher!
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