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An expert road map to IT portfolio management
Led by blue-chip companies, portfolio management is rapidly becoming the method of choice for gaining control over technology purchases. This nontechnical book synthesizes leading IT portfolio management practices used by top companies, complete with an included CD-ROM containing all the tools and templates used by top vendors. Step-by-step guidelines clearly map out the process of building and examining a comprehensive, effective IT portfolio, so business executives can quickly implement and examine an effective IT portfolio management system. Bryan Maizlish, MBA (Potomac, MD), is Chief Technology Officer at Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems Team NSGI. Robert Handler, MBA (Stamford, CT), is a Senior Program Director at METAGroup, a leading technology research firm. Information technology (IT) provides inordinate value if applied properly. Identifying and implementing new value and revenue opportunities, while maximizing return based on existing investments is contingent on understanding the entire portfolio of information technology investments. Just as a financial investment portfolio requires c***tant monitoring and action, the investments a company has, or is ***, in IT must c***tantly be evaluated. This need is evermore heightened in today's demanding regulatory environment. While silver bullet soluti*** do not exist for difficult problems, IT portfolio management provides a realistic approach to ensuring that investments in technology continue to *** the needs of business. Based on the authors' combined professional hands-on IT and financial experience of over thirty years, the unparalleled input and *** from an army of individuals from the leading IT market research firm in the area of IT portfolio management, extensive research and case studies from many exemplar companies, IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step provides the closest thing to a Holy Grail solutionthe first complete book ever published that presents a proven, pragmatic, and non-technical approach to simplifying the process of achieving a rationalized and business-aligned IT portfolio. IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step encapsulates the essential ingredients novices and experts need to build or fortify an existing IT portfolio, including extensive coverage of: The comprehensive five-level IT portfolio maturity model and portfolio metrics Policies, principles, ***anizational roles, and other governance ***ects of IT portfolio management, including linkages to Sarbanes-Oxley and CobiT The IT life cycle and each IT sub-portfolio in their content and context The eight detailed stages and specific tasks of building, step by step, the IT portfolio, replete with realities and less*** learned Coverage of advanced IT portfolio management topics such as Monte Carlo Simulation, the Efficient Frontier curve, Real Opti***, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Earned Value Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and Scenario Planning Criteria for selecting an IT portfolio management tool vendor Insight regarding the impact of future trends and technologies on IT portfolio management
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An expert road map to IT portfolio management
Led by blue-chip companies, portfolio management is rapidly becoming the method of choice for gaining control over technology purchases. This nontechnical book synthesizes leading IT portfolio management practices used by top companies, complete with an included CD-ROM containing all the tools and templates used by top vendors. Step-by-step guidelines clearly map out the process of building and examining a comprehensive, effective IT portfolio, so business executives can quickly implement and examine an effective IT portfolio management system. Bryan Maizlish, MBA (Potomac, MD), is Chief Technology Officer at Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems Team NSGI. Robert Handler, MBA (Stamford, CT), is a Senior Program Director at METAGroup, a leading technology research firm. Information technology (IT) provides inordinate value if applied properly. Identifying and implementing new value and revenue opportunities, while maximizing return based on existing investments is contingent on understanding the entire portfolio of information technology investments. Just as a financial investment portfolio requires c***tant monitoring and action, the investments a company has, or is ***, in IT must c***tantly be evaluated. This need is evermore heightened in today's demanding regulatory environment. While silver bullet soluti*** do not exist for difficult problems, IT portfolio management provides a realistic approach to ensuring that investments in technology continue to *** the needs of business. Based on the authors' combined professional hands-on IT and financial experience of over thirty years, the unparalleled input and *** from an army of individuals from the leading IT market research firm in the area of IT portfolio management, extensive research and case studies from many exemplar companies, IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step provides the closest thing to a Holy Grail solutionthe first complete book ever published that presents a proven, pragmatic, and non-technical approach to simplifying the process of achieving a rationalized and business-aligned IT portfolio. IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step encapsulates the essential ingredients novices and experts need to build or fortify an existing IT portfolio, including extensive coverage of: The comprehensive five-level IT portfolio maturity model and portfolio metrics Policies, principles, ***anizational roles, and other governance ***ects of IT portfolio management, including linkages to Sarbanes-Oxley and CobiT The IT life cycle and each IT sub-portfolio in their content and context The eight detailed stages and specific tasks of building, step by step, the IT portfolio, replete with realities and less*** learned Coverage of advanced IT portfolio management topics such as Monte Carlo Simulation, the Efficient Frontier curve, Real Opti***, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Earned Value Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and Scenario Planning Criteria for selecting an IT portfolio management tool vendor Insight regarding the impact of future trends and technologies on IT portfolio management
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