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Publisher Comments:
"This book will give you an understanding of what has made Toyota successful and some practical ideas that you can use to develop your own approach to business."--Gary Convis, Managing Office of Toyota Fewer man-hours. Less inventory. The highest quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer. In factories around the globe, Toyota c***istently raises the bar for manufacturing, product development, and process excellence. The result is an amazing business success story:steadily taking market share from price-cutting competitors, earning far more profit than any other automaker, and winning the praise of business leaders worldwide.
The Toyota Way reveals the management principles behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Dr. Jeffrey Liker, a renowned authority on Toyota's Lean methods, explains how you can adopt these principles--known as the "Toyota Production System" or "Lean Production"--to improve the speed of your business processes, improve product and service quality, and cut costs, no matte***hat your industry.
Drawing on his extensive research on Toyota, Dr. Liker shares his insights into the foundational principles at work in the Toyota culture. He explains how the Toyota Production System evolved as a new paradigm of manufacturing excellence, transforming businesses across industries. You'll learn how Toyota fosters employee involvement at all levels, discover the difference between traditional process improvement and Toyota's Lean improvement, and learn why companies often think they are Lean--but aren't.
The fourteen management principles of the Toyota Way create the ideal environment for implementing Lean techniques and tools. Dr. Liker explains each key principle with detailed, examples from Toyota and other Lean companies on how to:
1.Foster an atmosphere of continuous improvement and learning
2.Create continuous process "flow" to unearth problems
3.Satisfy customers (and eliminate waste at the same time)
4.Grow your leaders rather than purchase them
5.Get quality right the first time
6.Grow togethe***ith your suppliers and partners for mutual benefit
Dr. Liker shows the Toyota Way in action, then outlines how to apply the Toyota Way in your ***anization, with examples of how other companies have rebuilt their culture to create a Lean, learning enterprise. The Toyota Way is an inspiring guide to taking the steps necessary to emulate Toyota's remarkable success.
1.What can your business learn from Toyota?
2.How to double or triple the speed of any business process
3.How to build quality into workplace systems
4.How to eliminate the huge costs of hidden waste
5.How to turn every employee into a quality control inspector
6.How to dramatically improve your products and services!
With a market capitalization greater than the value of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler combined, Toyota is also, (by far), the world's most profitable automaker. Toyota's secret weapon is Lean production--the revolutionary approach to business processes that it invented in the 1950's and has spent decades perfecting. Today businesses around the world are implementing Toyota's radical system for speeding up processes, reducing waste, and improving quality.
The Toyota Way, explain's Toyota's unique approach to Lean--the 14 management principles and philosophy that drive Toyota's quality and efficiency-obsessed culture. You'll gain valuable insights that can be applied to any ***anization and any business process, whether in services or manufacturing. Professor Jeffrey Liker has been studying Toyota for twenty years, and was given unprecedented access to Toyota executives, employees and factories, both in Japan and the United States, for this landmark work. The book is full of examples of the 14 fundamental principles at work in the Toyota culture, and how these principles create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. You'll discover how the right combination of long-term philosophy, process, people, and problem solving can transform your ***anization into a Lean, learning enterprise--the Toyota Way.
"The Toyota Way" is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Complete with profiles of ***anizati*** that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes.
This work explains how any manager can implement the management principles and business philosophy that are the basis of Toyota's reputation for high quality and profitability. These principles include eliminating wasted time and resources, and building quality into workplace systems.
How to speed up business processes, improve quality, and cut costs in any industry
In factories around the world, Toyota c***istently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability.
Complete with profiles of ***anizati*** that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by:
1.Eliminating wasted time and resources
2.Building quality into workplace systems
3.Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology
4.Producing in small quantities
5.Turning every employee into a qualitycontrol inspector
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 228 Width (mm) 160
傑弗瑞.萊克 Jeffrey K. Liker
現任密西根大學工業與作業工程系教授,為該校日本技術管理課程、精實製造與產品發展方法證書課程共同創辦人暨主任。曾經四度贏得新鄉卓越獎(Shingo Prize for Excellence),該獎項為紀念豐田生產制度的創造者新鄉重夫所設立的。萊克教授同時也是專門提供精實專長與供應鏈管理顧問服務的Optiprise管理顧問公司首席顧問,經常在《哈佛商業評論》、《史隆管理評論》及其他知名期刊上發表對豐田汽車公司的研究論述,所編撰的《邁向精實》(Becoming Lean)因對製造業提出精闢研究而於1998年贏得新鄉獎。
当今社会已经发展到只需一个按钮就能立即取得技术与管理信息的境界,当然,这实在是非常便利,但如果我们过于松懈,就会面临丧失思考能力的危险。我们必须记住,解决问题最终还是得靠人。 ----丰田英二
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Publisher Comments:
"This book will give you an understanding of what has made Toyota successful and some practical ideas that you can use to develop your own approach to business."--Gary Convis, Managing Office of Toyota Fewer man-hours. Less inventory. The highest quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer. In factories around the globe, Toyota c***istently raises the bar for manufacturing, product development, and process excellence. The result is an amazing business success story:steadily taking market share from price-cutting competitors, earning far more profit than any other automaker, and winning the praise of business leaders worldwide.
The Toyota Way reveals the management principles behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Dr. Jeffrey Liker, a renowned authority on Toyota's Lean methods, explains how you can adopt these principles--known as the "Toyota Production System" or "Lean Production"--to improve the speed of your business processes, improve product and service quality, and cut costs, no matte***hat your industry.
Drawing on his extensive research on Toyota, Dr. Liker shares his insights into the foundational principles at work in the Toyota culture. He explains how the Toyota Production System evolved as a new paradigm of manufacturing excellence, transforming businesses across industries. You'll learn how Toyota fosters employee involvement at all levels, discover the difference between traditional process improvement and Toyota's Lean improvement, and learn why companies often think they are Lean--but aren't.
The fourteen management principles of the Toyota Way create the ideal environment for implementing Lean techniques and tools. Dr. Liker explains each key principle with detailed, examples from Toyota and other Lean companies on how to:
1.Foster an atmosphere of continuous improvement and learning
2.Create continuous process "flow" to unearth problems
3.Satisfy customers (and eliminate waste at the same time)
4.Grow your leaders rather than purchase them
5.Get quality right the first time
6.Grow togethe***ith your suppliers and partners for mutual benefit
Dr. Liker shows the Toyota Way in action, then outlines how to apply the Toyota Way in your ***anization, with examples of how other companies have rebuilt their culture to create a Lean, learning enterprise. The Toyota Way is an inspiring guide to taking the steps necessary to emulate Toyota's remarkable success.
1.What can your business learn from Toyota?
2.How to double or triple the speed of any business process
3.How to build quality into workplace systems
4.How to eliminate the huge costs of hidden waste
5.How to turn every employee into a quality control inspector
6.How to dramatically improve your products and services!
With a market capitalization greater than the value of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler combined, Toyota is also, (by far), the world's most profitable automaker. Toyota's secret weapon is Lean production--the revolutionary approach to business processes that it invented in the 1950's and has spent decades perfecting. Today businesses around the world are implementing Toyota's radical system for speeding up processes, reducing waste, and improving quality.
The Toyota Way, explain's Toyota's unique approach to Lean--the 14 management principles and philosophy that drive Toyota's quality and efficiency-obsessed culture. You'll gain valuable insights that can be applied to any ***anization and any business process, whether in services or manufacturing. Professor Jeffrey Liker has been studying Toyota for twenty years, and was given unprecedented access to Toyota executives, employees and factories, both in Japan and the United States, for this landmark work. The book is full of examples of the 14 fundamental principles at work in the Toyota culture, and how these principles create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. You'll discover how the right combination of long-term philosophy, process, people, and problem solving can transform your ***anization into a Lean, learning enterprise--the Toyota Way.
"The Toyota Way" is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Complete with profiles of ***anizati*** that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes.
This work explains how any manager can implement the management principles and business philosophy that are the basis of Toyota's reputation for high quality and profitability. These principles include eliminating wasted time and resources, and building quality into workplace systems.
How to speed up business processes, improve quality, and cut costs in any industry
In factories around the world, Toyota c***istently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability.
Complete with profiles of ***anizati*** that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by:
1.Eliminating wasted time and resources
2.Building quality into workplace systems
3.Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology
4.Producing in small quantities
5.Turning every employee into a qualitycontrol inspector
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 228 Width (mm) 160
- 中评(388+)
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