2015年考研英语阅读理解高分强化训练100篇 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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所使用的文章全部来自Economist,Newsweek,Time和US News and World Report以及《英语文摘》、《英语世界》等历年考研英语真题来源刊物,与真题选材保持高度的一致,阅读练习从题目的设计到答案的解析都是由富有多年考研阅卷与辅导经验的权威专家精心策划编写,完全体现考研真题的命题思路,从文章结构、重难点词汇、长难句理解、题目解析以及全文翻译等方面对文章进行全方位深度解析。
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen
Unit Seventeen
Unit Eighteen
Unit Nineteen
Unit Twenty
Unit Twenty one
白洁,女,1987年毕业于四川大学,获英语语言文学硕士学位。托福考试中国人民大学考点负责人。曾任英语专业综合技能训练课;博士、硕士、本科公共英语;外贸英语;金融英语。负责学校教师出国的英语强化培训。参与指导硕士生论文。与他人一起承担99级本科因材施教教改项目。96-98年参加美国福特基金会项目介绍美国联邦法院刑事、民事审判程序系列,之后由法律出版社出版了教材和教学光盘。还曾先后出版《英语语法理论极其流派》(合著)、《***重振雄风》(翻译)、《考研英语听力专项突破》等多部著作或译著。还发表《英语词汇教学要注重输出》(合著)、Perception Gap between Teachers and Learners and Its Implicati***(合著)、《剖析考研听力难点,排除听力障碍》等专业论文。1997年获中国人民大学校级优秀科研成果著作奖,1998年获中经报联报业经营管理教学奖。
Unit One
Part A
Read the following four texts Answer the questi*** below each text by choosing A,B,C or D
Text 1
The American economy, whether in government or private industry, has found retirement a convenient practice for managing the labor force On the positive side, widespread retirement has meant an expansion of leisure and opportunities for self fulfillment in later life On the negative side, the practice of retirement entails large costs, both in funding required for pension systems and in the loss of the accumulated skills and talents of older people
Critics of retirement as it exists today have pointed to the rigidity of retirement practices: for example, the fact that retirement is typically an all or nothing proposition Would it not be better to have some form of flexible or phased retirement, in which employees gradually reduce thei***ork hours or take longer vacati*** Such an approach might enable olde***orkers to adjust better to retirement, while permitting employers to make gradual changes instead of coping with the abrupt departure of an employee Retirement could be radically redefined in the future
Earlier criticism of mandatory retirement at a fixed age led to legal abolition of the practice, for the most part, in 1986 The same kind of criticism has been leveled at the practice of age discrimination in employment The Age Discrimination in Employment Act forbids olde***orkers from being limited or treated in any way that would harm their employment possibilities Still, most observers admit that age discrimination in the workplace remains widespread The negative stereotypes of olde***orkers have caused employers to be reluctant to hire or train older people Sometimes such discrimination against olde***orkers is based on mistaken ideas, such as the false belief that olde***orkers are less productive In fact, empirical studies have not shown olde***orkers to be less dependable in their job performance, nor are their absenteeism rate higher
Interest in the potential productivity of olde***orkers has stimulated the growth of industrial gerontology, a field concerned with recruitment, performance appraisal, retraining, and redesign of jobs to permit olde***orkers to be more productive Managing an olde***orkforce will clearly be a challenge for the future There is also much *** for the idea of work life extension; that is, adaptati*** of retirement roles or employment practices to enable older people to become more productive In favor of this idea is the fact that three quarters of employed people over 65 are in white collar occupati*** in service industries, which are less physically demanding than agriculture or manufacturing jobs As a result, it is sometimes argued, older people can remain in productive jobs now longer than in the past In addition, some ***ysts point to declining numbers of young people entering the workforce, thus anticipating a labor shortage later in the 1990s That development, if it occurred, might stimulate a need for olde***orkers and a reversal of the trend toward early retirement
Unit One
1 Opponents of the retirement policy say
A it costs too much money in the form of retirement pensi***
B retirement should be practiced only in the public sector
C it gives more leisure to old people than they know how to use
D it is too rigid and flexibility should be integrated into it
2 What happened in 1986
A Age discrimination was legally abolished
B Retired people were no longer entitled to pensi***
C Age limitation in retirement was abolished
D Mandatory retirement stopped being practiced
3 Empirical studies indicate that old people
A prefe***orking to retiringB are reliable workers
C are less productive than peopleD are less dependable
4 Industrial gerontology is concerned with
A how to meet the challenge of the future
B finding out how productive olde***orkers can be
C how to manage olde***orkers
D finding out what kind of people can stay after the retirement age
5 Which of the following might lead to work life extension
A The declining younger labor force
B Retraining of old people in modern skills
C The trend toward early retirement
D The expansion of agriculture and manufacturing industry
Text 2
Resale Price Maintenance is the name used when a retailer is compelled to sell at a price fixed by the manufacturer instead of choosing for himself how much to add on to the w***sale price he pays for his supplies This practice is associated with the sale of“branded” goods, which now form a very c***iderable proportion of c***umers purchases and it has led to a great deal of controversy
Generally such articles are packed and advertised by the manufacturers, who try to create a special image in the minds of possible purchasers—an image made up of the look of the article, its use, its price, and everything else which might lead purchasers to ask for that brand rather than any other If a retailer is allowed to charge any price he likes he may find it worthwhile to sell one brand at “cut” prices even though this involves a loss, because he hopes to attract customers to the shop, where they may be persuaded to buy many other types of goods at higher prices The manufacturer of the brand that has been cut fears that the retailer may be tempted to reduce the services on this article, but even if he does not there is a danger that the customer becomes unsettled and is unwilling to pay the standard price of the article because he feels that he is being “done” This may, and indeed often does, affect the reputation of the manufacturer and lose him his market in the long run
It is sometimes said also that the housewife—who is the principal buyer of most of these goods—prefers a fixed price because she knows where she is and is saved the bother of going from shop to shop in search of lower prices If one shop cut all the prices of its branded goods she would undoubtedly have an advantage in shopping there But this does not happen A store usually lowers the price of one or two of its articles which act as a decoy and makes up its losses on others, and changes the cut price articles from week to week so as to attract different groups of customers And so the housewife may feel rather guilty if she does not spend time tracking down the cheaper goods How far this is true is a matter of temperament and it is impossible to estimate what proportion of purchasers prefer a price that they can rely on wherever they choose to buy and what proportion enjoy the challenge involved in finding the store that offers them a bargain
6 Manufactures oppose retailers cutting prices on their goods mainly because they think
A retailers may eventually stop selling their products
B it may reduce customers confidence in their products
C customers may feel uneasy when prices vary
D it may sometimes lead to poor service
7 The word“article” in the second paragraph means
A a particular part or subject
B a particular object or item
C a particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract
D A non fictional li***ry composition that forms an independent part of a publication
8 By saying“He feels that he is being ‘done’”, the author means that customer thinks
A someone is despising himB someone is maltreating him
C someone is blackmailing himD someone is cheating him
9 Which of the following statements is False according to the passage
A Good service other than price is important in attracting customers
B An article without a brand name is not subject to Resale Price Maintenance
C Manufactures attempt to influence possible purchasers by *** their products easy to identify
D Housewives prefer fixed prices because fixed prices are much less likely to fluctuate
10 The sentence“She knows where she is” in the third paragraph can be paraphrased as “”
A She knows her placeB She knows her stuff
C She feels secureD She feels unsafe
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