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Praise for ChinAmerica
“A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the emergence of
China as a major industrial power and how profoundly it is changing
the world economy.” —Dr. Henry Kressel, author of Competing
for the Future: How Digital Innovati*** Are Changing the
“This book is essential reading for business leaders and
observers everywhere as this dramatic shift of economic and
political power from the West to China continues.” —Ray Bingham,
chairman, Flextronics International
“ChinAmerica provides extremely in-depth visibility into
the in***cti*** and interdependency of China and the United
States. I believe everyone who takes the time to read it will learn
of the many challenges and opportunities that exist for both China
and the United States.” —Richard Kulle, president and CEO, gEM
Services, Inc.
“Handel Jones lays out concisely what China is doing right and
the United States is doing wrong. This is a wake-up call because
China today is the most serious economic competitor that the United
States has ever faced. This book should be required reading for all
U.S. politicians and business leaders.” —Wilfred J. Corrigan,
founder, chairman, and CEO (retired), LSI Logic Corp.
Conventional wisdom pits China against the United States in a
war for economic supremacy. However, in ChinAmerica, Handel
Jones, one of the leading experts on China's industrial and
economic emergence, ***s that the wave of the future is
cooperation between the two titans, not conflict-and how America
will benefit from increased economic engagement and competition
with China.
To some, conflict between China and the United States appears to
be both imminent and unavoidable (indeed, in some eyes, the battle
has already begun). But this perspective badly overlooks one vital
fact: both nati*** have no choice other than to act in their mutual
interest. Focusing on several key areas of conflict and mutual
interest, Jones gives a thorough and eye-opening portrait of the
policies, history, and habits that have led to the intersecting
fortunes of the two superpowers. Jones also outlines acti*** the
United States must take to hold on to its leadership role by
f***ing equilibrium with China that's based on mutual respect and
As Jones makes clear, the contrast between the two powers
couldn't be more startling: while China is amassing through trade
nearly one-fourth of the world's foreign exchange reserves (nearly
three-fourths of that amount in USD), the United States excels
mostly as a c***umer of finished goods, with Americans unconcerned
about debt and other c***equences of living beyond their means.
China subsidizes development of more efficient manufacturing
techniques, and in resp***e America threatens protectionist
barriers. Developments such as these, however, don't necessarily
put the nati*** on a collision course. To Jones, these facts point
to a very real opportunity for Chinese and American governments and
businesses to work together rather than be separated by economic
Filled with cogent ***ysis and expert advice,
ChinAmerica is the most comprehensive look yet at the
interdependency of the world's two leading powers. This is a book
that will change minds about Sino-American relati***.
Handel Jones is the founder, owner, and CEO of
International Business Strategies, Inc., a market and strategy
c***ulting and ***ysis company whose client list includes IBM,
Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, T***C, and China Resources. He has
been involved with Chinese governments and state-owned and private
businesses for more than 30 years, and he is one of the leading
experts in directing international business investment in China and
Chinese corporate investment/expansion overseas. He lives in Los
Gatos, California.
“Handel Jones lays out concisely what China is doing right and
the United States is doing wrong. This is a wake-up call because
China today is the most serious economic competitor that the United
States has ever faced. This book should be required reading for all
U.S. politicians and business leaders.” —Wilfred J. Corrigan,
founder, chairman, and CEO (retired), LSI Logic Corp.
Handel Jones is the founder, owner, and CEO of
International Business Strategies, Inc., a market and strategy
c***ulting and ***ysis company whose client list includes IBM,
Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, T***C, and China Resources. He has
been involved with Chinese governments and state-owned and private
businesses for more than 30 years, and he is one of the leading
experts in directing international business investment in China and
Chinese corporate investment/expansion overseas. He lives in Los
Gatos, California.
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Praise for ChinAmerica "A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the emergence of China as a major industrial power and how profoundly it is changing the world economy." -Dr. Henry Kressel, author of Competing for the Future: How Digital Innovati*** Are Changing the World "This book is essential reading for business leaders and observers everywhere as this dramatic shift of economic and political power from the West to China continues."-Ray Bingham, chairman, Flextronics International "ChinAmerica provides extremely in-depth visibility into the in***cti*** and interdependency of China and the United States. I believe everyone who takes the time to read it will learn of the many challenges and opportunities that exist for both China andthe United States." -Richard Kulle, president and CEO, gEM Services, Inc. "Handel Jones lays out concisely what China is doing right and the United States is doing wrong. This is a wake-up call because China today is the most serious economic competitor that the United States has ever faced. This book should be required reading for all U.S. politicians and business leaders." -Wilfred J. Corrigan, founder, chairman, and CEO (retired), LSI Logic Corp. Conventional wisdom pits China against the United States in a war for economic supremacy. However, in ChinAmerica, Handel Jones, one of the leading experts on China's industrial and economic emergence, ***s that the wave of the future is cooperation between the two titans, not conflict-and how America will benefit from increased economic engagement and competition with China. To some, conflict between China and the United States appears to be both imminent and unavoidable (indeed, in some eyes, the battle has already begun). But this perspective badly overlooks one vital fact: both nati*** have no choice other than to act in their mutual interest. Focusing on several key areas of conflict and mutual interest, Jones gives a thorough and eye-opening portrait of the policies, history, and habits that have led to the intersecting fortunes of the two superpowers. Jones also outlines acti*** the United States must take to hold on to its leadership role by f***ing equilibrium with China that's based on mutual respect and dependence. As Jones makes clear, the contrast between the two powers couldn't be more startling: while China is amassing through trade nearly one-fourth of the world's foreign exchange reserves (nearly three-fourths of that amount in USD), the United States excels mostly as a c***umer of finished goods, with Americans unconcerned about debt and other c***equences of living beyond their means. China subsidizes development of more efficient manufacturing techniques, and in resp***e America threatens protectionist barriers. Developments such as these, however, don't necessarily put the nati*** on a collision course. To Jones, these facts point to a very real opportunity for Chinese and American governments and businesses to work together rather than be separated by economic tensi***. Filled with cogent ***ysis and expert advice, ChinAmerica is the most comprehensive look yet at the interdependency of the world's two leading powers. This is a book that will change minds about Sino-American relati***. Handel Jones is the founder, owner, and CEO of International Business Strategies, Inc., a market and strategy c***ulting and ***ysis company whose client list includes IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, T***C, and China Resources. He has been involved withChinese governments and state-owned and private businesses for more than 30 years, and he is one of the leading experts in directing international business investment in China and Chinese corporate investment/expansion overseas. He lives in Los Gatos, California. "Handel Jones lays out concisely what China is doing right and the United States is doing wrong. This is a wake-up call because China today is the most serious economic competitor that the United States has ever faced. This book should be required reading for all U.S. politicians and business leaders." -Wilfred J. Corrigan, founder, chairman, and CEO (retired), LSI Logic Corp.
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