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The Elliott Wave Principle - Key To Market Behavior 9780471988496书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780471988496
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2001-02
  • 页数:240
  • 价格:387.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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"This is a definitive, excellent book on Elliott, and I recommend

it to all who have an interest in the Wave Principle." Richard

Russell, Dow Theory Letters

"Gold and Silver Today w***heartedly endorses this book. It is

the definitive work on a scientific wave theory of human

experience. If you are interested in technical o***ave ***ysis, it

should be required reading." Gold & Silver Today

"This book is extremely well done. It is clear, brief and far the most useful and comprehensive for both the

beginner and the ve***n." William Dilanni, Wellington Mgmt.


"An outstanding job...I don't think a better basic handbook of

Elliott Wave theory could be written." Donald J. Hoppe, Business

and Investment Analysis

"...A top-drawer reference for serious technical ***ysts....all

the nuts and bolts necessary to do their own Elliott Wave

assembly." Futures Magazine

"Chapter Three is the best de*ion of Fibonacci numbers we've

seen in print and that alone is worth the price of the book." Janes

Dines, The Dines Letter

"In a third of a lifetime in this business, this was the first

time I really understood Elliott, and this is certainly the first

book on Elliott that I could recommend. All the methods that

Prechter has used so successfully are fully described in this

book." The Professional Investor

"Elliott Wave Principle is such an important, fascinating, even

mind-bending work, we are convinced that it should be read by and

and every serious student of the market, be they fundamentalist or

technician, dealing in stocks, bonds or commodities." Market


"Even allowing for minor stumbles, that 1978 prediction must go

down as the most remarkable stick market prediction of all time."

James W. Cowan, Monitor Money Review

Recipient of the Technical Analysis Association's Award of



Part I: Elliott Theory

The Broad Concept

Guidelines of Wave Formation

Historical and Mathematical Background of the Wave Principle

Part II: Elliott Applied

Ratio Analysis and Fibonacci Time Sequences

Long Term Waves and an Up-to-Date Composite

Stocks and Commodities

Other Approaches to the Stock Market and Their Relati***hip to the

Wave Principle

Elliott Speaks

Appendix: Long Term Forecast Update, 1982 -


Publisher's Postscript









  ROBERT R. PRECHTER JR. is author of several books on the markets

and editor of two monthly forecasting publicati***, The Elliott

Wave Theorist and Global Market Perspective. The Hulbert rating

service reports that The Theorist exceeded the performance of the

Wilshire 5000 over 131/2 year period ending December 31, 1993,

while being exposed to market risk only 50% of the time. EWT has

won Hard Money Digest's "Award of Excellence" twice and Timer

Digest's "Timer of the Year" twice, the only newsletter to do so.

In 1984, Mr Prechter set an all time record in the United States

Trading Champi***hip by returning 444.4% in a monitored real-money

opti*** account in the four month contest period. In December 1989,

Financial News Network named him "Guru of the Decade". In

1990-1991, Mr Prechter serves as President of the Market

Technicians Association in its twenty-first year.

  Mr Prechter's latest venture is Elliott Wave International, which

provides monthly and intraday ***ysis on stock markets,

currencies, interest rates, commodities and social trends to

institutional and private investors around the world.

  Mr. Prechter attended Yale University on a full scholarship and

graduated in 1971 with a degree in psychology. He began his career

as a Technical Market Specialist with the Merrill Lynch Market

Analysis Department in New York, where his original work with the

Wave Principle led to a small but loyal following, introduction to

A.J. Frost and ultimately this book.

  A.J. FROST C.F.A., a graduate of Queen's University, Kingston,

Ontario, started his career as a legal accountant. He achieved his

objective on being admitted to the Ontario Institute of Chartered

Accountants in 1934 and on his call to the Ontario Bar in 1937. In

1959, he was elected a fellow in the Institute for distinguished

service to the accountancy profession. He served as Chairman of the

National Capital commissi*** (Ca***) for two years and later sat

on the bench as a member of the Tax Appeal Board, Tax Review Board

and Anti-Inflation Appeal tribunal. He has handed down many

decisi*** in the field of income tax law. During his career, Mr

Frost served on two university councils and the boards of several

Canadian corporati***.

  In 1960, Mr. Frost became a partner of the late Hamilton Bolton,

who introduced him ot the Elliott Wave Principle. After Bolton's

death in 1967, he wrote two Elliott Wave Supplements for the firm

of Bolton-Tremblay, the editors of the Bank Credit Analyst. In

1977, Mr Frost delivered a speech on the Elliott Wave Principle

before the Market Technicians Associati***. There he met Mr.

Prechter, whom he found to have remarkably compatible ideas despite

their separation by two generati*** and national boundary. Mr.

Frost provided weekly market commentary on Financial New Network

and was one of the most frequently requested speakers for meetings

of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts.











“但是,实际在股票市场振荡中记录下来的,”他说,“不是各种事件本身,而是人类对这些事件的反应。简而言之,成百上千万的男男***是如何感受这些事件的可以影响他们的未来。”巴鲁克补充道,“换言之,股票市场首先是人。正是人在试图预言未来。而且正是这种强烈的人性使股票市场成了一个如此富戏剧性的舞台,在此男男***投入了他们相互***的判断,their hope and fear,power and weak,greed and fantasy.”



  "This is a definitive, excellent book on Elliott, and I

recommend it to all who have an interest in the Wave Principle."

Richard Russell, Dow Theory Letters "Gold and Silver Today

w***heartedly endorses this book. It is the definitive work on a

scientific wave theory of human experience. If you are interested

in technical o***ave ***ysis, it should be required reading." Gold

and Silver Today "This book is extremely well done. It is clear,

brief and far the most useful and comprehensive for both

the beginner and the ve***n." William Dilanni, Wellington Mgmt.

Co. "An outstanding job...I don't think a better basic handbook of

Elliott Wave theory could be written." Donald J. Hoppe, Business

and Investment Analysis ..".A top-drawer reference for serious

technical ***ysts....all the nuts and bolts necessary to do their

own Elliott Wave assembly." Futures Magazine "Chapter Three is the

best de*ion of Fibonacci numbers we've seen in print and that

alone is worth the price of the book." Janes Dines, The Dines

Letter "In a third of a lifetime in this business, this was the

first time I really understood Elliott, and this is certainly the

first book on Elliott that I could recommend. All the methods that

Prechter has used so successfully are fully described in this

book." The Professional Investor "Elliott Wave Principle is such an

important, fascinating, even mind-bending work, we are convinced

that it should be read by and and every serious student of the

market, be they fundamentalist or technician, dealing in stocks,

bonds or commodities." Market Decisi*** "Even allowing for minor

stumbles, that 1978 prediction must go down as the most remarkable

stick market prediction of all time." James W. Cowan, Monitor Money

Review Recipient of the Technical Analysis Association's Award of






















  ——詹姆士 W.科万,《监控货币评论》


Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Developed by Ralph Nelson Elliott in the 1930s and '40s, the Elliott Wave Principle is a powerful ***ytical tool for forecasting stock market behavior. The basic concept behind the Wave Principle is that stock market prices rise and fall in discernible patterns and that those patterns can be linked together into waves.

In the years since it was first published, this classic guide to the Elliott Wave Principle has acquired a cult status among technical ***ysts, worldwide. And with each new edition, the authors have refined and enhanced the principle, while retaining all the predicti*** from past editi***.

The 20th Anniversay Edition includes a special foreword and enhanced text. It’s the final revision of a classic.

"Elliott Wave Principle is simply the best description and validation of a concept which by all rights should be revolutionizing the scientific study of history and sociology." –J***, New York

"Elliott Wave Principle is such an important, fascinating, even mind-bending work, we are convinced that is should be read by any and every serious student of the market, be they fundamentalist or technician, dealing in stocks, bonds or commodities." –Market Decision$

"Even allowing for minor stumbles, that 1978 prediction must go down as the most remarkable stock market prediction of all time." –James W. Cowan, Monitor Money Review

"Elliott Wave Principle is the greatest work of any kind, anywhere. It has helped me abandon speculative stock tips and stockbroker newsletter recommendati*** for my own predicti*** based on the *** wave theory." –J.V.

"I have just received my copy of Elliott Wave Principle and find it to be unquestionably the best book and explanation regarding the works of Elliott that I’ve ever seen." –J.B.B.

"I have recently read and reread Elliott Wave Principle. I was impressed with the research and especially thrilled with the excitement of coming into contact with a truly original concept." –M.F.

From the Inside Flap

Robert R. Prechter, Jr. Robert R. Prechter, Jr. is author of several books on the markets and editor of two monthly forecasting publicati***, The Elliott Wave Theorist and Global Market Perspective. The Hulbert rating service reports that The Theorist exceeded the performance of the Wilshire 5000 over the 131/2 year period ending December 31, 1993, while being exposed to market risk only 500f the time. EWT has won Hard Money Digest’s "Award of Excellence" twice and Timer Digest’s "Timer of the Year" twice, the only newsletter to do so. In 1984, Mr. Prechter set an all time record in the United States Trading Champi***hip by returning 444.4 0n a monitored real-money opti*** account in the four month contest period. In December 1989, Financial News Network named him "Guru of the Decade". In 1990–1991, Mr. Prechter served as President of the Market Technicians Association in its twenty-first year. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.


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