数据结构和编程设计——应用C语言(第二版)(影印版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Changes in the Second Edition
Course Structure
Book Production
CHAPTER 1 Programming Principles
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Game of Life
1.2.1 Rules for the Game of Life
1.2.2 Examples
1.2.3 The Solution
1.2.4 Life:The Main Program
1.3 Programming Style
1.3.1 Names
1.3.2 Documentation and Format
1.3.3 Refinement and Modularity
1.4 Coding,Testing,and Further Refinement
1.4.1 Stubs
1.4.2 Counting Neighbors
1.4.3 Input and Output
1.4.4 Drivers
1.4.5 Program Tracing
1.4.6 Principles of Program Testing
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
Programming Principles
The Game of Life
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Software Engineering
2.1 Program Maintenance
2.1.1 Review of the Life Program
2.1.2 A Fresh Start and a New Method for Life
2.2 Algorithm Development:A Second Version of Life
2.2.1 Lists:Specificati*** for a Data Structure
2.2.2 The Main Program
2.2.3 Information Hiding
2.2.4 Refinement:Development of the Subprograms
2.2.5 Verification of Algorithms
2.3 Coding
2.3.1 The List Functi***
2.3.2 Error Processing
2.3.3 Dem***tration and Testing
2.4 Coding the Life Functi***
2.5 Program Analysis and Comparison
2.6 Conclusi*** and Preview
2.6.1 The Game of Life
2.6.2 Program Design
2.6.3 C
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 3 Stacks and Recursion
3.1 Stacks
3.1.1 IntrodUCtion
3.1.2 First Example:Reversing a Line
3.1.3 Information Hiding
3.1.4 Specificati*** for a Stack
3.1.5 Implementation of Stacks
3.1.6 Linked Stacks
3.2 Introduction to Recursion
3.2.1 Stack Frames for SubprogralTts
3.2.2 Tree of Subprogram Calls
3.2.3 FactOrials:A Recursive Definition
3.2.4 Divide and Conquer:The Towers of Hanoi
3.3 Backtracking:Postponing the Work
3.3.1 Solving the Eight-Queens Puzzle
3.3.2 Example:Four Queens
3.3.3 Backtracking
3.3.4 Refinement:Choosing the Data Structures
3.3.5 AnalVsis of Backtracking
3.4 Principles of Recursion
3.4.1 DesiSntng Recursive Algorithms
3.4.2 How Recursion Works
3.4.3 Tail Recursion
3.4.4 When Not to Use Recursion
3.4.5 Guidelines and Conclusi***
Pointrs and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 4 Queues and Linked Lists
4.1 Definiti***
4.2 Implementati*** of Queues
4.3 Circular Queues in C
4.4 Application of Queues:Simulation
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Simulation of an Airpoort
4.4.3 The Main Program
4.4.4 Steps of the Simulation
4.4.5 Pseudo-Random Numbers
4.4.6 Sample Results
4.5 Pointers and Linked Lists
4.5.1 Introduction and Survey
4.5.2 Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C
4.5.3 The Basics of Linked Lists
4.6 Linked Queues
4.7 Application:Polynomial Arithmetic
4.7.1 Purpose of the Project
4.7.2 The Main Program
4.7.3 Data Structures and Their Implementation
4.7.4 Reading and Writing Polynomials
4.7.5 Addition of Polynomials
4.7.6 Completing the Project
4.8 Abstract Data Types and Their Implementati***
4.8.1 Introduction
4.8.2 General Definiti***
4.8.3 Refinement of Data Specification
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 5 General Lists
5.1 List Specificati***
5.2 Implementation of Lists
5.2.1 Contiguous Implementation
5.2.2 Simply Linked Implementation
5.2.3 Variation:Keeping the Current Position
5.2.4 Doubly Linked Lists
5.2.5 Comparison of Implementati***
5.3 Strings
5.4 Application:A Text Editor
5.4.1 Specificati***
5.4.2 Implementation
5.5 Linked Lists in Arrays
5.6 Generating Permutati***
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 6 Searching
6.1 Searching:Introduction and Notation
6.2 Sequential Search
6.3 Coatrooms:A Project
6.3.1 Introduction and Specification
6.3.2 Dem***tration and Testing Programs
*** Binary Search
***.1 Algorithm Development
***.2 The F***etful Version
***.3 Recognizing Equality
6.5 Comparisonn Trees
6.5.1 Analysis for n=10
6.5.2 Generalization
6.5.3 Comparison of Methods
6.5.4 A General Relati***hip
6.6 Lower Bounds
6.7 Asymptotics
6.7.1 Introduction
6.7.2 The Big-O Notation
6.7.3 Imprecision of the Big-O Notation
6.7.4 Ordering of Common Functi***
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 7 Sorting
7.1 Introduction and Notation
7.2 Insertion Sort
7.2.1 Ordered Lists
7.2.2 Sorting by Insertion
7.2.3 Linked Version
7.2.4 Analysis
7.3 Selection Sort
7.3.1 The Algorithm
7.3.2 Contiguous Implementation
7.3.3 Analysis
7.3.4 Comparis***
7.4 Shell Sort
7.5 Lower Bounds
7.6 DiVide-and-Conquer Sorting
7.6.1 The Main Ideas
7.6.2 An Example
7.7 Mergesorft for Linked Lists
7.7.1 The Functi***
7.7.2 AnalVsis of Mergsort
7.8 Quicksort for Contiguous Lists
7.8.1 The Main Function
7.8.2 Partitioning the List
7.8.3 Analysis of QLlickSort
7.8.4 ***erage-Case Analysis of Quicksort
7.8.5 Comparison with Mergesort
7.9 Heaps and Heapsort
7.9.1 Two.Way Trees as Lists
7.9.2 Heapsort
7.9.3 Analysis of Heapsort
7.9.4 Priority Queues
7.10 Review:Comparison of Methods
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 8 Tables and Information Retrieval
8.1 Introduction:Breaking the lgnbarrier
8.2 Rectangular Arrays
8.3 Tables of Various Shapes
8.3.1 Triangular Tables
8.3.2 Jagged Tables
8.3.3 Inverted Tables
8.4 Tables:A New Abstract Data Type
8.5 Application:Radix Sort
8.5.1 The Idea
8.5.2 Implementation
8.5.3 Analvsis
8.6 Hashing
8.6.1 Sparse Tables
8.6.2 Choosing a Hash Function
8.6.3 Collision Resolution with Open Addressing
8.*** Conision Resolution by Chaining
8.7 Analysis of Hashing
8.8 Conclusi***:Comparison of Methods
8.9 Application:The Life Game Revisited
8.9.1 Choice of Algorithn
8.9.2 Specification of Data Structures
8.9.3 The Main Program
8.9.4 Functi***
POinters and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 9 Binarv Trees
9.1 Introduction to Binary Trees
9.1.1 Definiti***
9.1.2 Traversal of Binary Trees
9.1.3 Linked Implementation of Billarv Trees
9.2 BinarV Search Trees
9.2.1 ordered Lists and Implementati***
9.2.2 Treesearch
9.2.3 Insertion into a BinarV Search Tree
9.2.4 Treesort
9.2.5 Deletion from a Binarv SearCh Tree
9.3 Building a Binary Search Tree
9.3.1 Getting Started
9.3.2 Declarati*** and the Main Function
9.3.3 Inserting a Node
9.3.4 Finishing the Task
9.3.5 Evaluation
9.3.6 RandOm Search Trees and Optimalit
9.4 Height Balance:***L Trees
9.4.1 Definition
9.4.2 Insertion of a Node
9.4.3 Deletion of a Node
9.4.4 The Height of an ***L Tree
9.5 Splav Trees:A Self-Adj usting Data Stlllcture
9.5.1 Introduction
9.5.2 Splayillg Steps
9.5.3 Splaying Algorithm
9.5.4 AmOrtized Algorithm AnalVsis:Introduction
9.5.5 Amortized Analysis of Splaying
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 10 Multiway Trees
10.1 Orchards,Trees,and Binary Trees
10.1.1 on the Classification of Species
10.1.2 Ordered Trees
10.1.3 Forests and Orchards
10.1.4 The Formal Correspondence
10.1.5 Rotati***
10.1.6 Summary
10.2 Lexicographic Search Trees:Tries
10.2.1 Tries
10.2.2 Searching for a Key
10.2.3 C Algorithm
10.2.4 Insertion into a Trie
10.2.5 Deletion from a Trie
10.2.6 Assessment of Tries
10.3 External Searchiring:B-Trees
10.3.1 Access Time
10.3.2 Multiway Search Trees
10.3.3 Balanced Multiway Trees
10.3.4 Insertion into a B-tree
10.3.5 C Algorithms:Searching and Insertion
10.3.6 Deletion from a B-tree
10.4 Red-Black Trees
10.4.1 Introduction
10.4.2 Definition and Analysis
10.4.3 Insertion
10.4.4 C Insertion
10.5 Tree-Structured Programs:Look-Ahead in Games
10.5.1 Game Trees
10.5.2 The Minimax Method
10.5.3 Algorithm Development
10.5.4 Refinement
Pointers and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Further Study
CHAPTER 11 Graphs
11.1 Mathematical Background
11.1.1 Defimti*** and Examples
11.1.2 Undirected Graphs
11.1.3 Directed Graphs
11.2 Computer Representation
11.3 Graph Traversal
11.3.1 Methods
11.3.2 Depth-First Algorithm
11.3.3 Breadth-First Algorithm
11.4 T0p010gical Sorting
11.4.1 The Problem
11.4.2 Depth-First Algorithm
11.4.3 Br.eadth.First AlgOrithm
11.5 A Greedy Algorithm:Shortest Paths
11.6 Graphs as Data Structures
P0interS and Pitfalls
Review Questi***
References for Funher Study
CHAPTER 12 Case Study:The Polish Notation
12.1 The PrOblem
12.1.1 The Quadratic Fomula
12.2 The Idea
12.2.1 Expression Trees
12.2.2 Polish Notation
12.2.3 C Method
12.3 Evaluation of Polish Expressi***
12.3.1 Evaluation of an Expression in Prefix Form
12.3.2 C Conventi***
12.3.3 C Function for Prefix Evaluation
12.3.4 Evaluation of Postfix Expressi***
12.3.5 PrOof of the Program:Counting:Stack Entries
12.3.6 Recursive Evaluation of Postfix Expressi***
12.4 Translation from Infix Form to Polish Form
12.5 An In***ctive Expression Evaluator
12.5.1 Overall Structure
12.5.2 Representation of the Data
12.5.3 Initialization and Auxiliary Tasks
12.5.4 Translation of the Expression
12.5.5 Evaluating the Expression
12.5.6 Graphing the Expression
References for Further Study
APPENDIX A Mathematical Methods
A.1 Sums of Powers of Integers
A.2 Logarithms
A.2.1 Definition of Logarithms
A.2.2 Simple Properties
A.2.3 Choice of Base
A.2.4 Natural Logarithms
A.2.5 Notation
A.2.6 Change of Base
A.2.7 Logarithmic Graphs
A.2.8 Harmonic Numbers
A.3 Permutati***,Combinati***,Factorials
A.3.1 Permutati***
A.3.2 Combinati***
A.3.3 Factorials
A.4 Fibonacci Numbers
A.5 Catalan Numbers
A.5.1 The Main Result
A.5.2 The Proof by one-to-one Correspondences
A.5.3 History
A.5.4 Numerical Results
References for Further Study
APPENDIX B Removal of Recursion
B.1 General Methods for Removing Recursion
B.1.1 Preliminary Assumpti***
B.1.2 General Rules
B.1.3 Indirect Recursion
B.1.4 Towers of Hanoi
B.1.5 Further Simplificati***
B.2 Recursion Removal by F0lding
B.2.1 Program Schemata
B.2.2 Proof of the Transformatiorl
B.2.3 Towers of Hanoi:The Final Version
B.3 Nonrecursive Quicksort
B.4 Stackless Recursion Removaal:Mergesort
B.5 Threaded Binarv Trees
B.5.1 Introduction
B.5.2 Threads
B.5.3 Inorder and Preorder Traversal
B.5.4 Insertion in a Threaded Tree
B.5.5 Postorder Traversal
References for Further Study
APPENDIX C An Introduction to C
C.1 IntrOduction
C.1.1 Overview of a C Program
C.2 C Elements
C.2.1 Reserved Words
C.2.2 C***tants
C.3 Types and Declarati***
C.3.1 Basic Tvpes
C.3.2 Arravs
C.3.3 Enumerati***
C.3.4 Structures
C.3.5 Uni***
C.3.6 Type Defilliti*** with typedef
C.4 0permors
C.5 Control Flow Statements
C.5.1 If-Else
C.5.2 Switch
C.5.3 Loops
C.5.4 Break and Continue
C.5.5 Goto
C.6 Pointers
C.6.1 Pointer to a Simple Variable
C.6.2 Pointer to an Array
C.6.3 Array of Pointers
C.*** Pointer to Structures
C.7 Functi***
C.7.1 Arguments to Functi***:Call by Value
C.7.2 Arguments to Functi***:Call by Reference
C.7.3 Function Prototypes and Include Files
C.8 Pointers and Functi***
C.8.1 Pointer to a Function
C.8.2 Functios that Ream a Pointer
C.8.3 Pointer to a Pointer as an Argument
References for Further Study
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