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The United States faces the realistic and indefinite threat of
terrorist attack with nuclea***eap***. Whether the United States is
successful in preventing such an attack will depend on whethe***e
effectively wield the instruments of security. It will also depend
on whethe***e effectively manage national security processes and
apply the law in a manner that both enhances security and upholds
our core values. As a result, lawyers, not just presidents,
generals, and spies, will decide the outcome of this conflict. This
book is essential for anyone wanting an understanding of national
security law and process. The book includes chapters on
c***titutional law, the use of force, and homeland security,
presented in the context of today's threats and as applied to
issues like rendition and electronic surveillance.
· Important examination of national security law in the perilous
post 9/11 world · Emphasizes preserving security does not require
curtailing individual liberties · Clear and concise explanation of
the complexities surrounding national security issues
Acknowledgments page xi
Abbreviati*** xiii
Introduction 1
1 Perilous Times: Describing the Threat 8
2 The Meaning of National Security 13
A. Invoking National Security 13
B. Defining National Security 16
C. Security, the Rule of Law, and C***titutional Values
1. Physical Security 21
2. C***titutional Values and the Rule of Law 21
3 National Security Law 23
A. Law and Security 23
B. Law and Leadership 28
C. Law and Liberty 29
4 C***titutional Framework 32
A. Separate and Shared Powers: Sources of
C***titutional Law 33
1. Text 33
2. Statutory Gloss and Interpretation 36
3. Case Law 38
B. Courts and C***titutional Law 46
1. Legal Limits on the Exercise of Jurisdiction 47
2. Legal Policy and the Exercise of Jurisdiction 49
3. Institutional Limitati*** 50
4. Contextual Application of Law 51
C. Observati*** on the Practice of C***titutional Law
1. Practice as Precedent 54
2. Theory as Law 55
3. The Volume of C***titutional Decision 58
4. Institutional and Political Oversight 62
5. Formal and Informal Practice 63
6. A Few Good Men and Women 69
5 Electronic Surveillance: C***titutional Law Applied 71
A. Legal and Historical Background 71
B. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as
Amended 78
C. Warrantless Electronic Surveillance 87
D. Epilogue 96
6 National Security Process 99
A. C***titutional Framework and Overview 100
1. Executive Decision 100
2. Congress 102
3. The Media 103
4. Non-Governmental Organizati*** 104
B. Presidential Decision-Making 105
1. Formal Framework 105
2. National Security Council Staff 110
3. Informal and Ad Hoc Process 116
C. The Office of the Vice President 119
D. Appraisal 121
7 Intelligence 126
A. Bureaucratic and Legal Framework 126
1. Legal Framework 127
2. Congressional Oversight 130
3. National–Military Bifurcation 132
4. Intelligence Community 134
B. The Five Intelligence Functi*** 135
1. Collection 135
2. Analysis and Dissemination 141
3. Counterintelligence 147
4. Covert Action 148
a. Statutory Context 150
b. Executive Process and Review 154
c. Legal Permits and C***traints 154
d. Legal Policy Issues 156
5. Liaison 159
C. Extradition, Rendition, and Extraordinary Rendition:
Law Applied 162
D. Conclusion 172
8 Use of Military Force 176
A. The War Power 177
1. Theory and Law 178
2. The Common Law of History 181
3. The War Powers Resolution 183
a. C***ultation 183
b. Reporting 183
c. Sixty-Day Clock 185
d. Appraisal 189
B. nternational Law 192
1. Resort to Force 193
a. Self-Defense 194
b. Anticipatory Self-Defense 196
c. From Anticipation to Preemption 200
d. Protection of Nationals 207
e. Security Council Authorization 207
f. Humanitarian Intervention and Other Compelling
Circumstances 210
2. Application of Force – Methods and Means of Warfare
a. Specific Rules and General Principles 214
b. Legal Policy and the Application of the Law 219
C. C***titutional Chain of Command 225
1. Combatant Commands 230
2. Opcon, TacCon, AdCon, and Foreign Command 233
3. Appraisal 234
9 Homeland Security 240
Part I: Homeland Security Decision-Making Resources,
and Legal Framework 242
A. The Threat Revisited 242
B. Homeland Security Strategy 243
C. Decision-Making Structure 246
1. Presidential Process and Decision 247
2. Sub-Cabinet Coordination 254
3. State and Local Coordination 257
D. Three Whos: Who Decides? Who Pays? Who Acts?
1. Federalism 261
2. The Military Instrument 265
a. Legal Framework 267
(1) Posse Comitatus 268
(2) The Insurrection Act 270
(3) The Stafford Act 272
Part II: Specific Regimes and Appraisal 274
A. Nonproliferation 275
B. Maritime Security 281
C. Public Health 285
D. Appraisal 290
1. Katrina and the GAO Reality Gap 290
2. Toward a Homeland Security Legal Strategy 294
a. Herding the Legal Elephants 297
(1) Use of the Military 297
(2) Private Sector Resp***ibilities 299
(3) Federalism 300
b. Principles to Inform Homeland Security Law 301
(1) Transparency 301
(2) Dual-Use Capacity/Dual Benefit Policy 302
(3) Risk Management, Not Risk Acceptance 303
(4) Concentric Defense 304
(5) Appraisal 305
10 The National Security Lawyer 307
A. National Security Legal Practice 310
B. The Duty of the National Security Lawyer 317
Attachments 327
Notes 345
Index 381
The threat of terrorism places U.S. national security police at the crossroads of security and liberty. This book focuses on the legal issues surrounding the war on terror. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants an honest review of the law and an accessible understanding of how law relates to U.S. national security. This is also a book about national security government and why it is dependent on good process and the moral integrity of those who wield its power. This is at heart a book about the process and practice of government and what we should mean when we refer to "good government."
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